Abdul Lamar Davis, age 43

Lost to gun violence on July 5, 2020 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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425 candles have been lit for Abdul.
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You can add to Abdul's profile:

  • Nickname:
    4 Fatsee(nickname his sister call him by)
  • Number of children:
    4 2 Sons
    4 1stepson
  • Personality:
    7 Kind hearted, Funny, Great sesnse of humor, Loved his family
    3 Strong, Caring, Great Father
    1 great brother.
    3 stylist dresser
    2 Protector
  • Occupation:
    1 previous cook
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 Del LaSalle High School for Boys
  • Comments:
    7 Our hearts are so heavy with this loss. This is a void that can never be filled.
    4 Fatsee I miss you already.I will never forget our talks or memories.I love you.Taya😘😘❀❀
    3 Missing you Son. What a lost.
    1 Gonna miss our talks, ur jokes and ur laugh . I love nephew alwayπŸ’•
    1 Missing our conversations today.luv you.❀❀
    1 love you.❀❀
    3 Its finally just hitting me that when I call, you’re never going to answer anymore. My heart aches.
    1 miss you love you ❀❀
    2 πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 love you.❀❀❀❀
    2 Needed to talk to you today.πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 Stop to light a candle 2day, was thinking about you...Love Aunt Michelle
    1 I need to hear your voice. 😞
    1 hey bro miss you,love you.❀❀❀
    1 had a rough night bro thinking of you.love you.❀❀
    2 Still trying to wrap my heart missing you πŸ’”πŸ’”
    3 Time heals all wounds is a complete lie. I wish I could talk to you πŸ’”
    1 Came to tears when I thought I lost your pictures.love you bro.❀❀
    1 love you.❀❀❀
    1 Missing you .❀❀❀
    2 Some days are bearable and other days, like today, grief is consuming. Miss
    1 Miss you
    1 Missing you,love you.❀❀
    1 Love you 😘
    1 Missing you .love you.❀❀❀
    1 πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”
    1 Having a rough morning bro.Miss you.😘😘
    1 There are so many things I have to tell you
    1 Missing our crazy conversations.love you.😘😘😘
    1 Looking at your pictures this morning.love you.❀❀
    1 It’s been seven weeks... it still doesn’t feels real. It hurts
    1 Missing you bro love you.❀❀
    1 ❀❀❀❀😘😘
    1 Love you bro.❀❀
    1 Thinking of you 2day nephew, you are being misses by so many..I love you dude and always will❀πŸ˜₯
    1 Missing you bro.Love you.❀❀
    1 πŸ’”πŸ’”
    1 60 days... this is going to be the longest lifetime πŸ’”
    1 Love you bro.😘😘
    1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’”
    1 Today is a rough one. Missing you like crazy! Happy Anniversary 😘
    1 This still feels like a bad dream. Miss you 😘
    1 Missing you bro.love you.😘😘❀❀
    1 Missing you bro.❀❀
    1 Love you bro. ❀❀
    1 ❀❀❀❀
    1 Love you bro,missing you.❀❀😘😘
    1 Miss you bro.love you.
    1 Missing you more and more bro.love you.❀❀
    1 love you bro.😘😘
    1 Needed to here your voice today.πŸ˜ͺ😘😘❀❀love you
    1 Thanking of you 2day and always. We miss you AbdulπŸ’”
    2 I had a dream and woke up with such urgency to call you. πŸ’”
    1 Missing you bro.love u.❀❀❀
    1 hey bro I miss you alot man.luv you.😘😘😘
    2 You are sorely missed.
    1 Missing you .love you.😘😘
    1 Love you bro miss you.😘😘
    2 I wish I could just talk to you.
    2 Miss you bro need you to be here.luv you.😘😘😘
    1 Cant believe its been almost a year. So many times I needed your advice.
    1 Year 1 😒😒
    1 Missing our conversations
    1 No matter the amount of time that have passed the pain is here... we miss you.
    1 Tomorrow makes three years & we still have a lifetime to go. I miss you so much.
    1 Your Erica Jean *insider kisses you so forever you Kentucky girl β™₯️
    2 *misses
    1 You and shareef are greatly missed here in Kentucky we love you both β™₯️
    1 I miss you Abdul Lamar love you so much 🫢🏽
    1 4 yrs today I miss you so much your Erica Jean

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