Collin Michael Flannigan, age 23

Lost to gun violence on May 13, 2020 in Annapolis, Maryland.

He passed away two days after the shooting, on May 15, 2020.

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1833 candles have been lit for Collin.
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  • Nickname:
    3 Lucky
    2 Connor
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    1 Loving,Outgoing,Positive,Joyful
    2 Comical
    3 Artistic
    3 Selfless
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
    1 Rodizio Grill in Annapolis
  • Schools attended:
    1 Annapolis High School
  • Comments:
    2 My fat guy in a little coat,, auntie will always love and miss you.
    6 My Connor, you are mommy’s 3rd heartbeat and I will love you always.
    2 Auntie dreamed about you lastnight. I miss you!!
    2 We love and miss you so much!!
    2 There’s not a day that’s gone by where you’re not thought of or missed. I love you my Connor!❤️
    2 They took your smile away and left your mom with memories that I’ll hold inside of my heart.
    3 Happy heavenly birthday Connor! You meant and will always mean the world to me!
    2 I miss you so much. Its remembering that youre gone that hurts. Rip
    2 There’s not a day gone by where you’re not thought of or missed my Connor!
    2 5 of the longest , shortest months, today. We miss you so much! love you !!
    2 I am missing you so much,, I think its finally becoming real. I love you Collin!!!
    2 Please watch over the family, we miss you so much😢
    5 We made it through your favorite holiday, but not without missing you. That could never be. 😢
    3 I miss you. You changed my life twice! 9/29/96 and 5/15/20. My heart is a bit off balanced.
    2 I think of you every single day. I miss you so. I wish I could turn back time!!
    3 I wish I could hear your laugh, see your smile , one more time😢
    2 There are thoughts of you in everything we do. There’s always a Collin would’ve loved... 💚🥰
    2 I think of everyday. You are always here in spirit . Love you
    2 Had dream about you lastnight. Woke up in tears. You are missed!!
    2 9 months and I still miss you son. Some days I’m ok and some days I’m not. I love you so much!
    2 You only wanted to be surrounded by good vibes... it’s hard to swallow anyone taking that.
    2 My Connor 💚 I miss your beautiful smile and laughter.
    2 Missing you so much!!
    2 I love you my Connor 💚
    2 I hate that you are not here anymore. We miss you so much , everyday.
    2 I miss your laugh, your smile, youd bust a move real quick! Love you
    3 It’s moments where it doesn’t feel and I can only just hold a memory of you.🥺
    3 My first Mother’s Day without my Connor! It doesn’t quite feel the same.🥺
    2 one year ago today, miss you so much!!
    2 We survived 1 year, but not without thinking about and missing you!💚🕊
    1 Mommy is working hard for you my Connor. I love you. 🍀❤️💚
    2 It still feels unreal. I miss you, my fat guy in a little coat!!
    2 It’s been a little over a year,, and it just hurts. I wish I could turn back time.
    2 Thinking about you and always missing you. My 3rd ❤️beat. 🍀
    2 It’s still so hard to believe. We miss you!!!
    2 I Love you , and miss you so much. My fat guy in a little coat!!
    2 Please welcome grandma, she’s on her way 😢
    3 I love and miss you my guy! By now you’ve probably seen another loved one. Hug your grandma. 🥺❤️
    3 This is always a tough time of year. I’m trying to be strong! I love you my Connor. ❤️
    2 Missing so much this year, but you've now got grandma and grandma Ronnie. Miss you all❤️❤️
    3 Happy Holidays my Connor! Mommy misses and loves you forever!❤️
    2 Your presence is still felt, we miss you so much! please watch over your brothers, and cousins!
    3 Not a day goes by that I don’t love and miss you. I’m still fighting for justice for you!❤️
    2 Two years ago today you left , miss you
    1 I love you and miss you. There is so much going on with the family right now.
    2 I miss you soo much. I got to hear your voice , once more.
    2 Happy heavenly birthday. We miss you so much❤️
    2 Happy Holidays my son. I wish I could see you for a moment. I love you my Connor.
    2 I miss you so much. It’s still hard to believe that you’re not here. I love you.
    2 Three years, and it seems like yesterday. Miss you and love you , Collin
    2 Just checking in to say I love you 😘
    4 I love you always my Connor! It’s not easy to not miss you. ❤️
    2 The end of another year without you. I miss you so much ❤️
    2 It’s 2024. It’s not the same without you. I miss and love you always my Connor. ❤️
    2 Hey uncle Connor. You have a niece named Victory. I’ll make sure she knows all about you. 💞
    2 I miss you my fat guy in a little coat ❤️
    2 I love you son! ❤️
    2 I haven't been here in a while, I still miss you nephew, please continue to rest!
    2 Happy heavenly birthday Collin,, miss you so much, continue to RIP

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