Michael Bagwell, age 52

Lost to gun violence on January 26, 2019 in El Sobrante, California.

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2077 candles have been lit for Michael.
Light a candle for Michael.

You can add to Michael's profile:

  • Nickname:
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    6 Would help anybody out. Loved by many.
    7 Mike was a nice guy you are truly missed
    3 he had a very kind and caring soul
    3 Genuinely tried to help people and loved his son more then life.
    2 A wonderful man who I loved
  • Occupation:
    1 Self Employed
    2 Tree Services and Window Installer
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    1 Pinole Valley Highschool and Salesians.
  • Comments:
    3 RIP Mike so Sad that this happened missed by all
    4 sorry for your loss Shelly
    2 He was a great guy, super kind.
    2 sad to hear that my friend is gone been friend's with Mike for over 20 years R.I.P my brother.
    2 Mike I miss you so much. Shelley
    1 I miss you Mike,Till we meet again.your always in my thoughts and prayers,Always
    5 R.I.P mike from eric and karyn berkeley, ca
    2 miss your face but love your soul for the rest of my life
    2 mike brought joy every where he went
    2 r.i.p. gone but never forgetten
    2 mike had a big heart and wanted everyone to be happy
    3 Shelley you brought him happiness during a dark time. thank you for loving him.
    3 He told me he smiled as soon as he would see me I felt the same.
    2 I miss him so much
    2 i know you do. we all do. he was am amazing soul.
    1 and will live on in all that truly knew him.
    4 Rest In Paradise Dad until we meet again - MCB ❀️
    1 MTB MCB πŸ’―πŸ’ž
    3 I am so lonely without you. We were perfect for each other.
    1 gone but never forgottenπŸ’–πŸ’―βœ”
    2 i respect ANYONE who shows Mike love. πŸ’―βœ”
    3 Happy Birthday Baby wish you were still here. Love You Shelley
    1 Happy Birthday πŸ’–
    3 Everyday that goes by I miss you more and more Love Shelley
    2 Six month tomorrow I feel so empty Love You Always Shelley
    3 Today I lit 500 candles for you. Still have not missed one day. Love Shelley
    2 I lit your 600 candle today. As I sit here crying for you. Its not fair you were taken away.
    2 I am having a very bad time dealing with emptiness in my heart. Love Shelley
    1 Merry Christmas
    1 Happy New Year In Heaven Love You.
    2 I lit most of your candles 2 or 3 a day to let you know I will never forget you. Love Shelley
    2 I light all these candles for you and somebody lights my 700 candle.
    2 Everybody told me how happy you were with me including you. I will always have that.
    1 I can't believe a year has gone by already. I truely hope you are in a better place.
    1 gone but never forgotten
    2 My life changed so much when I met you and so much when you left. I will always miss you.
    2 I wish you could have made the trip to see your son on your new motorcycle
    2 I know that trip meant so much to you. Know that I gave the motorcycle to him. Love Shelley
    1 πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
    2 Still think of you often. Love Shelley
    2 ❀️❀️ - MCB
    1 Nice to see Mike's son left a post. I am here everyday lighting a candle. Shelley
    1 Miss that crazy dude
    1 So do I everyday so much. Shelley
    1 Thank you for the added picture Shelley
    2 You were my best friend Love Shelley
    1 I lit your 1,000 candle I was going to stop but I still keep lighting everyday
    1 love Shelley
    1 It's been two years since you were taken. Not one day has gone by I didn't think of you. Shelley
    1 I feel like you are by my side love Shelley
    1 Today I lit your 1200 candles. Seems like you have been gone so long. Shelley
    1 You were a good person you didn't deserve to die. I loved you. Shelley
    1 Happy Birthday Mike Love Shelley
    1 I lit 1300 today 11-1-21 love Shelley
    1 I miss you Shelley
    1 Merry Christmas Love Shelley
    1 Tomorrow will be 3 years since you were taken. Still lighting candles for you. Shelley
    1 1400 candles lite today 2/5/22. Seems I am the only one that visits here Shelley
    1 1500 candles today. Hope your having a wonderful day. Shelley
    1 I don't see signs you are around me any more. Shelley
    1 I'm the only one who comes here. Hope you are in peace Love Shelley 1600 Candles
    1 I am so sad. Life sucks bad
    1 The world is falling apart no one can afford to survive. 1700 candles today. Shelley
    1 Happy New Year Mike Shelley
    1 4 years hard to believe it has been that long. Miss you. Shelley
    1 Some days really suck. Miss you.
    1 Merry Christmas Love Shelley 2023
    1 It's been 5 years today. Hope you are in a happy place. Love Shelley
    1 2000 candles 4-5-24
    1 Love Shelley
    1 I keep wanting to light candles but 2000 was the last one just here visiting
    1 I wish I was happy most of the time I am alone and sad.
    1 What a horrible day Shelley
    1 I guess I couldn't stop at 2000. Shelley
    1 Now I have somebody else to miss. My dad past away in June Shelley
    1 Seems I am alone again. I am tired of crying. At least my mom loves me.
    1 Merry Christmas 2024 Love Shelley
    1 It has been 6 years today. I miss you so much. Love Shelley

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