Kelly Roach, Jr., age 19

Lost to gun violence on May 17, 2021 in Mesa, Arizona.

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2303 candles have been lit for Kelly.
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  • Nickname:
    1 shnookums
    1 Kelly bean
    2 Kell
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    5 goofball 💙
    8 ginormous heart
    1 family man
    3 no other like him
    3 business man
    2 wonderful husband
    2 brave
    2 rough and tough don't let that fool you 💞 big teddy bear
    1 strong
    3 he's the only man I know that opens doors for women 💕
    1 absolutely dreamy
    1 utterly stunning baby 💙
    2 "It is what, it is" attitude 💛 he turned negative into positive
    4 our son had the biggest heart of anyone I knew,we love
  • Occupation:
    2 The Craftsman Const Co.
  • Workplace:
    2 sonic
    2 sky high
    2 asu cleaning services
    2 in pizza we crust
  • Schools attended:
    9 Connolly Middle School
    2 new school for the arts and academics
  • Comments:
    8 You took not only Kelly, but all who was connected to his soul.
    7 we miss you more than anything. I pray youre resting in paradise lil brother❤️
    5 we all miss truly miss kelly
    3 if you could Kelly's family would love to see new chalk messages for him 💙
    4 yeah guys chalk it up for us cuz we can't be there right now.
    4 kj my son dad
    3 hes peacefully walking on heaven with god now 🙏🏽 its been over a year, & may he rest in peace 🖤
    2 after 15 months Mesa pd made it a cold case.
    2 I'm terribly disappointed in the legal system.
    2 where is the compassion within the legal system?
    2 oh my god my heart hurts for your family. we need justice for him.
    1 #justiceforkelly we need help!! Please spread the word!!
    1 I’m the state of Az where all leads have been “exhausted” it’s considered a cold case.
    1 They haven’t interviewed the main person of interest. But “all leads have been exhausted”
    1 15 months and we miss you SO much. Life isn’t the same without you ❤️
    3 i miss you 😔💜, "angels never die" -black veil brides
    1 it's been 23 months & I still don't want to accept that your gone,we love you so much kj.
    1 it's been 25 months,we miss you so much.
    1 it just seems to get harder every day your not here
    1 life is not life without you here with us! we love you & miss you terribly!
    1 Still thinking about you everyday.
    1 over 2 yrs.& no answers,thank you Mesa pd
    2 you were very much missed @ Dani & Jon's wedding.
    1 27 months & we just got the
    1 Mesa pd is the most incompetant
    1 uncaring det.of any police agency.
    1 det.vangelder did nothing for our son!
    1 when I lit a candle today
    1 part of me felt like I was
    1 looking at a stranger&cried so hard.
    1 I love you kj,I will never,ever
    1 forget you son.
    2 You visit me in my dreams, ik you’re okay. I just wish I can physically hug you.
    3 Kelly. Time with you was like the best thing I could’ve asked for. I miss you sm.💔🖤
    4 You came in my dream tonight🥺🩵 you were singing, said u were ok.
    2 2 & a 1/2 years today you have been gone.
    2 we all miss you terribly!
    2 Happy new years kell 🤍
    3 32 months ago we lost you
    3 it still hurts sm
    2 we love you so much!
    3 Today marks 3 years. We love & miss you so much 🤍
    3 today is 3 years you have been gone
    3 we love you & miss you
    3 more than you will ever know
    3 Thank you for everything 🤍
    1 I love you and miss you with all my heart.
    3 Sending love 💜🦋
    3 Happy 23rd birthday
    3 we all love you & miss you
    1 Happy heavenly birthday brother ❤️‍🩹 I miss you so much!!
    3 kj,I miss you so much,dad & I both think of you all the time!
    2 I know your sister loves & misses you
    1 it's been almost 42 months.
    1 but it still feels like yesterday!
    1 we miss you so much.
    1 💙
    1 47 months ago you
    1 we're taken from us,
    1 almost 4 yrs.feels like
    1 yesterday,still nothing
    1 from Mesa surprise!
    2 we miss you sm.
    2 well you won't hear from
    3 Kelly Roach sr.dod 12/21/2024
    3 I pray my 2 best men are together again
    3 you are always in my heart kj
    3 you were always in dads heart also.
    2 You and dad are together again, I miss you both so much🖤
    2 3 yrs.&8 were taken
    2 from us,still no arrest.
    2 I'm still praying for justice
    2 My condolences 💐 to his family
    2 Happy Valentine's Day,son.
    2 we love you so much
    1 it's been 46 months
    1 & still nothing, 😔
    1 I miss you terribly son!

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