Stephen A Gonzlez Gammon, age 22

Lost to gun violence on August 26, 2021 in Columbus, Ohio.

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265 candles have been lit for Stephen.
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You can add to Stephen's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    9 The most authentic, kind, amazing person who would make anyone feel heard and accepted
    9 Sweet
    10 Kind
    9 Understanding
    9 Funny
    9 Genuine
    8 Caring
    9 Protective
    9 Uplifting
    9 Poetic
    10 An amazing friend
    6 Smart
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    9 Stephen was a once in a lifetime friend, and I feel so lucky to have been able to know him.
    9 I wish I had spent more time with you.

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