Brittany T Johnson, age 25

Lost to gun violence on July 6, 2019 in Columbia, South Carolina.

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683 candles have been lit for Brittany.
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You can add to Brittany's profile:

  • Nickname:
    14 Brit Brat
    2 Moe
  • Number of children:
    6 1 son (Messiah)
  • Personality:
    9 Brittany was a sweet and beautiful person, inside and out.
    1 always caring and always smiling. i'm so thankful you were put into my life.
    3 Was such a great mother
    1 She was so full of life and everyday i seen her she had a smile on her face . she is truly missed
  • Occupation:
    1 Caregiver
  • Workplace:
    1 Food lion Carolina Gardens
  • Schools attended:
    2 Lower Richland High School
  • Comments:
    1 miss you baby girl heaven got a real Angel mom🙏😭
    1 Such a sweet soul.
    2 she was Great Friend Always keeping smile
    1 we love you Brit Blakk. Tyler gave you that name. 😘😘 Truly missed
    2 i love you sis . 💞 i wont be the same without you - steven . 🗣
    1 lit your 600th candle.. love u girl.. get your rest..Jessi B

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