Larry Deon Cosby, age 47

Lost to gun violence on May 3, 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
    1 3 children. 2 girls and a son. 3 granddaughter, 1 grandson
  • Personality:
    1 Wonderful, very laid back. Loved his family. Loved his grandchildren very much.s ,
    1 Loved his girls very much.
    1 He also loved his son very much
  • Occupation:
    1 Factory worker
  • Workplace:
    1 Herff Jones Company
  • Schools attended:
    1 Pike High School
  • Comments:
    3 Larry was a son, brother, father, grandfather, uncle,nephew and cousin. We love him very much
    1 Larry had a 25 plus year relationship, with the love of his life, Rennie.
    1 My nephew Larry. I took him to his first concert to see Stevie Wonder . He was only 4 years old
    1 I love you Larry and you will never be forgotten.
    1 Larry was named after his Uncle Larry, his mother's brother
    2 Larry took great care of his family.
    1 Larry delivered his daughter Kheela. He was a wonderful father.
    1 Love you and miss you. The Coward that took your life Rashad has been arrested
    1 We are waiting for his brother Rashid Wallace to arrested. both he and his brother are devils
    1 Miss and love you, from your favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Both of the cowards are in custody. Love you Larry
    1 I Love And Miss You My Larry
    1 We Will Never Ever Forget You My Larry
    1 I can't believe you are gone. Aunt Pat loves and misses you
    1 Last day of the trial for Rashad Wallace. I am praying that they find this dog, guilt. Love youy
    1 I am confident they will arrest his brother also. Let you know later. Aunt Pat, loves you so much
    1 Larry delivered his daughter Kheela
    1 Congradulations, Papa, Kheela, had a little girl,
    1 That boy who murdered you, was found not guilty. It is not over, God will pronounce Judgement
    1 Love you and miss you.
    1 I saw your new granddaughter. She is beautiful with a whole lot of hair.
    1 I also saw a picture of Kheela and Papa's Tinka Butt. Both are beauties
    1 Papa's Tinka Butt looks just like you. So cute. Kheela and Terrence take good care of the girls.
    1 Love you
    1 I saw a picture of your new granddaughter . She is beautiful. Her middle name is Deon
    1 Can't believe it has been a year. Love you and miss you
    1 Ree Ree is pregnant again. Fatty is getting big and so cute.
    1 We are keeping Sara and your sisters in prayer. They have their days of hard feelings. luv you
    1 Little Sara has a new Jaguar SUV. You go Little Sara. Love you
    1 Did I tell you, Uncle Calvin died in his sleep, last November. Sad. Love you
    1 Have you had a chance to see your Ungle Larry, who you was named after, or Daddy, or Calvin.
    1 Happy 49th birthday. We put white roses on your grave. Luv Aunt Pat
    1 Happy Father Day. Love you, your favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Good Morning, Love you. Miss your silly laugh
    1 Talking with Sara. She was talking about all those $1 you saved to get you a car
    1 We were cracking up laughing. She said you, loved that car. It is pretty. Rennie has it.
    1 Rennie is not letting your car go. She misses you so much as well. Love you
    1 Little Pearson is getting married, next week, for the 4th time. LOL
    1 Hey arry, today is your Mother's birthday. she invited her friends to my house
    1 She is giving herself a party LOL. Love you and Missn You. Favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Hi Dee, Love you.
    1 Mama birthday was 8-11. She turned 94 yrs. We missed you at the party. Love you
    1 Just thinking of you. Your favorite Aunt Pat, Loves You
    1 Thinkng of you, Aunt Pat. O'Shun loves you. Do you see Tia.s babies and Glenn
    1 Did I tell you, Ree Ree had a boy. I saw a picture of him. Fatty really likes him. Love you
    1 What is wrong with these ypung people, killing one another. so sad
    1 Kheela bought your grandchildren over. the girls are so beautiful, so is Kheela
    1 Papa's Tinka-Butt kept kissing me. She must have thought I was somebody else
    1 Mama said Larry, would be so proud. They came over to see mama. Love you
    1 Good morning, talking with your Mom and Willie. You know they crazy. Love you
    1 Sara had a hard day yesterday. Kheela bought the girls over. Lisa and Sarah also came over
    1 This made her feel much better. She misses you so much. Love you
    1 Mama is selling her house. I know you can not believe it. Some of the othe grands are little sad
    1 Tell Daddy, Calvin and Larry hi. Shun doing ok, still in Prison. Love you
    1 Ree Ree came over with the boys. You know she has 2. so stinkin cute. Teiyana also came over
    1 Lisa and Sara also came over to comfort your Mom. love you
    1 It's my birthday. I am excited. Bobby put $64 in my bank account.
    1 Sam bought me flowers, Starbucks breakfast and Starbuck, Vanilla, White, Mocha coffeea
    1 My birthday party is Sunday. WWW.
    1 I went to Texas for my birthday. Tia gave me $5000. She said that was, thankful for me
    1 Helping to take care of Mama. I spend the night 2 nights a week. Cupid and Glo spend the night too
    1 Sara and Koot come over 1 night a week to help. Thankful for their help
    1 GM, A few days ago was Kheela's birthday. I called and sung happy birthday. Left tha message
    1 Mama moved in her new house. It is nice . Love you
    1 Your mother and I spent the night at Mama. Sara had a melt down earlier
    1 She misses and loves you so much. I am still praying for your soul. God Bless You and Keep You
    1 Good Morning. Can't believe it is December already. Love you, Your favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Christmas was yesterday. We had a pretty good time, but missed your laugh. Love you
    1 Bobby's children, and Samantha and Tiana all have Covid. doing ok
    1 Terry Webster's daughter Laquita passed. She had Covid
    1 Shun said he really misses you. I am praying for Sara, Shyla, Lil Sarah, Kheela. Rough time
    1 I did another covid test, it was negative .
    1 Good morning my Larry. Miss and love you
    1 Good morning. Spam calls, getting on my nerve. Love you
    1 Oshun's birthday was yesterday. He turned 46 yrs.
    1 GM, did I tell you Ree Ree, little boy, AJ has hair just like Koot. So, So cute.
    1 Fatty is a big boy and also so cute. Love you, Favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Your mama,said," Good Morning my Larry"
    1 I mis you my bubbie. It's been so long. I'm glad you visit me in my dreams. -Baby Sis
    1 Hello Dee, your favorite Aunt Pat, loves you and misses you
    1 Good morning, my Larry. I miss your silly laugh. Love you
    1 Sara Lee is having a hard time with your death. She really wants to dream about you
    1 Would you ask God, to allow her to have a great dream about you and her. Love you
    1 Hey you handsome. Love you
    1 Hey handsome
    1 Today is Valentine Day. Mike and I had a overnight date night at the Casino Saturday
    1 We also was invited to VIP dinner there. He cooked Sunday for me
    1 The food was good. I cleaned his house for Valentine Day
    1 GM, My Larry. SaraLee is over Mama with me. She misses you so much. Love you
    1 Londa, husband Chris passed. If you see him, tell him Hi. Tell Tia babies,
    1 Give Reese, Evan and Aira, a kiss. not sure how to spell her name. Love you
    1 Praying for your mother. She had another melt down today
    1 GM, love you and miss you. Your favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Yolanda husband Chris passed. His sister had also passed. I hate cancer
    1 As I said, Larry loved his family. Killed defending his daughter, Kheela. Love youyou
    1 GM. Say fell on Saturday. She is in the hospital. She is doing pretty well
    1 She may have to go to rehab, for a couple of weeks. hospital regulating her meds.
    1 Say said, she loves you and misses you, like we all.
    1 Tell lit Sara, to go to work. She has barely left the hospital
    1 GM, I went to see Say, in the hospital. She looked really good. Getting rid of some of her meds
    1 She looked young. She wanted Willie to bring her, her meds from home. He said no. lol
    1 We also missed you at BobAnn 75th birthday party. It was formal. Very excellent love you
    1 Say is supposed to leave the hospital today, and go to rehab. She is looking good
    1 Miss you, love you, Your favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Kheela attended BobAnn party. she looked pretty as usual
    1 I forgot to tell you, Shaonna, Tommy daughter is now a Police Officier. So little and cute
    1 Say is still at hospital. Waiting for her insurance to approve the rehab. Luv you
    1 I forgot to tell you Say, is at rehab. Of course she wants to come home.
    1 Say is looking good since being at rehab. They took her off muscle relaxers
    1 She is no longer falling asleep, at the drop of a hat LOL. Love you
    1 GM, Say got out of rehab on last Saturday. She is so happy. She is not on muscle relaxers
    1 Hopefully she can now stay half asleep. Lil Sarah and Willie was coming to see her everyday
    1 Now Willie and Lil Sarah can get some rest. Jaylen, Shyla, Lisa and Bobby has been too
    1 I think Koot and Glo also visited, Tommy Jr is getting married to Jessicia in July, I like her
    1 Love you, talk soon. Your favorite Aunt Pat
    1 Say and I went to get our nails done. She did not go to sleep once. Proud of her
    1 Say and I went to get our eye brows done. She didn't go to sleep once. Proud of her . love you
    1 Your favorite Pat, can't believe you are gone. Sarah turned 34. She went to Texas for Bday
    1 Oops, I meant Favorite Aunt Pat. Say went to church yesterday. She was looking good. Proud of her
    1 Willie is so sweet. He takes good care of her. Of course Lil Sara does. Corey is having twins
    1 Dont fall out about Corey having twin and the girl is pretty. How much he paid her LOL
    1 Lil Sara wnts $80 sheets. Wants Say to buy them. She is so crazy
    1 Say is coming to put flowers on your grave side Tuesday. Hard to believe youre gone
    1 We didnt put flowers on your grave because of the weather.
    1 Larry, Aunt Pat misses you so much. love you
    1 Love you, My Larry
    1 Miss you My Larry
    1 Hey Larry, Mama has conjestive heart failure. I feel really sorry for her. cant hardly breathe
    1 Mama has to use oxygen. She cant walk. We have to do everything for her.
    1 The doctor suggestion hospice. She does not want it,but wants to die naturally.
    1 Have you seen Tia, babies? Have you met my brother Larry. Seen Daddy and Calvin
    1 Love you My Larry. Say and Lit Sara are doing pretty good. Just miss you.
    1 God is our refuge and strength. I still pray for you. Love you
    1 Miss your silly laugh. Love you
    1 Praying God, will give Mama what she needs. She is still pretty sick. she is 95.
    1 talk to Shun. can't believe it has been 26 yrs, in prison for something he didnt do.
    1 they have video visits, so we saw him last week. Love you, my LARRY
    1 Mama passed the day after Thanksgiving. Love you
    1 Marcus had another boy. Corey yes Corey had a girl
    1 Joyce Ann, Aunt Lilly daughter passed this morning.she,s been sick a long time
    1 I know it,s been a long time since writing. love you
    1 Yea, I forgot Mama said she saw you, when she was dying. She said, he is over there
    1 Have mercy Lord
    1 Happy New Year, handsome. Miss you.
    1 Have Merc Lord
    1 I retired in 2018. Guess what. I now teach school. So far I like it. Love you
    1 I am sorry, I didnt write anything on your birthday. Happy heavenly birthday
    1 Hello Dee, love you and miss you.
    1 Laughing a little. you have a yellow daughter and a dark daughter. both beautiful
    1 Happy New Year handsome.

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