Keith Anthony Leacock, age 53

Lost to gun violence on November 29, 2020 in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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156 candles have been lit for Keith.
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You can add to Keith's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    1 Friendly and Outgoing
    2 funny and exciting in every way. never was a dull moment!! lol
    1 full of life. always positive. outgoing but laid back. King of Finesse ll
    1 loved fishing.. the beach (would always have his umbrella) loved fishing too..
    1 He loved his Momma and she misses him so much. We all miss him he is our Keithy (Grandma would say)
  • Occupation:
    1 Cook
    1 sprayed fireproofing.
    1 insulation installer.. transmissions.
  • Workplace:
    1 crabby jacks seafood rest. w.p.b Fla
    1 worked at Duffy washing dishes. ran Pita King. Jewish food..
  • Schools attended:
    1 Boca Raton Culinary schools
    1 Roger L. Putnam High School Springfield, MA
  • Comments:
    2 Rest easy baby!! I will see you in heaven
    1 You are my EVERYTHING
    1 we still gonna grow old together!!! 23 yrs anniversary coming up
    1 Farewell old Friend from EastSide Springfield

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