Asa Alvarez, age 3

Lost to gun violence on November 13, 2022 in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

Asa died Nov 17th.

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1573 candles have been lit for Asa.
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  • Nickname:
    2 Son son
    2 Asa Boy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 He was the happiest lil boy
    2 it was Asas way or the highway!!
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 He was loving and learning in his mommas arms.
  • Comments:
    3 You’re up above smiling angel ♥️
    3 Gramma misses you so much! I love you my lil Gosema. 'Hugs'
    1 I have a big emptiness within, I miss my Gosemas so much!
    1 auntie bub loves you so much!!!
    1 You are my sunshine....
    1 I love you my Gosema!-Gramma
    1 Yiu had the most beautiful smile, Gramma misses & loves you.
    1 Nothing us the same, Aunty misses you!
    1 I'm unsure which pain is worse, the shock of what happened or the ache for what never will....
    1 I love you sweet baby boy!
    1 Forever in my heart you will be, I miss you so so much my bebe boy. I love you. Gramma
    1 On this day of love, know that you are loved and missed so much! Gramma
    1 If only....Missing you and loving you a whole lotta of bunches! Gramma❤️
    1 Somedays I feel so lost, Gramma misses you so so much! I love you Gosema!
    1 My little SonSon, Gramma misses you & Fonz everyday. I love you sweet baby boy!
    1 The day your heart stopped, is the day mine broke. 💔 Gramma misses you!
    1 You are always in my thoughts. I miss you my bebe boy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Gramma
    1 5 months ago Heaven gained the most precious Angels. I miss my bebe boys! Love, Gramma❤️
    1 😢 I miss you my little boy. You gave the best hugs! I love my sweet Gosema! Gramma
    1 Each and every day I miss you! I love you Son Son! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Gramma
    1 7 months later the heartache is still fresh. Gramma misses you so very much! I love you.
    1 So very unfair, how could one person cause so much pain? Missing my baby boys daily....
    1 auntie loves you bebe boy!
    1 Been 1 year since you were in my arms for the last time. Miss n love you my sweet bebe. Gramma
    1 I miss my rides in the Tonka truck, you were the best fast driver! Miss & love you, Gramma❤️
    1 Brutal ugliness took you away 8 months ago. My heartache will last a lifetime. Gramma❤️
    1 7/25/23-Happy 4th Birthday in Heaven my precious Angel. Miss & love you! Gramma
    1 Oh how I miss you my lil sweet baby boy. Forever I will love you! ❤️❤️ Gramma
    1 8/17/23 Our Angel in Heaven, my Asa Boo, I love you! Gramma❤️
    1 My Sunshine, I miss you! Loving you forever! ❤️❤️Gramma
    1 9/17/23-I hope you're dancing in the sky! Gramma loves you Son son!❤️❤️
    1 I think of you daily my lil Gosema. Gramma loves you & misses you.❣️
    1 XOXOXOXO-My bebe boy, I love you! Gramma
    1 10/17/23-11 months an Angel, Gramma misses you so very much. I love you bebe boy! ❣️❣️
    1 My Gosema, your Pooky is up in the yard! I miss you bebe boy. I love you!🎃🎃 Gramma
    1 11/17/23-My Asa boy, 1 whole yr w/out you. Everyday I think of you & miss you! Love you, Gramma❤️❤️
    1 Ka-Chow!!
    1 Gramma sure could use one of your hugs. I love you Asa, miss you bunches!🥹
    1 Holidays are tuff without you & Alonzo. Gramma loves & misses you both so much. ❤️❤️
    2 My lil Asa boy, Gramma loves you bunches! I miss you son son! ❤️❤️🥹
    1 Would you hold my hand, if I saw you in Heaven....
    1 Thinking of our last hug, you hugged me so tight you were shaking, biggest smile. "Hugs" Gramma
    1 😭Gramma loves you bebe boy, missing you lots lil hunny bunny!
    1 I miss you Asa, Gramma loves you lil boy!❤️🥹
    1 XOXOXOXO-Oh how I miss you! Gramma😢
    1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥹 Gramma misses you!
    1 😢 i miss you
    1 Someday Gramma will hold you once again. I miss you so much my lil Asa boy. I love you!❤️❤️
    1 I wish I could hold you one more time to ease the pain. Gramma loves you!
    1 love you forever!
    1 My Asa boy, my heart feels an emptiness, I miss you so lil boy. Gramma loves you!
    1 You are my sunshine. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥹
    1 Forever thankful Gramma got to dance w you on Mothers Day! Love you Asa.
    1 XOXOXOXO I love you my lil one, miss you. Gramma
    1 ❤️❤️ I love you Asa boy. Gramma misses you honey bunny!❤️❤️
    1 You are in my heart forever my lil Asa boy. I miss you always. I love you, Gramma 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️
    1 Gosema, Gosema, he's my lil Gosema! Gramma loves & misses you my lil Asa boy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 Biggest hugs my lil bebe boy! Gramma misses you Asa, I love you!
    1 I sure do miss you & Fonz. Gramma loves you bebe boy! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 Happy 5th AsaBaby!! I love you baby boy!!!! - Auntie Bub
    1 Happy 5th Heavenly birthday my Asa boy. Missing you & loving you! Gramma ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 I love you Asa, it's not easy w/out you & brother. 🥹 Gramma
    1 I put your Tonka truck in the garage, imagined you playing & having fun! Love you, Gramma
    1 My lil Asa boy, I miss you and love you bunches! Gramma 🥹
    1 Somedays are really hard, I miss you boys so very much. Gramma loves you my Gosema ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 😢 Gramma sure does miss you lil boy. I love you Asa boy
    1 The best hugs you gave to me, Gramma misses you Son son. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 I miss you Son son 😢
    1 💔 "sigh"
    1 My lil cutie boy, Gramma loves you! Hug brother tight for me. Miss you!
    1 Remember Me....
    1 Missing my rides in your Tonka truck. I love you my lil Asa boy. Gramma❤️
    1 My Asa boy, I miss you! I love you lil hunny bunny! Gramma
    1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 You are my sunshine....❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 11/17/24 Beautiful beautiful boy, Gramma misses you. 2 yrs an Angel, you are loved! Gramma ❤️
    1 Gosema Gosema he's my lil Gosema! Gramma sure misses you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 I read a quote, Grief is just love with nowhere to go. I hurt.
    1 Ka-Chow! Missing you bebe boy. Gramma
    1 Asa boy, I miss you & love you awhole lots! Gramma ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 Going into 2025 w/out you boys, unfair. Gramma loves you Asa. Miss you .
    1 My lil sunshine, oh how I miss you. Gramma loves you.❤️
    1 My lil Asa boy, Gramma loves you bunches! I miss you baby boy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    1 I sure could use one of your tight hugs Asa boy. Gramma misses you so very much!
    1 Hugs & kisses my sweet baby boy. I love you Asa! Gramma
    1 I love you my bebe boy. Gramma 🫶🏽
    1 💔😢

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