Evyn Scott, age 15

Lost to gun violence on March 14, 2019 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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631 candles have been lit for Evyn.
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You can add to Evyn's profile:

  • Nickname:
    4 sccarecrow
    1 Scarecrow
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    4 caring
    3 caring always wanted to be cool with everyone, and just wanted hang out and be cool,
    2 Was very thoughtful and just trying to get by like everyone else.
    2 He always wanted to be there for everybody but ended up going out alone.
    3 amazing on a board!!!!!
    3 Loved His Music
  • Occupation:
    2 perfect
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    2 manzano high School
  • Comments:
    4 Gone but Never Forgotten.
    4 gonetoosoon!!My firstborn
    6 My First Nephew Rip I'll Never Forget You
    3 good person good hearted r.i.p evyn
    5 the onesie lmao he was like a big cuddly bear in it. i miss u bby boy ill see u soon 🖤💓💗
    2 Rest in Paridise Cousin ✨❤👣
    2 love this young boy going to miss him
    1 talented
    11 if I catch the lil punks who did this... BitchIGotABulletWithYourNameOnIt
    2 he with his favorite artist now. rest easy.
    2 he was my brother
    1 RIP my loving grandson...Forever in my Heart
    2 it sucks we are doing a missing report and then he's already dead
    3 rip love you brother
    1 love n miss you evyn.~H

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