Kayla Chapman, age 30

Lost to gun violence on January 22, 2019 in Kelso, Washington.

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737 candles have been lit for Kayla.
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You can add to Kayla's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 Girl Toni
    1 Michael B
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    2 Sweet, compassionate, loved animals
    3 amazing, caring, my rock, made an impression on everyone whom crossed her path.
    1 Smart, Confident, Loving and Amazingly Beautiful Soul....
    1 always there for you no matter what. always
  • Occupation:
    1 Texaco Clerk
  • Workplace:
    1 Holts/Texaco Kelso
    1 Angel
  • Schools attended:
    1 Kalama WA
  • Comments:
    2 You will never be forgotten Kayla. You touched so many people, we love you
    1 just when she was pursuing her life long passion of horses to young to have left us
    2 We will always remember you and how you loved the horses.
    2 love and miss u kayla fly high and ride in the wind
    2 hey lady you were cool goofy and funny super caring and everyone knows it. miss you
    1 pretty lady, you had a truly pure heart and soul
    2 I shall miss our talks and my fur babies will miss you too
    1 A bright light in the community
    1 love ya kayla rip angel u gone but never for gotten poor thing so sorry again rip
    2 I miss you so bad sissy I love you with all my heart and soul R.I.P sissy
    1 Rest in Peace sweet Angel, your forever missed, until we meet again!
    1 love ya girl. miss talking to you
    2 my friend called me about an hour before it happened, we would've been there

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