Jahsiel Al Amin, age 22

Lost to gun violence on May 8, 2023 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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160 candles have been lit for Jahsiel.
Light a candle for Jahsiel.

You can add to Jahsiel's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 Dread
    8 Jah
    1 Son
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 so funny and had the best smile the goofiest laugh a funny and unique personality a heart of gold
    3 He always made everyone around him laugh and smile He was a bright spot in the world
    3 There is not a day that goes by I don’t think of you..I’m so sorry Heart is broken.
    1 Miss you so much Jah sometimes it seem like your right here next to me love you
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Aiken Carpe Diem
  • Comments:
    3 Our family is no longer whole without him Love you Jahsiel
    1 Jah you took a piece of me when you left. Life not life without you.
    1 Not a day goes by I don’t think of you MISS YOUR SMILE SO MUCH
    1 Miss you Buddy. My rollie forever. Wish you were here getting on my nerves.

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