Charlie Anderson, age 31

Lost to gun violence on June 21, 2021 in Saint Louis, Missouri.

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1289 candles have been lit for Charlie.
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You can add to Charlie's profile:

  • Nickname:
    8 Niko
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 Humorous and Calculated
    2 Protective, Attentive, and Nurturing
    3 jovial, but stubborn.Natursl Born Leader,
    3 Analytic Skills note worthy; Overall, a really brilliant mind. The world truly did take lost.
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    3 The girls are in love with one another. Hay" so sweet to me
    2 GM King! imma a pull up on you today.
    3 Missing you soo much 😔
    2 Im numb dawg. it don't go away. I need u
    2 I miss you soo much
    2 God bless your ❤️ Charlie. Yo spirit wanted better. Time just wasn't on yo side
    3 wish I could kick yo ass for leaving like you did
    3 every now and then it hits me you left. smh. how could you
    2 Thank u 4 my baby! she is a wonderful child. I'd do it all again with u
    4 I pray u r the person u desired to be in heaven. u had Soo much 2 offer
    2 I experience u everyday thru her. she is so fun to be around
    2 8 months without you feels so unreal, I miss you soo much love ❤️
    2 I love you ❤️
    2 I miss you so much 😔
    2 I love you 🥺
    2 Happy Birthday Bae #34 I love and miss you 💕
    2 😔💔
    1 MY CHARLIE ❣️

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