Stanley Boxie, age 49

Lost to gun violence on June 16, 2019 in Opelousas, Louisiana.

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  • Nickname:
    7 Junie
    4 Big 6
    1 Love you forever big bro,will never forget the knowledge you gave me
  • Number of children:
    4 3 step children
  • Personality:
    6 Fun, Loving, Big Heart, Family-Oriented
    5 sweet and loving man. That will truly be missed
    5 Loved to Cook, Eat, and Fellowship with Family and Friends
    3 A comedian all day long!!!
  • Occupation:
    4 Owner/Operator Trucking
  • Workplace:
    3 Quality Carriers
  • Schools attended:
    4 Sunset High School 1987
    5 Truck Driving School
  • Comments:
    4 I loved my brother so much and will always cherish his memories.
    4 Rest easy cuz!!! love you Junnie❤️
    3 Rest easy bro i will miss you!!!
    1 get your rest my king
    2 Rest easy cuz. Love you
    2 We will always love you Uncle Stanley! Thanks for always loving us unconditionslly?
    3 You may not be here with us but your legacy will never die love you forever and a day dad
    1 We miss you and love u always
    1 We love you and will always miss you. Your memories will always stay with us.
    1 RIP MY FRIEND gone too soon
    1 RIP dear friend
    2 cherie
    2 such a good guy nice loving and kind
    2 an A-1 cook
    1 R.I.P. STANLEY
    1 We miss your earthy presence!! Fly high lil bro
    1 Justice will be served for the unjust
    2 miss you everyday daddy
    1 love you always six miss your smile
    1 Loved you like a brother n you will be missed forever "Your biggest fan".
    3 Thinking about you everyday daddy
    1 baby I will light your candle Everyday I love and miss you so much
    1 Continue getting your rest cousin. We love u and miss u so much
    2 See you in my dreams nephew💔
    1 i miss him dearly..Thank god for the memories...i love you lil brotha
    1 Missing my Hero
    1 using the tool you gave me to be successful love you dad
    2 susan boxie rec
    1 missing my little brother
    1 Justice will be served for the unjust!!! You are so deserving of this!!!
    1 i know ur in heaven nephew. i think about you every day. Rest in peace, Aunt Peanut
    1 Missing you cousin. May you continue to R.I.P
    1 Forever in our hearts! See you in my dreams nephew! Your loving aunt Pearline
    1 Norma McDaniels
    1 Not a day goes by that i dont think about you. Miss you so much. Rest cuz.
    1 My first New Year without you!!! Love you forever lil bro!!!
    1 February 2, 2020... I
    1 I miss you so much Junie!!! My Heart hurts more and more each day
    1 Broken in a million pieces!!! Love you lil brother!
    1 Missing you everyday!!!
    1 Happy Father's Day 2020 lil bro!!! Get your rest in heaven; no more worries!!
    1 we love and miss you nephew! see tou in my dreams!
    1 Happy 51st Birthday baby brother; missing you always!!!
    1 Hey brother, put some fresh flowers on your grave for All Saint's Day today. Missing you so much
    1 2nd Christmas without you bro; Missing you so much on this Christmas Eve!
    1 Love you brother; Happy Heavenly New Year!!!
    1 Missing you eartly presence on today lil bro!!! LOVE YOU FOREVER
    1 Happy Birthday baby brother!!! Missing you so much on today!!! Love you forever
    1 I miss you dearly baby brother; Please continue watch over all of us. Love you unconditionally
    1 Some days are hard but the nights seem harder!!! Broken hearted but God will eventually heal me!!!
    1 You will get Justice soon
    1 Nephew we all love you and shall see that justice is served. Watch over us. RIP 💔💔💔
    1 The road has been rough but we still holding on waiting for Justice; Love you baby brother
    1 Praying for continued peace and justice to be done!!!
    1 Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts!!! Continue to rest safely in God's hands
    1 Always thinking about you nephew! Love and miss you! Pearl as you called me!
    1 Love and miss you cousin. Angee🥲
    1 We miss you nephew❤️ Beautiful smile and so kind!
    1 we miss you so much nephew! See you in my dreams
    1 Rest in Paradise Stanley🙏🏽
    1 GONE TO SOON🙏🏽 Rest in Peace Stanly🙏🏽
    1 Always keeping everyone laughing ❤️
    1 RIH baby. .We have shared the best of times . the 80's holding us down
    1 You are always in our prayers! Justice for Junie!
    1 We fought for you!
    1 Justice was served!!! We fought for you cousin. Now get your rest!! Lauren
    1 J>U>S>T>I>C>E... We received it 5/9/2024!!! To God Be the Glory!!! :Love you lil bro!!1
    1 JUSTICE!! Thanks our angel for watching over us! I miss! Auntie
    1 Missing you so much Junie; Love you lil brother; forever!!!

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