Jesus Erlandson-Gonzales Jr., age 22

Lost to gun violence on August 30, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Also killed was:

275 candles have been lit for Jesus.
Light a candle for Jesus.

You can add to Jesus's profile:

  • Nickname:
    12 3SSE
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    16 Outgoing, protective, caring, and honest
    16 funny
    16 funny, biggest character, always someone to make you laugh
    8 Such a outgoing, bright soul
    10 best father to his baby.
    8 Best father, brother and uncle.
    8 Always happy never a dull moment with him.
    8 he was one of a kind for real.
    2 always had something funny to say never a dull moment with him
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    4 Very funny someone to always make you laugh

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