Sebastian Reyes, age 56

Lost to gun violence on April 9, 2022 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

This case is still unsolved. If you have information, call IMPD Detective Jesus Soria at 317-327-3475 or Indianapolis Crime Stoppers at 317-262-8477.

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3021 candles have been lit for Sebastian.
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Visitors created this profile for Sebastian:

  • Nickname:
    5 Terry
    4 His Muslim name. is Tariq
    4 Tariq Na-eem Shabazz
  • Number of children:
    5 6
    2 6 children 1 deceased
    4 6 Grandchildren
  • Personality:
    3 Good natured, loving and forgiving.
    3 wise.charismatic, tough ,meticulous in his appearance .loyal.
    2 YesYesYes so True!!!!! 🀲🏾
  • Occupation:
    1 Labor
  • Schools attended:
    1 All schools in Brooklyn New York, and Islamic School in Indpls.
  • Comments:
    2 He loving and caring
    2 He had a heart of gold, he always made me feel special and Loved πŸ’”πŸ’”Rasheeda Always
    1 He had a heart of Gold, he loved Allah. Alhamdulillah🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾
    2 Ramadan is coming to an end it was your favorite tune of the year. Love Always Rasheeda
    2 Ramadan is almost over your favorite time of the year. I miss you so much Love Rasheeda
    1 My Love, may Allah make your grave Spacious and full of Light!!!!!
    1 Someone keeps removing my post, I have been respectful to yours be respectful to mines.
    1 My love I miss you Tremendously, always Rasheeda❀️🀲🏾
    1 Eid celebration is today my dear know you are truly.missed.
    4 Eid celebration without you.and your Amazing smile will be truly missed.
    2 Eid Mubarak, missing you Immensely Love U always Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    3 He was street smart..Tough..but was strong in his."Imaan"..
    1 May Allah be with you my Love U where a Good Man🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾
    2 I miss most is your BIG personality, and PRAYING over me from the Beginning!!! Sheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 May Allah be with you my Love, U were a GOOD man🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾
    1 I miss most is your BIG Personality and you PRAYING over me from the beginning
    2 I miss most is your BIG Personality and you PRAYING over me from the Beginning!!! SheedaπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 Why do U delete my post in Allah Proclaim him 4 Allah's will!!!
    1 I like you am in unmentionable pain, I respect his choice...
    2 There are no words that can it feels to lose.a child
    1 Please keep my mother in law in your prayers on this special dayπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 Tariq your life was a blessing.and love beyond words.missed beyond measure.Love
    1 Today you've been gone a month, missing U Deeply!!!!!πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    3 Bae..your soul can rest..We are going to find who did this to you.
    2 Tariq..there.will never be another our lives
    1 Asalaam Alakium. my dear Alhamdulilah In Sha Allah
    1 Bismillah Alhamdulillah until We meet again!!
    1 Bae I Believe Allah Knows
    1 knew how to love each of us equally and Fairly."Shukran"
    2 Tariq..Bae the worst day of my life was.the of yours.Alhamdulilah
    2 Tariq, It's been six week today, I still can't believe your goneπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    2 I love him as much as you do this is very hurtful!!!πŸ’”
    1 Asalaam Alakium. Bae rest.
    1 whoever you.are..I have no understanding. We.dont share.the.same space..
    1 Stop.Tariq loved All of his wives differently.
    2 Who is this, I never knew he had other wives
    2 My love for U is always STRONG, Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    2 We love him so we need to find out who did this to him!!!!!!!
    1 Asalaam is "Juma" your Muslim brothers miss you..
    2 My Love your baby girl graduated Wednesday so proud of her Rasheeda πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ˜
    2 Asalaam is another day without you..we all miss you.and
    1 Tariq what bad.they have not.found.who did this!!!
    2 Oh Tariq I'm just stuck, all these pictures of you. I can't get it together Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 I know U would not want me to grieve like this, but I miss U so😍😘πŸ₯°
    1 Rip my friend forever.
    2 Tariq I will always keep talking about you,because you deserve to be remembered. RIP
    2 Tariq, love you today as I have every day since I met you, Love always Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”
    2 There will always be and EMPTY place in my heart I Love U Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 Two Month's Today 🀲🏾❀️🀲🏾❀️🀲🏾❀️🀲🏾❀️🀲🏾
    1 Tariq thank you for your forever.Rest in peace love..
    2 Tariq my mind knows you are gone.but my heart will never stop loving you.
    1 Tariq I thank U for your Love, I miss U soπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    2 My Love one of your Muslim Brothers passed way U spoke very highly of him SheedaπŸ’”
    2 There are so many things I miss about you, it's so hard Love U Always Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    2 Tariq,missing the problem ,knowing you will never be coming back that's killing me bae...
    2 Tariq, Happy Fathers Day my Love, everyone misses U Love Rasheeda πŸ’”πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°
    1 Tariq, happy.fathers day..RIP..
    1 Tariq, I see what you meant,so love thanks for..6 years of you loving us.a father.every day.
    1 Assalam Alaykum my Love, U were so full of Life & Wise, I don't want to let goπŸ’”πŸ’”
    2 My Love Khi Khi graduated last week, he's ready for first grade Alhamdulillah, Sheedaβ™₯️β™₯️
    1 Oh Tariq, everything is such a struggle in your absence, Please Allah send me some Comfort πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 Tariq, your soul and our.souls will forever be tangled..loved.
    1 I.cant.stay on here knowing how real and private you were thanks for loving me .and the memories
    2 Assalam Alaykum my Love I will always offer Dua for U Daily, Rasheeda πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎ
    3 My Love, I miss U so, your presence is still so Strong. In everything ❀️❀️❀️❀️
    2 222 lit πŸ”₯ a candle for Sebastian praying for healing β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή ~love Fabian Gomez’s mom
    1 BrokenπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”Tariq I'm trying to get it together 🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾🀲🏾
    2 Tomorrow will be 3mths I'm not giving up on U, Love Rasheeda ❀️❀️❀️
    2 Tariq a Hummingbird visited me yesterday, so Beautiful Sheeda 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜
    1 Eid Mubarak my Love U are truly missedπŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”
    1 Yes love my mind still talks to you and my heart always feels you.
    2 My Love there are actually times I still feel U near Sheeda πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 OMG, I found some old music u saved on my phone πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ˜­
    1 only.a special person could make all the feeled loved and that
    1 Tariq I am not sure of anything .But I am certain that I loved you with a depth only you understood
    1 Tariq I'm so hurt, I thought today would be a better day I'm trying πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 Tariq, you were a exceptional husband.You knew how to.bring a happiness to each of us.My.Love
    1 "Assalam Alaykum My Love what are we going to do Today"😘😍πŸ₯°
    2 I still have problems processing your really gone at times πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ˜­πŸ’”
    2 Assalam Alaykum My Love I'm angry & hurt, but still fighting ❀️ SheedaπŸ’”
    1 Tariq, you promised to safe.and.warm and now you're love just like that
    1 Tariq if you had.introduced Rasheeda she would like me..Alhamdulilah
    1 Tariq, our time slowly slipped away.I Believed we had more time..I Believed Allah Knew.
    1 Tariq your Fathers last Silbing/Aunt has passed awayπŸ˜’πŸ’”πŸ˜’πŸ’”πŸ˜’
    1 Tariq,I thought I knew pain until the heavens opened up and took you back.
    2 Respect is all I ask for your " Code " Rasheeda πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
    2 Assalam Alaykum I KNOW Allah will reveal his KillerπŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎ
    1 Reach out to me on messenger Carolyn Bradley
    1 stop.the pettiness..if you loved.and.respected.Tariq chose.multiple wives.
    1 Tariq, I blessed one of.your Muslim brothers with.your.Throbs.he was πŸ™
    1 I would love to speak to the person who keeps deleting, I knew nothing of UπŸ₯°
    2 Thank You, he's gone and we need to respect the laws of our Deem Rasheeda
    2 I have nothing but respect for U all, why I'm I being disrespected Rasheed❀️
    1 Tariq, I miss you the most when my mind has a chance to wander my heart has a moment to remember.
    1 Tariq, I'd go to.the end.of the earth to see you ,to touch more.time..
    1 Tariq, help us find the person.that did this.
    2 Tariq memories of you make me smile and cry at
    3 Tariq, I haven't forgotten you. Because of you I met.a beautifully created sister.
    3 Tariq,this is one of those days,your presence is amazing.I.loved you then
    1 Tariq it's in the quiet I miss you mosy
    6 444 sending
    2 Tariq,your wings were ready,my heart was not ready to let you fly.
    3 Sending love from one sister in faith to another! πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ€²πŸΎπŸ’”
    3 #465 Jummah prayers for brother! 🀲🏾🀲🏾 Alhamdulillah,SuhanAllah,Allah Akbar
    2 Tarig,thank you for all your love..I.was blessed loved by you.
    2 Tariq one of the Brother’s has passed Abulqadir Filanwa😒😒
    2 Tariq, I miss you in ways that not even words can understand lv.Ameenah
    2 Tariq, 6 years went by so fast. Thank you for the love and your presence in my Ameenah
    3 grandparents dna test, she's mines, he left me something πŸ™
    2 Tariq, I love you even more,how you and Ameenah

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