Trent R Snyder, age 28

Lost to gun violence on February 22, 2019 in Suquamish, Washington.

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417 candles have been lit for Trent.
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You can add to Trent's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 Trenty, Trent Man
    2 Scooby
    2 Trenton
  • Number of children:
    3 1. Malia
  • Personality:
    2 Good hearted , Lovable, GoofBall
    1 loving son, grandson and most of all he absolutely adored his daughter..full of life and so caring.
    2 true to himself, BIG heart, blunt , caring of others he loved
    4 a caring heart that was bigger than his body...but a stinker too 😂
    3 Had a smile that could light up a room, with a contagious laugh.
    1 funniest person i knew!!
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Kingston Junior High, WA
  • Comments:
    2 1 of best ppl I will ever know,could be a grunp but always had a smile
    1 one of a kind
    2 I miss you everyday... I love you son
    1 one of a kind funny. sure miss you Trent
    1 i hear your laugh, at my expense, every day
    1 love and miss you so very much!!!
    1 i could always count on trent to turn my bad days into better ones. i miss him so much
    3 Trent, I miss you so much. I know you are always with me. i love you

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