Derrick Smith, age 16

Lost to gun violence on February 13, 2019 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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618 candles have been lit for Derrick.
Light a candle for Derrick.

You can add to Derrick's profile:

  • Nickname:
    3 doodie
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    3 He was always smiling and brightening the days of those around him.
    2 very respectful
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    4 Tara High School
  • Comments:
    1 I know you didn't know me but I knew you. You don't know how much I miss you.
    5 We miss you Derrick. It was a joy teaching you. My heart breaks! Love you forever.
    1 It has been 2 years. You're not forgotten.
    1 I miss you...
    1 still missing you
    1 miss you so much
    1 great person
    2 Words can’t explain how much I miss you brother 3 years today❤️
    1 missing you

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