Leon D Williams, age 30

Lost to gun violence on October 27, 2020 in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Died Nov 13th, 2020

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919 candles have been lit for Leon.
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You can add to Leon's profile:

  • Nickname:
    9 Guap
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    5 Funny, kept a smile on his face and everyone around him, enjoyed living life!!
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 Grimsley High
    3 Kiser Middle
  • Comments:
    5 Continue to Rest in Heaven Leon
    4 Nice Human Being....RiP Leon
    3 We love you and miss you little bro ❤️
    5 So much love for you, miss you dearly.
    4 A personality that could light up a room. R.I.P Leon
    4 RIH Nephew…Gone but not forgotten. Forever in our hearts 💙
    3 Sending Love and Support.... msagv
    3 pleasant and protective Always watch my back .Sharon EOL, RIP! You Are Truly Missed
    3 I love you kuxo We miss you I got your mom for life
    3 Rest In Peace
    2 Happy Birthday cousin

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