Antwan Oglesby, age 39

Lost to gun violence on June 24, 2019 in Saint Louis, Missouri.

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175 candles have been lit for Antwan.
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You can add to Antwan's profile:

  • Nickname:
    7 Twan
    3 Lil Eazy
    1 Lil Don
    1 Mr. Good Guy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 funny, caring, awesome person to know
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 Nipher Kirkwood Middle School
    2 Riverview Gardens School District
  • Comments:
    4 Love you Antwan missing you so much until we meet again
    2 hey twan there is not onr day that goes by that I don't miss you love you so much
    2 hey honey still don't get it missing you so much still wondering why
    2 he loved football swam like a fish
    2 hey twan it's the holiday tomorrow and you will br truly missed
    3 Antwan God gave you too me
    2 and man took you away i have to keep in mind you can take my body you can't touchmy soul
    2 holiday has come and gone you were truly missed one down and two too go
    2 as the days go on it gets harder to believe you're really gone missing you like crazy
    2 Missing u
    2 Today I thought about u and tears just fell I wish u were here

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