Andres Osvaldo Moscotte, age 23

Lost to gun violence on January 23, 2020 in Hickory, North Carolina.

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4111 candles have been lit for Andres.
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You can add to Andres's profile:

  • Nickname:
    378 Andus Mandus
    371 Candleman
  • Number of children:
    366 Many precious fur babies ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿˆ
  • Personality:
    366 wonderful, positive, and happy! One of the best persons to have met.
    366 Charismatic, smart, kind, and full of the best energy. A beautiful soul in this world.
    363 Loved to make people laugh
  • Occupation:
    363 Student
  • Workplace:
    363 Owner - Happy Hemping Hands
  • Schools attended:
    371 Catawba Valley Community College
    361 Newton - Conover High School
  • Comments:
    364 He brought together so many friendships and impacted so many people's lives.
    367 His laugh filled up an entire room and was absolutely contageous.
    364 Rest in peace, Andy. I feel so lucky to have known you. Your bright smile always made my day.
    365 Literally an amazing person inside
    356 I will always wait for you day and night until we meet agian๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
    350 Miss you big cousin, Iโ€™ll carry on the throne for us Moscotteโ€™s. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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