Maureen Fiore-Webster, age 36

Lost to gun violence on March 12, 2019 in Sandy, Utah.

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221 candles have been lit for Maureen.
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You can add to Maureen's profile:

  • Nickname:
    5 MoMo
  • Number of children:
    6 1 step son...Alex
  • Personality:
    2 Full of life and love
    2 she was so nice and loving to every one around her...i miss her.
    1 A giver, full of light and love, a magical being
    1 She was a loyal and true friend to all who knew her.
    1 MoMo was such a great listener and would try and always help out
    1 She would go above and beyond the call of duty for those she loved.
    1 She loved to dance...hoop...create art thru photography and imagination...
    1 Momo was a beautiful, bright, shining fairy. So loving, caring, funny, cheerful, and her laugh... <3
  • Occupation:
    1 Entrepeneur, Esthetician
    1 Business Owner
  • Workplace:
    1 Tooth Gems by MoMo
    1 Holistic Health Coach
    1 Tooth Gems Bling!
    1 Amourous Designs Permament Cosmetics
    2 Flying Tiger Logistics Inc.
    1 Beauty Trendz Salon
  • Schools attended:
    1 NIMA: National Institute of Medical Aesthetics
    1 Permanent Makeup Utah
    1 Alameda High School: Class of 2000
    1 The Institute for Integrative Nutrition
    1 University of Phoenix: Business
    2 Lasley Elementary
    1 Metro State - Denver
  • Comments:
    1 so much love to momo and those who loved her
    1 Love you Mo. You are so missed
    1 God bless you Maureen. You were the light of your families universe, and you are sadly missed.
    1 There will always be a place in everyones heart that knew Mauren ~ She was pure love inside
    1 MoMo was a rare and beautiful gem...she shined so bright like a diamond!
    1 Maureen was an earth angel brought here to love and inspire those around her...
    1 Miss MoMo will be missed so greatly....there was no one like her ever.
    2 Maureen was a true artist...she looked at life as art...she was always full of color around her!
    1 She was such an amazing wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece...and friend!
    1 She is magic light and love she put the Mo in Moment. xoxo
    1 She was such a kind soul. Will be missed by so many.
    2 A great love of mine... will be missed. Love you Maureen. Sad!
    1 i love u momo u should be the last person who gets murderd. jeff i hope ur doing gr8
    2 i miss you maureen, alex does too. i'm sorry to everyone who knew her, im sorry that she is gone.
    1 I love you. I wear the necklace you gave me every day. I just wish your were here.
    1 i hope the shooter finds a way to live with the guilt, and to learn how to love

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