Tyler Winfrey, age 17

Lost on February 18, 2019 in Richmond, Indiana.

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589 candles have been lit for Tyler.
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You can add to Tyler's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 tyty
    2 BIRD
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    7 Very sweet, selfless, he loved his family, favored by his friends and teachers.
    5 Very funny, sweet would make anyone laugh......... always nice to teachers and students
    6 Always had a smile on his face
    2 rest easy to my cousin .. such a bright soul gone too soon! ☹️
    2 He was always happy
    4 it waa nice to see smiling face at boys and girls club. funny and loved by many
    1 The funniest dude you’d ever come across
    1 most outgoing person never went with out a smile on his face. i love you
    1 I miss you so much, you always knew how too make me smile. I still really cant believe your gone
    1 sweet, caring, funny, GOOFY
    1 i love you lavell. miss your spunky attitudes more than anything 💔💔
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
    1 McDonald's
  • Schools attended:
    2 Richmond High School
    1 Test Middle School
  • Comments:
    4 From your family you will very missed Tyler L. Winfrey
    4 Prayers to Tyler L. Winfrey's family and friends, he will be dearly missed
    3 i love you Lavell. forever
    2 you will be missed tyler ❤️
    1 love you tyler💔😪
    1 rest easy bub i love you sm 💔
    1 rest easy sweetheart
    2 prayers for tylwr
    3 prayers for tylers's family... no parent should have to bary there child😕💔
    1 what a polite young man. im so sorry for his familys loss. prayers to all!
    1 prayers for Tyler's family miss you smm
    1 rip man youre loved and missed❤️ thankful or everything man fr 💯-Logan
    1 prayers to his family❤️👼🏻rip ty ty
    2 you were a great friend and an even better brother. I love and miss you so much ty rest easy ❤💯
    1 I love you bro and I am missing you like crazy.👼👼
    1 i love you tyler , your name will live on forever ❤️
    1 May you rest in peace sweetie
    1 Rip cuz we love u and miss u
    2 Rest easy ty❤️ say hi to all my fallen angels for me 😭
    1 love and miss u ty ty ❤️
    1 i love you so much bub💔💔
    1 my brother. forever with me in my heart i love you so much
    1 i miss you so much Tyler ❤️
    1 rest in peace love you ❤️
    1 I love and miss you Tyler,I will NEVER let you be forgotten 💝💙💖💔💔
    1 Tyler is an amazing person he makes everyone laugh and he's a chill and layed back guy
    2 so sad this world has so much pain
    1 keeping your name alive, I LOVE YOU TYLER ❤
    1 rest up ty
    1 i love yiu tyler!💕 rest easy!❤️
    2 miss and love you brotha, pains becoming unbearable 💔
    1 Kind young man💙prayers to his brother
    2 came across it again, lavell.. love and miss you more than ever🥺😭💔😖

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