Sontezz Desaun Lomax, age 39

Lost to gun violence on September 21, 2019 in Huntington, West Virginia.

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192 candles have been lit for Sontezz.
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You can add to Sontezz's profile:

  • Nickname:
    6 blinko
    4 Blink
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    6 goofy
    3 happy and humble
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
    2 Buffalo wild wings
  • Schools attended:
    3 Huntington High
  • Comments:
    2 he was always smiling and talking shit. lost contact with him gone but never forgot!
    2 Good father to his kids ! ❤️ rip blink
    3 He loves his family and holidays. He had a great spirit.

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