Gabriel Rivera, age 20

Lost to gun violence on December 2, 2020 in Portland, Oregon.

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1466 candles have been lit for Gabriel.
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  • Nickname:
    6 Litty
    4 sykolitty
    4 papi chulo
    4 Papi Chulo
    14 Gabe
  • Number of children:
    482 2 kittens
  • Personality:
    496 awesome sense of humor, talented, kind, gentle gentleman
    497 self aware loving sincere authentic and protective. Amazing and a great joy
    489 Legendary, Determined, Honorable, Loving, Loyal, Joyful
    498 Always there for his brothers and his Mother and loved his Grandmother so much!
    489 always such a fun dude! always had a smile on his face
    489 a bright light in dark spaces. he was always a joy to be around
  • Occupation:
    497 The Greatest Kid on Earth!
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    8 Pioneer, Portland Oregon
    8 George Middle school
    8 Cesar Chavez, Portland Oregon
    8 Seaside High School, Seaside Oregon
  • Comments:
    127 You were such a brilliant young man mijo and you will forever be Mommy's little guy πŸ’”πŸ’–
    482 Gabriel you will forever be in my heart always
    419 forever with me gabe, miss you forever
    21 the twins and I miss you so much. we will never forget you ❀️
    15 rest in peace nephew gone way 2 young
    479 i love you so much i always look up and talk to you ❀️ thank you
    481 this young man never did anything worth being killed in cold blood
    479 We really really miss you down here
    462 Dont feel right without you brotha it never will
    11 looked up to uou since i was little ripπŸ•Š forever gabes world🌍❀️
    14 think of you everday brotha save Me a spot up there πŸ™πŸΌ
    356 You deserved the World 🌎
    281 almost two years now snd
    14 almost two years now and the pain hasnt changed you really fucked us up with this one πŸ’”
    6 M.I.P Gabriel elain rivera, missing you extra tn brother
    3 When will we see Justice?

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