Keith K. Gaylord Jr., age 23

Lost to gun violence on September 30, 2022 in Topeka, Kansas.

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132 candles have been lit for Keith.
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You can add to Keith's profile:

  • Nickname:
    5 Keithy
    2 Brother "Bro"
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 Big heart! Big dreams! Lots of love for his family! Independent and motivated!
  • Occupation:
    3 in our hearts, watching over us, Living his best life! AS HE SHOULD!!!
  • Workplace:
    3 Target
  • Schools attended:
    4 Allen Community College.
  • Comments:
    7 Love you Keithy!!
    3 our heart/sould went with u. U gave us NHO/ your love/life of u were keeping alive "NHO"
    2 we love u... fly high and live like a king next to the King as you should.. our angel!
    2 I love you my son...You will always be with me...
    1 miss you my son..

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