Travis "Coco" Cortez Steadman Jr, age 13

Lost to gun violence on April 10, 2020 in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

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165 candles have been lit for Travis.
Light a candle for Travis.

You can add to Travis's profile:

  • Nickname:
    5 koko
    3 Big ko💔
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    10 Funny, Cool guy to hang around
    7 Outgoing
    6 Smart,its never a dill moment
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    17 Carver Middle School
  • Comments:
    9 I remeber always looking up to him. He was well loved and had lots of friends.R.I.P~carson
    7 I miss you lil bro 💚
    7 i remeber when we was in 6th grade and yuu was like tell yo mamai said hey she my bby mamma
    3 long live bro fly high
    2 I miss you big bro

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