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Christon Dayon Jones, age 21

Lost to gun violence on May 15, 2020 in Fort Worth, Texas.

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300 candles have been lit for Christon.
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You can add to Christon's profile:

  • Nickname:
    13 Big Bhriss
    15 HoodRich Chris
    11 lil chris
    7 HoodRich Bhriss
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    13 Caring
    9 Great spirit
    6 Happy
    2 kind
    2 smart
    1 giving
    2 Goofy
  • Occupation:
    3 long live da realist❤️
  • Workplace:
    4 Da Trap
  • Schools attended:
    4 South Hills High School, Fort Worth, TX
    5 Can Academy, Fort Worth, TX
  • Comments:
    6 Love you nephew! You are greatly missed. Keep watching over us!! LLLC!!!
    3 WE LOVE YHU ! yhu never let use down i we always love yhu
    4 just knw yhu and pat up der giving n****hs da binezz
    3 how yhu and pat doing watch over us
    2 LLC❤️🕊
    2 Mama miss u son wit every inch in me.

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