Bryan Jerome Woodson, age 35

Lost to gun violence on January 28, 2020 in Los Angeles, California.

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You can add to Bryan's profile:

  • Nickname:
    2 Bry
    1 thor
    2 brother
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 Fun loving, loyal, happy, obsessed with sports
    2 Father
    1 Good Dude.. Loving, Giving, Caring. Would give you the shirt off his back.
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    4 Valencia High School
    2 College of the Canyons
  • Comments:
    2 He was the best man I've ever known!
    3 I love you Bryan...always came to my rescue no matter what.
    1 i will always love and miss you. justice will be served
    1 the world is a darker place without you. Get your shine on baby boy. forever your brother
    1 miss you everyday
    1 i wish youd ahow up at my door like you did that sunday before you died.😥😣
    1 I miss you and your Mother so very much! I think about you both each and every day! God Bless
    1 I will miss you Bryon Please kiss Dana for me.
    1 my big brother. think about you all the time. i miss you so much. i love you. your lil bro...

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