Alonza Georgia, age 24

Lost to gun violence on March 26, 2023 in New York, New York.

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1904 candles have been lit for Alonza.
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You can add to Alonza's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    100 Goofy, Bundle Of Joy, Always Smiling And Happy. Just A Genuine Pure Soul.
  • Occupation:
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  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    16 I’m so sorry luv , I pray you rest in peace ♥️
    7 My deepest sympathy 🙏 to the family and his friends. Rest In Peace.
    100 I love you so much thank you for giving me some of the best years of my life. - Your Girl Prii
    4 You will be missed z forever my favorite cousin love you
    2 i love you z sorry this happen ! my brother for like
    3 love you forever bink -grandson

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