Whitney Ashlyn Bertil, age 28

Lost to gun violence on September 24, 2023 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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96 candles have been lit for Whitney.
Light a candle for Whitney.

You can add to Whitney's profile:

  • Nickname:
    4 Whit
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 Sweet
    3 Caring
    3 Self Less
    3 Thought the world of her family and friends
    3 Whitney would give you her last that's how big her heart was
    3 Outgoing
    3 The life of the party
    3 God Fearing
    3 Honest
    2 LOYAL
    3 As real as it gets
  • Occupation:
    3 Soon to be Registered Nurse
  • Workplace:
    2 T-Mobile
  • Schools attended:
    3 Cleveland Community College
  • Comments:
    3 Whitney was a light that shined so bright , I hate this happened to you cousin I love you 💗

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