Ricky Lathan, age 35

Lost to gun violence on July 12, 2022 in Saint Louis, Missouri.

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561 candles have been lit for Ricky.
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You can add to Ricky's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Lil Rickey, Mr. Amazing,
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    1 charming, funny
  • Occupation:
    5 General Manager
  • Workplace:
    4 General manager at Panera Bread
  • Schools attended:
    1 Sumner High School
    1 Harris Stowe
  • Comments:
    9 Another victim of senseless violence, fly high sir 🕊
    6 U lit up the room with your presense.Until we meet again,friend
    8 you were a great manager and always had the best smile. ill miss you so much
    6 Captain you will be truly missed
    3 your smile lit up a room! I will never foryou. I love you
    3 I will always remember you.
    2 You can rip now. they got the two bros.

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