Laina Haney, age 12

Lost to gun violence on October 31, 2019 in New Paris, Pennsylvania.

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  • Nickname:
    20 Haney
    37 Lainy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    21 She was kind funny and she wouldn't hurt a fly. She is loved and will be missed greatly.
    12 Caring
    8 Very hyper and happy
    7 she never had a frown
    9 had a beautiful smile that made everones day
    6 Lainy was a blessin
    8 Lainy was a blessing to more people then she realized!That unending smile will be forever missed!!!
    5 She was a girl who always had a smile and enjoyed life
    3 she enjoyed life was a very happy girl and never failed to make me happy
    4 she was very smart and enhoyed everthing about everyone i miss you lania fly high
    3 she was the best person her smile could light up a whole room fly high
    3 she was the happiest/sweetest person alive
  • Occupation:
    7 Student
  • Workplace:
    3 Helped out with races
  • Schools attended:
    11 Everett
    5 Chestnut Ridge
  • Comments:
    14 Laina was my best friend, i wish we could take back the tragedy that happened to her but we can’t.
    3 Laina was a kind and funny friend
    7 She’s gone to soon
    3 Laina always had the biggest smile and brought joy to many drive that racecar in heaven babygirl
    2 She always had a smile that was contagious and always gave me a hug, will miss her.
    1 she was my best friend and it's said it hurts that she was taken to soon i love you laina
    4 She was such a sweet,caring,beautiful girl like her mother💔may they rest in piece
    2 she was the sweetest person you could ever meet
    3 i miss you sooooo much fly high no one can ever replace you or your mother! From
    5 -your fellow classmates at chestnut ridge 7th grade we will miss you!😢❤️
    1 Laina was a great friend
    2 way too young to go I pray for her family and close friends 🙏 rip little girl and her mama
    1 10-31-19 I will forever have to live with this loss of Laina Haney on my birthday.
    8 my beautiful grandaughter, we'll make sure your song of love and kindness plays on

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