Steven Santillan, age 37

Lost to gun violence on January 25, 2024 in Splendora, Texas.

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  • Nickname:
    5 chucky
    5 Pugs
    5 Uncle
    5 Fat boy
    2 oh ways sent tiktoks I miss that I wish you can still do it
  • Number of children:
    5 5 children
    3 Nephew
    2 Cousin
    1 husband
    1 father
  • Personality:
    13 Fun loving, Selfless, Funny
    11 Big kid at heart
    11 Family man
    12 prankster
    11 Hard Working
    12 a heart of gold
    12 Silly, life of the party
    4 I love you uncle I miss you so much
    7 loving son always wanted the best for me and his dad 😭
    3 Funny, big hearted., was the glue to the family …♥️♥️♥️
    1 always in my heart mijo 🙏🏼
  • Occupation:
    4 helper
  • Workplace:
    4 tricon precast
  • Schools attended:
    3 hambrick jr high and macarthur high school
    3 RIP
  • Comments:
    6 We miss you so much brother.
    6 Baby Brother we love and miss you
    3 We love you so much Big Brother.
    3 I love and miss you baby brother and I'm so sorry this happened to you
    5 I love you my love 🥺 i miss u everyday
    2 May you rest in paradise Mijo I love you🙏🏼
    3 miss more than anything uncle jiji loves her uncle
    2 RIP
    2 You couldn’t help but love him the moment you spent time with him . Love you nephew 😢
    3 not a day goes by that im not thinking of you brother. i love you so much
    2 You are my life my everything!!!
    3 son why you leave why my heart aches so much 😭
    2 Miss you, love you until we see each other again !! ♥️
    1 a whole month out you brother, i miss you so much.
    2 i miss your phone calls and text messages
    1 i love you Stevie..
    1 love you son
    1 i think about u everyday, i love you so much
    1 They took a big chunk of my heart the day they took you from me 🥺
    1 miss u brother, it still doesnt feel real
    1 Stevie sabby still at it..working working working.. love u dad..I'll see you again
    1 i miss you so much, my heart will forever feel empty for you.
    1 missing you son this savages that took your life dont no what they did took a beautiful soul
    1 My husband (your brother) misses you so much he talks about you and sheds tears.
    1 oh brother we miss you tremendously, our lives have been changed forever. We love you very much
    1 imy brother, i think about you often. i love you so much.
    1 son missing you i wished this would of never happened to you 😭
    1 it doesnt get easier being without you!!!!!
    1 son we missed yesterday it was julies birthday it will never be the same without you
    1 son i miss you so
    1 two month without you it dont get easier RIP my son
    1 missing you son
    1 still haven't accepted the fact that your gone. i love you brother
    1 i miss u so mych brother, i just want u back
    1 you will forever be my everything my love
    1 today is one of those hard days brother. i miss you so much.
    1 Continue to watch over us brother. We love and miss you every second of the day.
    1 Brother continue to shine that light for us, we miss you dearly. We love you
    1 Everyday is a striggke without you but i will never stop fighting for you!!
    1 son i miss you so much my heart aches
    1 missing you so much brother. ily
    1 3 month without you son its so hard you took care of me and dad may you RIP my beloved son
    1 son i miss you so much
    1 love you nephew.. Sabby doing real good I know you are proud of him.
    1 I miss you so much bro. I miss ur random texts and tiktoks but most of all i miss our get togethers
    1 love you son life will never be the same without you RIP my sweet son
    1 imy brother. Days seem to get harder the more they go on without you.
    1 love you everyday gets harder being without you my❤️
    1 i will never be ok without you my world ❤️
    1 Happy Father's day Brother. I 💜 and miss you.
    2 son 5 minth with out still waiting on yiur crazy texts we love you so RIP love mom
    1 HBD brother i miss you so much
    1 6 months has passed s
    1 I know you are by my side every step of the way my love making tou so proud 🥺🥺
    1 I miss you my love ❤️❤️ the days get harder as they pass my heart cant handle it 🪽💔💔
    1 We love you brother.
    1 son still waiting for you to come through the door
    1 son its almost going on 11 month with out you this Christmas is the hardest for us RIP
    1 bro, I love and miss you
    1 the last holiday we spent together and we couldn't even stay awake until midnight

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