Jihad Y Brown, age 18

Lost to gun violence on November 7, 2021 in Cambridge, Maryland.

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2462 candles have been lit for Jihad.
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  • Nickname:
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  • Personality:
    4 Always on go, very fun person.
    3 he was so real and spoke facts 🥺🕊
    5 Mobbbb💚🖤💚🖤
    5 Funniest person ever
    3 He was a real brother💔
    5 Love u jihad I missing my heart now-Kayden💔
  • Occupation:
    2 BAG CHASERR😮‍💨💰💰💰💰
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    4 Imhotep Institute Charter High School
    3 Cambridge south Dorchester high school
  • Comments:
    5 love u gang 5eva
    8 I love you nephew! Missing you so very much 💔
    15 May Allah have mercy on your soul. AMEEN. I miss u Black. ~LOVE ALWAYS MOM♥️
    8 It’s so hard to except the fact you’re gone forever😔 Love u Boop Boop🧡 -Grandmom
    6 I never knew I could hurt like this. I love you Jihad -Jordan
    5 love you forever babyboy💚💚
    5 MOBBB💚💚. HaddysWorld🌍
    5 Miss You Soo Muchhh🥺. We Forever Mobbin💚, This Forever Ya World🌍-Brii
    5 MOB Haddy's World We Miss You 💚💚
    5 MOBBBBBB 💚 Dis ya world we just livin in it ! We miss you so much down here ! -Bam
    4 MISSING YOU YB 🥺💚 - AriiFrmDa5
    5 Haddy World 🕊 MOBBBBBBB On Nephew🦍💚
    3 Love you Jihad 😩 miss seeing you bro bro fly high
    4 I love you Jihad missing you soooooooooo much 💚💚😩😩
    3 i love you bro fly high i know u looking down i miss u 🕊🥺rest easy
    5 Miss you Africa❤️ CaCa
    7 U know I’m carrying for u Black🤞🏽 And I’m STILL doing everything they don’t like😏 ~LOVE MOM🧡
    4 we got you forever baby boyyy ! we love you !💚💚💚🤞🏽- ya favv
    4 Time can't move fast enough for us to meet again. ❤️💚💛❤️💚💛
    6 I miss you Jb🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ -Sasha
    4 What a life to take🥺😢 I miss you Jihad😔
    4 I miss you so much 💚😩
    5 I'm missing someone. You, Jihad!💛💛💛💛💛
    4 Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ I miss you so much down here 😩😩💚
    4 I love youuu 💔💔💚💚
    4 I love you .MOBBBBBBB🖤!!
    3 If they ever start to forget u… I won’t!! I love u JB😘
    4 Missing you like crazy😩💔💔💔💔💔💔 -sash
    3 Life not the same without u Haddy😔🕊
    3 U were my best friend Haddy. I just wish u come back😢😢😢
    5 You’re forever shining✨✨✨ WE MISS YOU♥️♥️♥️
    3 Ugh Haddy 💔💔💔💔 nobody wouldn’t understand
    3 I miss you soo much 💔💔💔💔💔💔
    4 I love you 💔💔💔💚💚
    4 I would give this all up just to take one ride with u😢
    3 JB😪🕊
    4 I miss you so much 😩😩😩💚💚
    5 100 nights I wish I died instead of u😔
    3 MOB🖤🖤
    4 Everyday I push myself to do better but I can’t 💔💔
    4 And Jihad will tell you yes you can he ain't letting nothing stop until they stop him.
    3 I love you Jihad always
    3 💛💛💛💛💛💛
    6 I love you
    5 Gone Way too soon bruh
    4 Can’t wait to see u again!!
    6 MOB= Mama’s Only Boy🧡 I miss u so much Black🧡
    3 I love you boyyyyyyy I missssss you so muchhhhhh😩😩😩😩😩💚💚💚💚💚
    3 6 months today😔😪
    3 Six months and I am still in disbelief 😔 I love you Jihad ❤️miss joking with you....
    5 So much has been going on on this end, I miss you nephew 💔💔
    5 JUSTICE! 🙏🙏🙏
    4 Brit & Shay rode for u!!! 🗣🗣 MOBBBBB
    3 You still rewriting scripts! Now they mad MOBBBBB 😂
    3 BIGGGGG MADDDDDD😭😭 We ♥️ u Haddy🕊
    3 You are so missed!! Mobbbb gang💚💚 Forever🤘🏾
    3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️You! 😔
    3 Wallahi everybody gone feel me about u! I’m NEVER gone play about u Black. I LOVE U ~MOM🧡
    3 Missing u & dying inside.. and nobody knows it but me😢💚
    5 ^^ I felt that I’m going thru it but imma keep my head up for you gangsta😣 keep watching me
    4 My boy I miss you I know you in a better place.
    4 We miss you Jihad! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    4 Mobbbbb 4L😎🤘🏽
    4 Mr. GQ HIMSELF😎♥️ We miss u gang😢
    3 Thanks for visiting me in my dreams💚🖤💚🖤
    3 There's never a day going by and I don't think of you. Missing you so much nephew 😔 love you black!
    3 Everybody still loves & miss you so much MOB🖤
    4 Missing you so much haddy💚 this summer not the same without you😢😢
    4 ❤️❤️😔😔 You're heavy in thoughts and in my heart ❤️
    4 Haddy😢💔💔
    4 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 forever nephew! MB
    3 Idk how I get thru each day without u Jihad but I’m counting down the days til I see u again
    5 9 months 🥺🥺
    4 Ppl actin’ up cuz u not out here Black smh I wish u were here ~LOVE MOM🧡
    4 Especially that cuz, smh missing you Jihad! 😔
    3 Broke down today over a box of "Emergen-C" 😔😔😔 I miss you so much! I'm lost.
    4 This isn’t right😢😢
    4 🤬🤬🤬 I hate this shit Jihad 💔
    4 When u died my heart broke a thousand ways😔 I miss u JB😪
    4 I love u more than ANYTHING in this ENTIRE world ~MOM🧡
    3 How could it be that sweet memories are all that we have left?😢 Haddy please come back💔
    5 Wish I could see you excited this yr for bday. Lottery playing was last yrs!
    4 Ten months of losing you and my mind 😔 I miss you everyday Jihad. ♥️Monica
    5 Haddyyyyy! We miss ya gang! 💚🖤💚🖤
    3 There's so much about you I have no idea off you even knew the late PNB rapper! Wow Love you Jihad♥️
    4 Your very existence brought so much beauty & grace into my life. I miss u Black ~Love Mom
    3 Your just special nephew and I miss you very much. ♥️
    3 As you spend your bday with angels your in my thoughts & wishing you were here 💛💛
    3 19 years of love I never knew I could hold in my heart for a person. I love u Haddy🥹
    2 JB😘😘😘😘😘😘
    2 Missing u more each day! Love u J.B.💞 M.B.
    4 Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up & think of u🧡 ~MOM
    6 Don't care how long it take to get an opp back! 💯CaCa
    2 Finally going Jihad 🚢🚢🚢❤️❤️❤️
    1 Wasn't all that it's cracked up to be. Would've been better if you were there!💔💔
    4 Ima keep my head up fa you gang, love and miss you so much.-SA
    3 l love you Jihad, Always.--M.B.
    2 I still can’t even believe u are gone. This is so surreal. ~Love Mom🧡
    2 One year🥺 Time can’t erase a feeling this strong, I hope u proud of me. I love u ~MOM🧡
    2 Rest in Power Jihad 4evr in my heart & thoughts ❤️❤️❤️
    2 💌 Sending my love Jihad I miss you so much love always 🧡 CaCa
    3 I’d give ANYTHING if I could trade places with u… May Allah reunite us in Jannah ~Love Mom🧡
    2 Life just isn't the same nephew 😔
    3 MOBBBBB🕊️💚🖤💚🖤
    3 ♥️♥️♥️♥️
    3 I miss u black😢 It gets worse everyday💔 ~Love Mom🧡
    3 Holding it together as best I can. I miss you so much 😔
    4 Ppl thought once u left they could act any kind of way.. but I’m still 10 toes down💯 MOM🧡
    4 So u really never coming back huh??😔
    3 I wish I could just have another day to talk and laugh with you! I miss you so much ♥️
    3 I hate it here without you bro…- naz
    2 H💔A💔D💔D💔Y
    4 These days seem to be running together, I still can’t believe this is my reality😔 Missing u ~MOM🧡
    5 Hey Jihad I miss you yo ♥️😔
    3 I LOVE YOU I DREAM I CRY JUST CANT STOP THINKING BOUT U FR ❤️I wish I had gave u a chance 🥺
    4 Can’t stop thinking about you 💗Long live Haddy 🥺💚💚💚
    3 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I love you JB.
    2 Jihad I miss you every day when I see you again expect the longest hug nephew. 🧡
    3 I cried when u passed away, I still cry today #LONGLIVEHADDY😪
    3 😢😢 Because I miss you so much.
    3 Grandma got a cat his name is Yeezy & he’s orange 🧡 Love u
    2 ♥️♥️♥️
    3 Miss u Black😢 May Allah reunite us in Jannah ~Love Mom🧡
    2 "Ice cold water" we'd made a come up last week in Philly nephew 🙂 I miss you Jihad!
    2 Uthman & his mom cried so hard for u yesterday. He misses u so much🧡 ~MOM
    2 The cats be tryna jump Yeezy😂 He don’t back down! He’s just like u🧡
    2 Yeezy bad 😂😂😂
    4 Ya uncle Charlie passed yesterday.. hope u met him at them gates🕊️
    2 Can't stop thinking about you. I love you and miss you always!
    3 U are still so loved & so missed ~MOM🧡
    3 Without u my whole world has just fallen apart😢
    3 Don’t know why but I still wait for your texts😢
    3 My heart forever heavy for you bro, Gone, never forgotten my guy. I love you - 💚🤞🏽
    2 I think about u everyday, all the time, every second, every minute… I miss u Black😢 ~MOM
    3 Reading these comments got my heart CRUSHED even More💔-sash
    2 HADDY you broke MEEE REAL BAD BRO💔 I can’t seem to get right-Sash
    2 Up all night thinking about you can’t sleep💔-sash
    2 I hope the flowers were ok. I love you happy heavenly birthday 🐞
    2 I miss you so so so much Jihad. I just want to laugh with you nephew 😔
    4 4Ever in my heart, I’ll never forget you brodie. Love and miss you dearly, rest up- Los💚
    1 🌹🌹🌹Out here to visit you nephew, I love you!
    2 I love you Haddy everyday i know you watching bro♾️❤️ - Nazir
    2 Your always in our hearts Jihad we all miss you so much! ♥️♥️♥️
    3 Shed tears bcuz u ain’t here😢 I still think about u even tho it’s been years😔
    5 LONG LIVE MOB💚🖤💚🖤
    5 Idk how I’m doing this without u, I just miss u so much Black😢😢 ~Mom🧡
    5 Not a day has gone by and I'm not thinking about you. I miss you so very much Jihad. ♥️♥️♥️
    4 Another yr 2 push thru. We miss you out here J.B.🧡🧡🧡
    4 Been doing BIG THINGS that only you can see n know about. Hope you prouda me I miss you ❤️❤️- Sasha
    4 I love you Jihad 💕- forever! 🌹
    4 Missing you more than you could know.🥰🥰🥰 Forever in my thoughts and prayers.
    4 Hey Black! I’m still out here doing everything I said I would! I love u ALWAYS🧡 ~MOM
    3 ❤️❤️❤️ I miss hearing from you nephew.
    3 I believe many of us loved shall meet with you again 😘😘 You're so dearly missed ❤️
    3 I miss u so much son😢😢 My life hasn’t been this same💔 ~MOM🧡
    5 Hey haddy I just move into my new spot may3rd I wish you were here to see
    4 I try my best to keep my head up, Ik you prouda me no kizzy I love you gangsta 🙂‍↕️🩵
    5 Your smile is forever in my mind & memory😘
    4 With great love comes great pain… I miss u Black ~MOM🧡
    2 🧡🧡🧡🧡
    2 PLEASE COME BACK MY Heart hurts so bad bro 💔💚💔💚
    2 Please come back bro I need u I need u tell me get my shit together why y had to go damn Mann💔💚🖤
    3 Luqman washed your body & prayed for your soul when u left.. take care of him Jihad ~MOM🧡
    2 🌹🌹🌹🐞🎈🎈🎈4 evereverever n our 🧡🧡🧡❤️
    2 I f n hate all this bullshit !!! Life just ain't fair man. I miss you nephew!
    3 Hey Black! I miss u immensely😢 ~Luv Mom🧡
    3 Happy Heavenly birthday 🐞🎉Love U aunt sexy love
    2 💚🖤💚🖤♥️
    2 So deeply missed❤️❤️❤️. We love you forever JB!
    3 11/7 I held my breath all day.. now I can exhale 😪 ~MOM🧡
    2 Life hasn't been the same especially the holidays we miss you Jihad 💔💔❤️
    2 Ts breaks my heart everytime woe💔😖 - s
    2 💔💔💔 my closest cousin mane -s
    2 I made umrah & offered dua for your soul.. My life is complete ~Mom🧡

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