Dwight Hill, age 38

Lost to gun violence on October 11, 2020 in Saint Louis, Missouri.

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  • Nickname:
    12 Twin
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    11 Real
    7 outgoing, helping, loving a all around good person
    1 No one like bro 100 always kept it real
    4 ambitious, charismatic
    1 quiet
    1 nice
  • Occupation:
    3 Plumber
  • Workplace:
    2 Downtown Plumbing
    2 Owner-Operator of Downtown Plumbing
  • Schools attended:
    5 fort zumwalt north
    2 Raken Tech School
  • Comments:
    5 Kind hearted, hard working, family man
    4 childhood friend, always smiling good person all around! RIH
    3 big hearted! was always trying to help!
    4 My heart is really hurting...I miss you baby. Meika Xoxoxo
    3 dwight always laid back and soft spoken- unreal we miss you! ashley
    8 a great guy!! Gonna miss you boss!!
    2 RIP Buddy. You will be missed. NT
    3 Hardwking, ambitious, luvd his family fiercely, always talking about cars
    4 that smile never to forget
    5 that smile
    2 Missing you Lil Bro! Rest up King. I love you.
    1 saw you this summer didnt know it would be the last time smh r.i.p homie r.i.p
    4 So humble and kind. thinking of you this am big bro. -Li sis Lita
    3 Can’t stop thinking of you. Miss you lil brother. Big Sis T
    3 Miss and love you so much Unc.
    1 long live Dwight -Lita
    1 I love you. Big Sis
    1 u celebrate in paradise. We all just love u
    3 Wanted to be the 1st to tell u Happy Birthday baby
    2 and celebrate in paradise. We just all wish that
    3 u could be here so that we can celebrate and
    2 show u completely how much we love u.
    2 💜 u Papi...R.I.P
    2 Until we meet again your forever in my heart...❤ Meika
    3 Happy Birthday Lil Bro!!! I’ll make sure Twyn is standing strong here on earth.
    2 HBD UNC! This is TWIN day still! love you 🤍
    1 Thinking of you! Sis
    2 Missing you 🤍 -keboo
    1 thinking of you big bro-Lita
    3 missing you more and more bro it hurts
    1 still thinkinh about u everyday ❤️
    3 having birthdays will never b the same. wonderful man
    2 still feels so unreal. i miss you unc 🤍
    3 ❤🖤Missing U On This Thanksgiving 😥
    3 I miss you so much my love!!Mijo and buddy miss you too❤
    3 Everyday thing unc💪🏽💪🏽🙏🏽♾
    5 I keep thinking that you’re going to pull up. Missing you big head..I love you. Big Sis
    3 justice 4 D-Lita
    2 We are going to get justice for you my love!! I love and miss you so very much!❤❤
    3 Love you unc 🤍❤️ -keke
    2 Missing U Today
    2 My love this is still all so surreal. Words cannot even describe how much I miss you!
    3 I love you and miss you terribly! Mijo misses you and so does Buddy!❤❤❤❤❤
    1 love u dwight missinh u everyday!
    1 It's so hurtful to know we won't have this Xmas together. 😭...Merry Christmas Baby...Meika
    1 I'm gifting and sending u my ❤ from here all the way to Heaven...XOXOXO Always Papi...❤Meika🖤
    1 My love, me and mijo miss you so much and wish you were here today love❤❤
    3 Missing you like crazy. Sis cooked your favorite. Love you, Sis
    1 I am missing you like crazy today love if my life💔
    1 I will be sending your New Year kiss to heaven my love❤❤
    1 Babe u know my brother and u know that he also was murdered on New
    1 Years Day. As u know that day has never been the same for me
    1 and now that ur not here either I just really don't look forward to them
    1 at all. 2 of my favorite men gone without cause nor explanation. U guys were
    1 kool here on earth so babe I want u and Mario to hold each other down
    1 in Heaven, while making sure that all of us still here are going
    1 to be alright. Knowing u and my brother as one of the same I know that
    1 won't be a problem. U guys have been with me in my dreams foe theme last 3 nights,
    1 so I know u guys are happy and at peace and for that I am grateful to God. You two
    1 were a mess down here together so just promise me one thing...
    1 that u guys will behave urselves!? Lol...Sometimes u have to
    1 laugh to keep from crying. You know how we were Papi....
    1 hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar te seguiré sintiendo conmigo mi amor.
    5 Happy New Year bro. Took a shot with you. We’re going to do it big as promised. Big Sis
    2 U made me promise u something while here and I plan to keep that promise from Start to Finish ❤Papi❤
    3 Happy new year Unc love and miss you -kee🤍❤️
    2 you touched me in my kids life the short time we knew u!
    2 You will never be forgotten for that forever in our ❤️
    1 Today is a hard day my love, I miss you sooo❤
    1 My best friend, my backbone, my partner!!!❤❤❤❤❤😭😭😭
    2 thinking of you today big bro
    1 My love, this is so hard. Mijo lost his 3rd tooth! We love you!❤
    2 Love you Unc 🤍❤️
    4 bro I'm missing you so much not a day go by I don't cry 😭
    4 my better half I'm not able to hear your voice sis I'm ok is killing me
    4 u will 4ever live in our ❤️
    1 Love of my life, this is so hard. I miss you!❤❤
    2 Good Morning Big Bro, watch over us all.
    1 thinking bout u everyday ❤️
    1 missing you bro love u
    1 Missing you handsome. I love you! Big Sis
    1 missing you bro justice for my better half
    4 hate that i cant just talk to you one last time 30k will never forget til we meet again
    1 Woke up with you heavy on my mind love of my life. I miss you💔
    2 missing you still unreal to me damn my better half is really not here
    1 thinking of you today Big Bro. Lita
    3 Force myself not to cry everyday but today I broke Unc ❤️🤍
    1 4 months damn still unreal I miss you so much
    1 My love, yesterday was incredibly hard. I am lost without you love!
    1 Hi Brother! Just checking in with you. Hope that you’re resting well. Big Sis
    1 My love, I am needing you so much today!!!😢😢
    1 missing you bro still unreal
    1 not a day goes by i dont think bout u boo 💔
    1 Love of my life, I miss you so incredibly much💔
    1 love you soo much papi ❤️ wish i could kiss u one more time
    1 im so glad we got to be together a few nights before you got taken from us!
    1 You were the best man i have ever been with ❤️
    1 our firts kiss will always be in my heart ❤️
    3 Let’s have coffee Bro😣Big Sis
    1 we on it bro bout to let them know we not sleep
    1 went down and put flowers up love ya
    1 love u n miss u sooo much jus to hear ur voice one more time 😥
    1 Try not to think about. . Miss you unc 🤍❤️
    1 My love, my love what I would give to have you here with me!💔
    3 miss my other half
    3 My first Birthday without you, I miss you so much my love!💔😪
    1 just want a call miss and love you much bro
    1 this easter was hard u the one who made it happen miss u bro
    1 Missing you....Big Sis
    3 I’ll rise up, a 1000x for you! Love you. Big Sis
    1 missing you like crazy bro your other half
    1 You are on my mind HEAVY love. I miss and love you so much mi amor
    2 i love you dwight we was gonna be together forever ❤️❤️❤️
    1 missing u my better half
    1 Missing you at this very moment. Big sis 🥺
    1 still in disbelief you not here
    1 missing you bro I love u till we meet again (twyn)
    1 I still cannot believe it has been 8 mnts w/o you my love💔
    1 missing you father's day def wasn't the same
    3 did it big for you on the fourth
    1 I love you!!! Big Sis
    1 thinking of you big bro. -Lita
    1 Missing you so much mi amor!💔
    1 These past 9 months have been extremely hard my love. I miss you terribly! 😢💔
    2 missing my better half damn still unreal
    1 10 months Mi amor! Me and mijo miss you terribly!💔😪
    2 Our mijo is 7 today my love!!!
    2 Miss you Bro
    1 we showed up and out for nephew miss u bro
    1 missing you my other half
    1 Missing you so much Mi Amor💔
    1 tt bridal shower today watch over her and there union love you
    1 your camcam bday we miss you
    1 1 year that I have not had tou in my arms😢 Me and mijo moss you so much!!
    1 I love you
    1 still praying for Justice for you big bro. gone but never 4got. li sis Lita
    1 Missing you really bad mi amor💔
    2 it's dad bday you and brother show him some love
    1 I wish you were here with me mi amor💔
    1 Happy Birthday Brother! Missing you tremendously. I got your twyn.
    1 happy bday brother the big 40 I miss you love u much
    1 watch over tif and Dom today bro they need your spirit
    3 missing you bro
    1 another year this will be a good one claiming it
    1 Missing you like crazy...watch over me and mijo mi amor❤
    2 missing you my better half
    2 gone but never forgotten Dee. Li sis Lita
    2 Miss you Unc. I know your looking at all of us smiling. We all making BIG moves love you lots 🤍
    1 Thinking about you Bro. Miss you. Big Sis
    1 I miss you so much mi amor❤💔😪
    1 I miss you so much..Dommy lost another tooth! he is getting so big!❤
    1 miss you bro -big matt-
    1 Mi Amor!
    1 miss you brother
    1 Mi amor...you have been on my mind heavy❤❤💔
    1 better half you seeing I hope u are proud of your 3 Charlie angels
    1 I am missing you so incredibly mi amor..Dom says hi and he loves you so very much!
    1 missing u you bro
    1 Mi amor your mijo is going to be playing tball..we miss you so much!
    1 You have been in my mind heavy mi amor💔
    1 nephew had a moment yesterday he missing you bro
    1 Mi amor...our son is missing you...he is really missing you!
    1 Mijo had his first tball game and did amazing!! we miss and love you much mi amor!
    1 Happy Father's day brother love and miss u much
    1 Literally just picked up the phone to call you. Wtf
    1 why it hurts like it was yesterday they took you away from us 💔
    2 Mi amor...it is mijo's 8th birthday!!!...We miss you so very much!
    2 Mi amor you have been on my mind heavy. I love and miss you!❤
    2 Wearing your jersey today. Hella fly
    1 i cannot believe it has been 2 yrs mi amor. me and mijo miss you so much!
    1 2 years still not real to me bro missing you
    1 happy birthday bro love you
    1 missing you bro i love you
    2 I miss you so much everyday, just know mijo is doing great!
    1 Thinking of you!
    1 Love I miss you, but know that mijo is doing great!!! I love and miss you soooo much!❤
    1 bro I know you been around smelling you on Gigi thank you
    1 Can’t wait to see you again baby bro

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