Darren D Calhoun, age 29

Lost to gun violence on January 19, 2019 in Columbia, South Carolina.

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619 candles have been lit for Darren.
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You can add to Darren's profile:

  • Nickname:
    8 Scooter
  • Number of children:
    1 he has 5
  • Personality:
    3 Sweetest soul you could ever know
    1 humble, loving, caring, provider
    1 humble
    1 mesmerizing
  • Occupation:
    4 (Owner) Immaculate Generation
  • Workplace:
    4 Immaculate Regeneration
  • Schools attended:
    3 Richland Northeast High School
    1 Stover Middle School
  • Comments:
    6 I miss my son so very much. A part of me is gone and this has changed me
    2 SIP Lil Scooter. Kiss Auntie for us.
    1 Rest Up Angel you earned your wings
    3 damn fam i can remember us being up at bgr the burger joint trying to get it
    2 rip country2
    3 I'll always love you Bootie 💔😢
    1 May your soul find peace. You were always strong, kind, and grateful! My condolences to your family.
    1 always smiling
    1 Talented young man, get your rest.
    1 I love you big bro and I miss you everyday rest easy
    1 he was all smiles and always looked out when we and the boys chilled back then..Rest well bro bro
    2 Missing you tonight. I pulled the ring out of the box and it made me smile. SIP my forever love.
    1 RIP daddy even if you didn't get to see me i know you can see me now and i miss you so much
    1 3 Years Later ..

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