Donqwavias Davis, age 22

Lost to gun violence on May 1, 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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509 candles have been lit for Donqwavias.
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  • Nickname:
    14 Qway
    4 Qwavybaby
    2 Purple tree 💜
    2 Qwavy❤️
    2 QwayZilla💙
    1 my baby
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 He went above and beyond to make everyone he cared about happy.
    1 He was so thoughtful, so selfless, so sweet, so kind, so positive
    3 He ALWAYS had a smile on his face
    1 he put others before himself and ill never forget that
    1 He was so grateful
    1 He was an encouraging brother and friend
    1 He was a bright spirit and very loving of his family
    1 Amazing energy
  • Occupation:
    1 Rapper
    1 Son
    1 Brother
    1 Friend
    1 Athlete
  • Workplace:
    1 Friend
    1 Jungle Boy Empire 🦍🎤
  • Schools attended:
    7 Porter Ridge High School
    1 Rocky river high school
    3 Mullins high school
  • Comments:
    3 He had the most beautiful smile you’ll ever come across
    2 He made everyone laugh... EVERYONE
    1 His future was so bright.
    1 He had a show 2 days before he was murdered and he did amazing.
    1 I miss you so much, my soul aches. 💔
    2 His smile could light up a room.... he was so goofy and loved everyone
    2 He called my cat Nala “miss kitty” he loved her
    3 heart of gold
    1 He was an man of steel stayed solid❤️
    1 Brother full of jokes that tickle for days 😂
    2 My brother loved his teeth and hair
    1 Qway had such a sweet soul. Such a motivated and hardworking man... ❤️
    1 He was so kind hearted and there for everyone he will be missed by many
    2 DQ was like family to me 💔 you will truly be missed, in peace may you rest
    2 Everyday That i Go Light My Son Candle 🕯i will light ur My ❤️🙏🏾
    1 i miss you isnt even enough. 💔
    1 My big brother was a huge inspiration in my life
    1 He always encouraged me to be great
    1 i need you 😩
    1 was such a awesome young man who alwsys wore a smile
    1 he simply great!!! he was protective he was loyal
    1 God doesn’t pick weeds, he only picks the most beautiful flower🌹 J.B.E
    1 My n**** got me kicked out of summer school I’ll never forget you gang🤣🙏🏾

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