Ja'Riel Sam, age 25

Lost to gun violence on April 5, 2020 in LaPlace, Louisiana.

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  • Nickname:
    1 Jai
    1 Jari, Ja, Judy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    7 Joyful, Bright, Beautiful, Loving
    1 Riverdale High School . She was so funny and goofy . Such a sweetheart . RIP
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Grace King High school, Riverdale High school
  • Comments:
    9 How tragic and sad...R.I.P
    9 My beautiful big sister, I love you so much. You are the bravest and toughest woman I know.
    9 I hope that you are resting well in heaven big sis, because this world did not deserve you!
    1 My bestfriend , I’ll love you forever -Laci
    4 She is so simply beautiful!
    2 So Tragic! Rest Easy you left this world a fighter! Help bring awareness sis. God bless
    1 A niece not by blood but by love, gone to soon. R.I.P. beautiful one
    4 Sorry this happen to you πŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜”
    2 R.i.p beautiful
    6 How incredibly violent. So much evil in this world. Jesus πŸ’”
    3 I love and miss you so much ❀️.
    1 ima miss you oh so much Jari, forever my bestie! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’”πŸ•Š
    1 Ja' Riel Sam, helped the police. Watch β€œLife-Saving Advice from The Oprah Show” on YouTube.
    13 Rest In Paradise Beautiful Lady. You Never Will Be Forgotten.
    7 "This world was never meant for one As beautiful as you" - lyric fits her.
    7 Always on my mind
    8 So beautiful. RIP sweetie. πŸ’”πŸ™πŸΎ
    5 Gone 2 years today. I wish...but then wishes don't come true. Love Always, TC ,
    4 Miss you today & everyday. angel face.
    2 I really hate this world, I really hate it. Watch over us we need the help, love.

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