Sergio Cepeda, age 42

Lost to gun violence on October 21, 2022 in Mission, Texas.

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118 candles have been lit for Sergio.
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You can add to Sergio's profile:

  • Nickname:
    5 El Cheko
    1 pelon
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    5 hard headed..but with the most beautiful ❤️ that alot of people didn't know
  • Occupation:
    5 welder
  • Workplace:
    5 Cepeda's Welding
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    4 I will always love you and you will always be in my heart
    3 I still can't believe you're gone you will forever be missed I can't stop missing you
    4 your forever wife will always love you you took a big chunk of my heart
    4 I miss you so much Gordo Abby and I will always have you in our heart ❤️
    4 you took my ❤️
    4 miss you more with each day that passes
    4 I hope you have some of my turkey for Thanksgiving Gordo I know you loved my Thanksgiving dinner
    2 I miss you every night I remember your smile and how it would light up a room.
    3 You were in my heart this Christmas I love you Gordo always will
    3 Happy new year to heaven baby Abby started her nursing
    3 You would be so proud of her please always watch over her
    2 Happy birthday gordo ❤️🌹2/7/1980
    1 It’s been a long ass year without you no matter what you are in my heart and head everyday❤️

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