Donnie Evans Jr., age 18

Lost to gun violence on March 17, 2019 in Fort Worth, Texas.

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1052 candles have been lit for Donnie.
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You can add to Donnie's profile:

  • Nickname:
    12 DonnieBabyyyy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    17 Outgoing
    16 Sweetheart
    7 Unreplacable
  • Occupation:
    12 college student
    4 College Student
  • Workplace:
    7 college
  • Schools attended:
    9 tyler
    3 Tyler
    6 Everman Dan powell
    5 Crowley high school
    5 Aledo High School
  • Comments:
    14 very respectful and outgoing
    6 Very Respectful
    10 his smile would bright up every room he walked in
    4 A Blessing To Each Us Own ❕👼🏽He Had A special bond With All his people ❕🅱️💔👼🏽
    6 He Had The biggest koolaid Smile EVERYTIME you would see him
    5 my cousin smile was priceless😭😢
    9 Rest easy Donnie 😢!!
    2 I Love You So Much
    2 you will truly be miss rip nephew
    1 loveable
    1 fun to be around
    2 Always smiling no matter what ❤️ espically when its time to snap it up
    1 A True Blessing 🅱️
    2 r.i.p donnie you gain your wings bby boy
    1 he was cool and had a big smile
    1 rest easy baby boy
    1 Rest Easy DonnieBabbyyyy you are truely missed
    1 Rest easy Donnie 🙏🏽🅱️
    1 RIH Donnie...
    1 You will be missed lil cousin,heaven has gained a angel.
    2 Rest in Heaven you will be missed dearly 😘
    1 blessedGang
    2 he was such a sweetheart, always put a smile on my face💙Miss you so much Donnie!
    2 R.I.P Cousin❣
    1 love you child hood friend
    2 BlessInPeace Donnie, you were a good person and touched alot of people. 🤞💙😇
    1 BIP Baby Boy ‼😇
    1 Fly High Young'n
    3 rest well Mr Donnie big B's
    1 Daddy Love
    1 Love you boy gone always live through me blessed gang
    1 RIH Baby Boy! LLDonnie! Miss you so much!

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