Tony Samuel Houston

Lost to gun violence on April 7, 2019 in Huffman, Texas.

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265 candles have been lit for Tony.
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  • Nickname:
    3 Elo Heem
    2 Big Sam
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    7 Contagious love for everyone
    4 amazing person
    5 always willing to help ❤️
    4 best story teller ever!!
    3 amazing and talented musician
    3 always made the people around him feel seen and important
  • Occupation:
    2 landscaper and tree cutter
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    3 Hargrave High School
  • Comments:
    5 The most amazing person I ever met. He was larger than life !
    7 this wasnt over an eviction, he wasnt even evicted . This was murder
    3 A senseless MURDER by a Coward that is out on bail.
    2 I will always love you and know you are singing and playing your guitar up in the sky
    2 Never a dull moment when you were around. You'll be missed terribly.
    1 one in a million..never be another that can calm the troubles for others except sadly his own
    1 Miss the guitar playing, song singing voice, warm hugs, of course the cowboy boots/hat.
    2 Sam Houston was a happy man who enjoyed pleasing others
    1 Even when he was upset he would find humor in it
    1 I'm going miss you Sam Houston and i know alot of others will too
    1 i can go on and on and on.
    1 i just wish people weren't so quick to pull a trigger these days
    1 This whole incident was probably over something stupid
    1 What a character! Sam was a wild down to earth individual
    2 the most real, truest love i will ever know ❤️
    2 Definatly one in a million. God speed my friend!
    2 Sam was a genuine person, not many like him...
    1 he wished for people to be kind to eachother please honor that in your actions throughout the day
    1 Toni Walters
    1 so very sad😢😢

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