Julian Ellis Jr., age 10

Lost to gun violence on January 17, 2019 in Fort Myers, Florida.

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381 candles have been lit for Julian.
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You can add to Julian's profile:

  • Nickname:
    6 julian
    5 Jay
  • Number of children:
    5 none
  • Personality:
    5 funny.
    5 a great friend
    4 Kind
    4 thoughtful and caring
    4 One of a kind
    4 loving
  • Occupation:
    5 Loved his friends
    4 Loved Playing Fortnite
    4 took up for others
  • Workplace:
    4 none
  • Schools attended:
    4 allen park elementary Mrs blacks homeroom
    5 Allen Park Elementary Ms. Cooley (Santilli) 1st grader ❤️
    4 Allen Park Elementry
  • Comments:
    8 I miss you julian rest in pease
    6 I miss you Julian. Your friend Hunter
    6 I miss you deeply Julian thoughts and prayers. Your friend Garian
    5 Julian you are deeply missed

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