Jaquavious Wilson, age 19

Lost to gun violence on October 5, 2021 in Crystal Springs, Mississippi.

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8038 candles have been lit for Jaquavious.
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  • Nickname:
    35 Jayy
    15 Baby 5
  • Number of children:
    30 1 son
  • Personality:
    32 goofy, charismatic, charming,
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    31 Crystal Springs
  • Comments:
    29 We love you Jay. Rest In Peace
    22 LORD GOD, help Jaquavious' family and all other bereaved families.
    22 deal with the absence of his and their Earthly presence.
    25 AMEN
    21 rip my bro
    20 10/05/2021 Your Spiritual Rest. 10/30/2021 we finally got to lay your fleshy being to rest.
    18 Rest In Peace, we will always love you and forever miss your presence❤
    18 momma miss u so much baby
    14 LL Baby 5 RIP Nephew I miss you Fly High
    14 praying for my sister we love you baby
    16 love u forever my love 🥰🥰🥺
    14 long live you cous ♥️
    12 love you forever my jay .. i miss you so much .
    13 Happy Christmas Eve nephew I love you Rip baby5
    15 Merry Christmas momma baby
    14 Happy New Year Nephew continue to RIP I love You until we meet again
    12 Happy New Year. I miss u so much
    12 Living is not the same with you gone. But we must go on.
    12 RIH Baby 5💯🎩🌟
    12 love you Jay🌹
    13 Rip nephew tt miss you but I see you all over again in Jay Jay your twin get your rest
    12 GoodMorning nephew I love you and miss you RIP until we meet again LLBABY5
    14 I miss u. love momma
    12 love you jay
    12 Happy Valentine's Day Baby 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    12 Happy Valentines Day Nephew I love you rip
    15 Your family loves you and misses you dearly
    13 I love you nephew I miss you dearly may you and your soul Rip
    12 Keeping your memory alive.
    12 I miss u so much little boy
    16 I miss you too. "Grandma" just doesn't sound quite the same now
    16 But I see you every time I look at JayJay
    14 Happy Easter nephew I know you dressed sharp as a tax today Rip I love you until we meet again
    12 Happy Easter Baby 5
    12 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
    14 Today JJ Birthday. I got him for you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
    11 Happy Children Day Jay
    10 favorite cuzin i miss you and i love you
    11 Keeping your memory alive❤️
    10 LoveYou5Life Jay💕
    13 Rip nephew Happy Birthday I love you and miss you
    11 Happy 4th of July Baby 5
    10 Another day without your physical presence.
    10 Precious memories, how they linger. Thank God for them
    10 Yes thanks be to GOD for the memories forever in our minds and heart
    10 Not one day goes by without a thought of you. You are truly missed
    10 Nephew GoodMorning I love you and miss you continue to rip
    11 GoodMorning nephew only if heaven had a store to buy you candy cookies and chips
    10 I miss u like crazy
    11 JJ growing and trying to shake a leg
    11 Nephew you son down here eating and drinking up everything
    11 🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗
    11 I love you baby
    9 We love you always and miss you forever
    8 😭😭😭😭😭
    9 Happy Thanksgiving Momma Baby 5
    7 We miss your earthly presence
    8 Its almost Christmas Baby 5 and depression is getting the best of me cause your not here
    9 I pray that you are resting in JESUS 💌
    8 ❤️
    7 Merry Christmas
    8 Merry Christmas nephew
    8 Happy New Year Baby 5
    8 we miss you jay♥️
    9 i love you favorite cousin💔💔
    8 Grandma misses you every day. But it does my heart good when
    9 I see JayJay. He's growing but still no hair just a little peach fuzz. We LOVE you forever
    7 Continue to RIP nephew I love and miss you
    6 We love you. We miss you. Always & Forever
    7 Lol bill is on his way to worry me today but I love his little self
    6 Happy Easter nephew
    6 JJ had a good Easter. Only if you was here to share these moments with him.
    5 Missing your earthly presence, always, forever
    7 Your baby started school Monday. He went in that classroom like a champ
    7 Your baby momma graduated lastnight I know you proud
    6 Today is your baby's 2nd birthday. He is growing and finally getting some hair on his head
    6 He went to Chuck E Cheese and had a ball. I know you are proud of him
    5 Keeping your memory alive in all ways possible. Jay Jay does that the best.
    7 AMEN he sure does. A mini you
    7 Happy Father's Day Baby5
    8 Happy Father’s Day nephew
    7 Happy Birthday Jay we love you and miss you until we meet again RIP
    7 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jay. You are forever loved. Words cannot express how much your presence is missed
    7 R.I.P
    7 Until we meet again
    6 Rest In Peace. You are missed by all who love you.
    5 I miss you so much
    4 Your family loves you and misses you!
    4 Jay jay in early headstart now looking and acting just like you I miss you nephew Rip
    4 I miss u
    3 I miss you also. We miss you.
    3 Missing you and your presence. Life just isn't the same without you. I/We LOVE you forever
    3 😘😘
    3 Merry Christmas baby
    3 Happy New Year B5
    3 We love you. We miss you.
    3 Happy Valentine’s day
    3 We LOVE you and miss you. There isn't a day that's goes by without you on my mind.
    3 😘
    3 Happy Easter Baby 5. JJ will eat enough candy for u
    3 Today, may these candles be lit in honor of your little son's birthday.
    3 RIP, we thank God for him. God allows your light to shine through him!
    3 JayJay graduated from pre K today I know you are watching over him
    3 We are so proud of him and I know you are too
    5 Happy Heavenly Birthday Baby5 nephew I love you and miss you
    2 GoodMorning nephew I live and miss you may you continue to get your rest until we meet again
    2 Your life's light shine in Jay Jay.
    2 You are deeply missed and forever loved
    2 i miss u so much B5
    2 Happy Thanksgiving nephew
    2 We love you and miss you dearly
    2 But we know to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD
    1 We love you! We miss you! RIP!!!
    1 TeTe loves and miss you so much Jay ❤️❤️

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