Cory McAlpine, age 28

Lost to gun violence on November 14, 2020 in Palmdale, California.

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209 candles have been lit for Cory.
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  • Nickname:
    3 natalie your sister
    3 Ty nephew
  • Number of children:
    1 S L O
  • Personality:
  • Occupation:
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  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    3 May you rest in peace
    3 miss n love you brother dnt like see n everybody hurt like this😢😢😢😢
    2 ima miss you CJ 😭
    1 we miss you so much❤😭
    1 miss u fool
    1 I Didn't get to know, but you was family, may you RIP
    1 Love you son you will always been in my heart
    2 3 years already :( we miss you my love
    1 missed the date by two days but miss you unc. Rest well.

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