Kaleb Cameron Giles, age 19

Lost to gun violence on December 16, 2018 in Kinston, Alabama.

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4845 candles have been lit for Kaleb.
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  • Nickname:
    142 Green Machine
    226 lil Gee
    224 G Baby
    152 Kaleb-boy
    54 little man he loved all people and animals ok all kind even big frogs
    150 "Cam" can't believe this hasn't been added!? I just now realized it wasn't in his name
    26 thinking about you today baby kaleb! we love you so much.
    32 no words will ever be able to express this senseless loss
    33 3yrs seems like yesterday yet seems like you've been gone for so long! miss you
    22 4 yrs. seems so long. your smile your missed so much! always& 4ever loved💚
    12 always my angel from day 1, idr stay strong & carry on💗
    8 5 1/2 year closer to seeing you again! Good be the glory💕
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    67 Caring, Very Lovable, Funny, outgoing
    176 always smiled, fun to be around
    60 sweet, always laughing, very caring
    169 always been a great friend to have around
    191 biggest smile and heart. always so sweet 💙
    198 heart of gold and a smile you couldn't forget!!
    119 loved animals, loyal friend, trustworthy
    195 missing you with every breath i take
    157 always looked for the good in people
    103 fun, caring, respectful, love w/ his whole heart, LOYAL
    175 Loyal, Respectful and Trustworthy
    95 funny always see the light in a dark situation
    170 The boy loved to eat!!
    157 hard worker
    128 Heart of gold face of an angel
    122 he would always put others needs first very caring and understanding
    119 just wanted the world to be happy
    140 so silly at times, just to ease up the mood. loved laughter
    117 as respectful as they get❤
    116 loved his family always concerned for others
    48 loved Jesus
    87 a beautiful soul! He loved with all he had, So sad he was taken so young fly high Cam
    67 humble
    58 beyond humble
    46 this boy loved with ALL his heart❣💚trusted without question~~it's what killed him😪
    52 an angel from day one. his work on earth was done. our hearts 4ever touched❤
  • Occupation:
    98 lineman, carpenter
    16 part time rapper
  • Workplace:
    161 Asplundh
    111 TNC Custom Trim
    8 in the studio
  • Schools attended:
    151 Harvest Christian
    70 G.W. Long
    15 Red Level
    4 Kinston
  • Comments:
    165 we love you so much we will see you get justice love you always until we meet again
    175 justice will be served 💯
    111 you are greatly missed! was loved more than you'll ever know. R.I.H my friend
    126 rest in peace Kaleb! praying for your whole family ♥️
    88 hold on baby. this mama gonna fight for u just like I do with Dylan 💯
    77 and you know I do t play when it comes to my babies!! I got you!!!
    173 you are my strength son!
    161 I love you son and I miss you so much.
    72 you just never knew just how loved you were! we miss you so
    179 we're not gonna stop until they're in prison or , Daddy loves you buddy
    101 life will never be the same you took a piece of me
    170 with you, til i see you again, fly high my baby boy
    126 you are so missed down here and many people are miserable without you, we love you
    166 I miss you my lil buddy, my best friend and my world we had so much more to do, Daddy
    169 ill be missing you with every breath i take, seek justice 4 U til my last
    164 miss your laugh miss you smile miss YOU
    142 We all miss you SO much Kaleb "G-Baby" 😣💚
    46 me again. I think about u daily friend. miss you 😘
    155 lighting your candle. god only knows how much youre missed!
    102 we miss you Kaleb so much.
    164 Daddy misses you son and I love you I wish you were here more than you know
    170 Love you ALWAYS, forget you NEVER! Til we meet again ik Stay Strong
    52 our group just aint the same since you been gone😪 miss u
    23 Happy Valentine's day in heaven friend!
    161 You are SO MISSED! Life will never be the same
    73 My red bird, Kaleb, visits everyday. I think that keeps me going
    166 give me patience kaleb you know i have little
    139 we will continue to fight for justice son! til our last breath, promise you
    87 praying for all and that justice will be served
    8 I talk to you everyday going back
    152 The world isn't the same without your smile and laugh. Rest In Peace Kalub💓
    146 It get harder each day. I miss you so much
    158 I love you kaleb and we have not stopped fighting for you and we won't
    165 We miss you so much Son and you will get the JUSTICE you deserve!
    142 It s hard today. Miss you so much Kaleb-boy
    51 God only takes the BEST!!!!!
    124 Oh just to see that sweet smile again. You are missed
    61 Think of you daily. praying for justice
    159 Heaven is blessed daily with your smile
    40 I hope you are enjoying it up there I love you son
    146 still so hard to believe you're gone. we love you and miss u daily
    160 Heaven is so much sweeter with you there but im lost w/out you here, just not right! Mom🖤
    21 😘showin some love. miss you
    144 All days are hard some so much harder. Just don't understand
    80 Kaleb, ask the Lord to show his vengeance! Justice you will get!
    147 if only you would walk in the door, smiling i cooked your fav 2nite miss you
    50 Victory is Yours my sweet kaleb-boy. Justice is on the way
    42 We're getting there son just a little bit longer
    101 You are so loved kaleb, you had no idea how many lives you touched
    144 I miss you so much. You had the most heart warming smile why was it taken away
    70 Vengeance is mine said the lord. Justice will be served whether now or later
    56 hold on little buddy it's only a matter of time
    13 praying for justice
    54 Your brother said you are making an impact on him. He loves you
    124 you brought so much happiness to our lives i miss you so! just dont understand why
    36 The big dogs are in the hunt. Lead them to victory
    31 we made a promise and we will keep that promise, love you
    120 Miss you more and more. Everyday is harder than day before
    93 My guardian angel. I love you so much
    124 Gets so hard somedays...help me hold on
    17 miss you!
    116 I just want you to know that it's not over and u will c JUSTICE
    116 you have no idea how much this has affected some of us
    85 you were loved more than you will ever know
    98 I would do anything to get you back here, I mean anything i luv u
    80 I love you and would do anything to have you here with us
    106 I never knew I had so many tears inside and daily more shed
    124 So sad what is happening here beacuse of your senseless murder!
    123 please give me the strength to stay in control it's so hard
    49 Every day for the last 3 months I have shed tears for you
    101 please come see me I'm having a very hard time right now
    66 miss you bunches. so much good times and smiles
    130 Miss you so, this is still unbelievable why?? help me grasp reality
    45 going to have a get together soon for all of your friends to visit you
    71 Your on my mind strong today and in my heart every day
    103 Will we ever know why. Send us answers please. Always will be a void in my life
    80 it's just not the same but we have to be strong and see this to The End which isn't very far away
    107 You touched more life's than you knew. So many people are praying for justice
    63 I keep expecting you to come by. Where is our Justice for this kind young man?
    78 I slept none last night. You were so strong on my mind and in my heart
    31 Speak UP for those who cannot speak for themselves. Prov 31-8 NIV
    92 only gets harder because nothing is being done and we all are waiting
    76 it's coming and you will get your JUSTICE I can Promise you that
    25 our circle was broken the day you left earth. miss you friend
    66 he's slipping bad he doesn't even know it either I smell p__y
    22 grand jury met this past Tuesday but your investigation is ongoing so dk if they did yours
    38 It's in the works. Justice is on the way. Love you
    88 i felt you, i know what you did its so hardw/out you wish u wouldve let me go too
    38 So damn hard headed, Why?
    28 well you have a song wrote about you now, you have to tell us something
    85 No matter what I miss you and each day gets harder don't know how much lngr I can go on
    96 The only thing keeps me alive is knowing you are in a better place than this sinful earth
    72 My heart can't take much more. Miss you so much
    9 I will be with you soon can't do this down here anymore I love you
    28 I wish I were stronger but I'm not I can't help them anyway cya soon
    64 you were the rock that kept us together and without you there isn't going to be a Us looks like so?
    88 I am so sad. Life will never be the same.
    37 I had 4 Redbirds at one time. Are you trying tell me something. Oh how I miss my kaleb boy!
    114 Son you are my purpose now, show out boy show em what they need to see. Get em all
    19 we'll honor your life the 13th fill the room with your spirit! come join us
    6 See you later Bud, not a good bye ever.
    86 Your life was important. It will be told over and over
    24 I know you need me to stay calm cause I'm no good to you all pissed off I gotcha
    12 just got the best of me coming to your space running that mouth, love ya boy
    87 we will get that JUSTICE we're seeking and when we do we'll have a big party just 4 u
    96 Totally out of hand. Pain for more families if something not done soon. Love you
    26 Your service is going to be beautiful. Spread your spirit all around let us feel your smile
    13 Your already on the move we all feel it just tell us what we need to know.
    12 Today is your day kaleb-boy. Show up-show out. Send your spirit. Feel the love
    40 Your service was beautiful did you have a good time popping balloons
    97 its been so hard letting go, my heart aches so much help me hold on
    103 memories, so many. Thank you for each one and all the love you gave to this world!💞
    39 Lead us in right direction. Show us what we need to know. It's not over
    6 U saying who was right
    42 U had a beautiful service
    5 Gonna step it up
    94 I love you and you made life so much easier please don't give up on us we won't quit
    4 One has quit. Your biggest support
    16 well you get to go ride again Sunday, take care of Ryan out there
    92 I really miss you bad and still haven't been able to make it 24hrs w/out crying luv u
    19 getting to be set free and let you fly through the air in the wind I hope u r okay with that
    13 just hold on buddy it's going to happen we just have to let them do their job, Love you
    114 always my saviour from start to finish please save me now
    107 Missing you Always Fat Daddy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    78 Having a hard day today. I just want to see you again. Loved you so much.
    10 come by everyday to light your candle. you are missed dearly
    66 You are so strong on my mind this week. Is something going to happen? Miss you every minute
    2 Your brother has come to visit. Keep him strong.
    57 we're not going to let them forget son! we're waiting for that day!
    83 we didnt tell you often enough what a blessing you were to us! Dad
    78 it's just so hard we never thought this might happen to you
    36 it's getting closer and tables are turning, just have to wait don't protect her Kaleb
    22 I'm tired of waiting and know that you would have already took care of it if it were flipped
    50 we love you so much and our lives and our family have forever changed
    3 miss you
    85 I question why everyday. I just dont understand. You were so loving and caring. MISS YOU!!!
    37 We are hurting so much. I want to sit and talk again
    103 Send me strength son, its so hard without you my heart beats differently now😢
    13 Love you kaleb boy. Granny is loosing it. Give me strength
    17 Going a different route and we hope it does more than is being done now
    82 You know that we will never give up and it's become a mission now
    10 I wish I wouldn't have been so set on making you tuff this is the result
    81 So many things we would do different or not do to begin with we were all cheated
    17 every day is 1more day closer to them being taken to jail or hell one, It is coming
    94 i never couldve imagined this kind of pain. you were our world. miss you so much son!
    26 you know what I go through here it's so much harder with you gone but I won't abondon it
    82 love you dude just keep an eye on her she ain't doing good at all
    53 You deserve more than what you are getting and the one thing you wanted will never be. So sad
    71 U c what's going on, it's driving some completely crazy! help us please
    48 U have got to be so much happier where you are, I wish I could be with you away from here
    24 I am and I don't have to be with the hate and anger that is there
    96 Hard today. I just cant understand. Gets harder not easier. Something has got to be done soon.
    15 I don't know what kind of test this is or what but I am about to fail
    1 in other words the test is over pass fail I ain't taking it sick world
    87 Help me son, i never imagined life w/o U, you were always there 4 me
    81 Who gave them the right to take your life. You are missed so much
    55 I hope they rot in hell!!!
    87 I miss you son, i was so blessed to be ur mother! i Love You
    91 Give us all strength to get thru this day.
    70 hurts w/o you here today, not fair! At least u dont have to be with that controlling shedemon
    10 sweet boy praying for you
    89 momma misses her baby boy! i miss your crazy ass! help me put a smile back on my face son
    40 The mothers of the people that murdered me did y'all have good mothers day
    55 Mine didn't they cried all day. Where is my justice
    67 I keep expecting you to walk in and then I remember. Why did the do it
    19 5 months today. Going to be hard. Miss you my Kaleb Boy!!!
    69 I remember you telling me you saw angels and now you are one
    76 I miss you kaleb no one can imagine how much
    67 Miss him so much. GBABY ON THE TRACK! forever n always❤
    7 Step one starts this week. Just hold on. It is in progress. Love you boy
    71 I just cry and cry and cry. I miss you
    10 Your spirit brother is graduating tonight. Walk the aisle with him
    52 What was you trying tell me. I couldn't understand. Don't give up. The fight has just begun!
    11 It's in the making and will be made to stick
    9 I found the letter. We knew it had to exist. Turning it over.
    62 the depth of pain w/o you is my depth of love 4 u it never stops plz help me
    71 Oh how I wish you would walk in so I can se you smile again. Miss you
    13 Memorial Day is everyday for me for you. You were special. Love you squirt
    47 my heart pure aches 4u my greatest memory
    18 happy memorial day son you will always be our greatest memory
    24 The 4th is getting closer and being a adult changes a lot of things surprise surprise
    8 going to be some unhappy birthdays bak2bak and a short live adulthood for a cpl that's my present 🚔
    59 another day of missing you so deep within my soul.
    17 Your favorite policeman came by telling us how much he liked and missed you. Concerned!
    58 Your addiction got you killed and I'm not talking drugs
    17 Can't believe what just found out. Haunt him!
    69 SO hard
    19 Don't let them get a minutes sleep over there!
    25 just hold on just a little bit longer cause it's coming one way or another!!
    15 it's going to be a interesting week in Kinston Alabama time to shake it up
    34 we got your back bro always have always will
    21 bet that up and you know that he would have yours
    58 I'm getting antsy and impatient going to surprise a lot of people for sure
    64 I miss you calling me late at night to come get you we love you so much and miss you RIH baby boy
    2 well we learned a lil bit 2day
    28 Good job u did what people have tried 2 do 4 yrs by exposing what you did 👍🏿
    74 Thank you 4 being you, 4 19yrs of great memories. 4 being the worlds best son!❤
    49 Memories are not enough. Revenge will be better
    48 oh how I wish I could hear your voice kaleb
    10 Dylan fixing to leave again and your not here to help me through it like last year
    51 I wish just one more time you would come busting though my door!! I would give anything
    72 Someone took you and left us only memories. Who gave them right?
    52 I miss you so much today. Your spirit is so stong
    12 Heard some disturbing news today. More to this than we knew
    20 Help paw paw. He misses you. He's loosing it
    5 I am as suicidal as ever been. Can't take anymore love you
    68 this s**t is destroying us plz it a stop 2 it! get all their asses locked down 4 good!
    28 u came to c us didnt u you wanted that cig. sure put a smile on our faces miss u buddy
    36 well look at you the Front page 6mos you still shining luv ya
    65 so hard but us 2 finally getting stronger 4 U
    44 loyal to the wrong 1's because u c how loyal they were 2 u fkd up it iz
    50 thnx 4 the cards son I know ur here ur watchn
    1 u c who had
    11 Phase 2 got mailed out today wait on phase3
    16 I don't know who is deleting my stuff but I wish I did wouldn't do it anymore!
    22 tomorrow going to take you out for some fresh air and you will enjoy it, love you
    28 Sweetest child. Mixed up wrong crowd. Sad situation
    41 Surprising what learned since questions asked in paper. Passing it all on
    39 Keep working in people's heart to help us get you justice. Miss you
    31 He will never have a Father's Day. Just not fair
    67 missing you son, we WILL get justice whatever it takes, u know how we roll
    10 Granny is mad, you know what that means!! Don't get in her way.
    76 so hard today son keep me strong send more signs this is ridiculous they should burn in hell!
    18 Kaleb-boy your granny misses u so much. Just a smile and hug one more time please
    70 Do they know how many lives they destroyed that fatal day. Do they care
    57 God I miss our talks, your laugh, your insight u taught me so much! 💓U
    25 Haunt their asses don't let them sleep a wink
    64 life is so crazy you were my anchor I feel like I'm drowning in heartache missing you
    42 I love you Kaleb and think of you every day. we will find justice. love your 2nd mama
    22 Happy 4th I miss you so much and us having firework wars some things are irreplaceable
    44 she took ur life
    73 my 💔 is shattered beyond repair! you kept us 2gether now I feel no love I hope I c u soon!
    21 I will see you soon but I need you with me when it goes down
    6 Saw a friend of yours. Her church is praying for your justice.
    60 I cried so hard last night. You were so loved and are so missed. I talk to u daily
    50 She wants peace? Haunt her forever. We want peace too and because of her we don't have it.
    22 Your friend are all having a hard time coping. Reach down and let them feel your presence.
    44 this has been an extra hard week. I miss you and worry about those left here.
    28 we miss you so much think of you daily!
    60 remembering all the good times and all those hundreds of laughs. miss u bud
    17 Not good here. Don't know how to fix it
    54 its made me question everything I just don't know even who I am anymore u were my joy
    56 why why why it will never be normal again I just can't do it anymore
    62 You are my heart. Never forgotten. Oh how I need your hug
    11 well 224 days 2day uno Sundays will always b hard luv n miss u
    39 keep hldn on just a lil bit lngr its comin u cant take a G out w/out paying 4 it
    39 so many tears, but u had no fears as u shifted gears hi u fly n the atmosphere
    25 u would take the rap when it wasnt ur crap for any1, 4what 2b killed I misse u so much
    19 well you have some company now y'all don't get in trouble save a deer or 2 4 me luv u
    47 They say it gets easier as time goes by. Not true. I miss you more daily.
    9 idk what she is doing now,sure aint finishn what she strtd
    22 got everyone's attention and that was it just stopped everything when you needed it most?
    44 I keep expecting u to walk in with your beautiful smile
    33 I how I miss you. It hurts so much
    30 Your death is my fault as Ive been told. I would give my life for yours anyday and you knew it.
    56 been a hard week on me plz give me sum relief put them away they are guilty!
    42 I just exist now no reason to b other than make misery so says he
    26 He is hurting all of us. Too much to handle
    62 it's just so hard to even smile w/o u here I live only for your justice is my purpose Love U So much
    50 Another hard Sunday. Miss you so much. Just still can't imagine life without your smile
    16 Another hard Sunday. Can't imagine life wo your smile
    10 Hey squirt, was that you walking in the clouds? Miss and love you.
    52 I keep trying 2 piece us back 2gether it can't b done help me son I want u back!
    9 miss you bud
    35 5 shots. 5 lives and more destroyed in seconds
    61 To my family. Ephesians 4:13. I need all yall
    16 I deserved more than getting but no less than expected
    44 I claim justice for kaleb Giles in name of jesus
    44 Wish you were here. Miss that smile
    8 well your birthday is Sunday out of all day's but we can't wait to see you, love you
    50 plz help me w/ the visions i need 2 CU hurt SO bad~mamma needs you!
    39 God called his angel home. So hard here without him
    1 I'm gonna try
    12 Happy birthday kaleb boy
    11 happy birthday Kaleb! we miss you everyday
    30 Our hearts are breaking even more so today
    22 Happy birthday we love you and your friends came to your party
    5 big papa misses u bud
    27 Good morning baby boy. Will be over soon. Prayers going up hourly.
    32 Let me feel your spirit. Miss you kaleb boy
    14 Paw Paw said he not only lost a grandson but the best friend he ever had. You are so missed
    27 I don't need a National Day to Remember YOU. I think on you every breathe I take. I miss you!!
    24 Your sister wrote a beautiful song for you. We all miss you so much
    38 its getting tine for fires in the fire pits, we talk about you alot. miss u bunches
    46 I miss u so much. I hurt so much. I need see your smile one more time. Why. Why why
    51 damn I miss you the pain doesn't go away. it's coming count on it
    15 a year is past the deadline and a possee will saddle up and ride
    43 we miss you so much! you were loved by so many. its not fair
    7 no its not fair maybe possee needs ride now
    48 oh the agonizing pain it's not getting any easier so hard without you son!
    35 Awake all night you're on my mind so strong. Send us answerd
    57 Everything I do I do for you! Our bond can't be broken. 1st
    9 we love you and miss you friend
    52 Go rest high my kaleb boy. No more she demons
    49 still unbelievable after 10 mths still on my mind 24/7 hurts so bad w/o you. love you so much
    9 You sent me a song to let me know you are OK and I cried. Miss you love you
    9 Your Soul Buddy is so much like you. Everything he did brought back your memory. So alike!
    19 10 months today, Too long for them to be walking free, Your justice is soon
    9 Is she taking it into her own hands. Watch out more to happen
    40 can't hold it 2gether w/o you what's the point?
    14 Me too. I live to see Kaleb's justice carried thru
    14 Paw Paw wants to know why he doesn't have you anymore. We miss you so much.
    53 still tears daily, becoming numb need you miss you love you so very much need justice!
    42 who do they think they are? who gave them the right to take a beautiful soul from us? let em fry!!
    39 You were so humble.so loved why they cut your life short
    57 I miss you son, so freaking much! it hurts so bad. sending butterfly kisses🦋
    31 I screamed, hollered, cussed. You are still gone from us. They are evil. Justice will be soon.
    44 Will I ever smile again. Still Mourning. Love you so.
    15 You are just popping up everywhere. I got the pictures. So Young, So missed. So Loved
    11 11 months today. We miss you. We hurt. Why why why!
    25 we've been having to hold back the Dogs and we're about to unleash the hounds a year was plenty
    17 This is going to be the worst month yet with even worse to follow not getn ne easier
    41 they will see the darkness they will see my pain we all will see justice all 4 U
    38 U knew I was about to do it and told me there's no such thing as time up there,I'll wait luv u
    30 U are so amazing and you deserve the truth to come to light and we will wait so it will
    15 time here is one of our evils u r lucky i have a job 2 do b4 I can come 🕵🏼
    22 love you talking 2 us thru cards, it helps but hurt is deep my soul crys
    38 You will be missed at the table. Having your favorite turkey. Wish you were here
    41 man this is so fkn hard 4 all of us. I am going 2 take 🇺 4 🇦 ride on ur bike this weekend
    37 i miss you dude we had so much more to do together we'll catch up on everything soon luv ya
    21 357/that's how long you've lived in heaven. Hurts worse the longer you're gone💔 I'm broken son
    22 u no I love u! this is just so fkd up, county so corrupt but I know💯
    25 In your memory Santa Kaleb will help other children. You loved Christmas.
    19 Time has come to end this charade.
    18 362/hard week been a painful year w/out you! We need justice! Love you so very much!
    13 Granny and paw paw love and miss you so much. Miss that nightly hug so much Kaleb boy
    35 No words can describe this tragic loss. Justice must be done
    28 1 yr. seems like yesterday yet an eternity. Committed 2 get U Justice My purpose 2 live!💯
    26 finally free, walk w/us in truth💯 show us the way in our 💜 you will forever stay!
    18 1 year today. No one knows the pain we’ve been through this year
    26 Man I can't believe this and the way things are going, you're in a better place
    21 I luv u just remember we got u and we wont quit, it's a 🇬 thang
    15 No we are not going keep quiet
    39 Kalebs life mattered! How dare them take him away from us, guilty w/a doubt
    28 The truth will be exposed and you will both reap what you have sown!⚖️ justice4kalebG💯
    21 The spirit of Kaleb will live on forever. Never to rest and
    13 Everytime y’all close your eyes his spirit will haunt y’all until
    17 He can Rest In Peace and that will be when y’all are found
    28 Guilty of his brutal savage death. What did he do to deserve it
    13 Official text us this week said among other things
    38 Most senseless murder he had ever worked. Note he said murder
    6 Your time is closing in.
    9 Hey buddy I just want to wish you a Merry Xmas, love you we're wrkn on it
    32 you never realized just how much you were loved and still r 2day
    9 me bn hard on u is really hard on me now, please forgive me
    22 It was ALL OUT OF LOVE, not because I didn't like or luv U
    5 Merry christmas in heaven! we miss you
    12 Merry Christmas son! Love you so very much B w/ us tonight
    3 Merry Christmas kaleb
    10 Oh how you loved Christmas. Miss you
    22 Santa Kaleb you did great. I know you are proud of what done in your name
    25 God I miss u, u c what it's doing to some people. Do smtng b4 it's 2 late.
    8 I'm glad u visited me b4 Xmas I needed it
    24 What would Kaleb say if he came back for a day
    7 I can’t get you out of my head today. What’s going on
    8 missing you friend💙
    41 kaleb: hey mom, mom aye mom!? me: No
    40 God I miss you! Love you so much my hero! I will never understand why
    16 Justice no. Vengeance yes. There day is coming
    10 Vengeance is the Lords We shall not seek it ourselves
    11 Happy New Year lil buddy I know u r watchn aw the frwrx 2nite we miss you son luv u
    24 Happy new year. I promise you justice or vengeance whatever it takes
    17 I need you walk in one more time. Knowing that would never be enough
    38 still tears but we will make you proud nvrgive up fight til my last breath
    41 I need you come 2 me speak 2 me guide me I need answers💯love u💚
    10 well New Year started off rocky but as expected, we won't turn on you 4sure love ya💯
    15 Stop in and c us i think we all need it right now, luv you
    33 Justice coming in 2020 , you deserve so much more than you have been given by this crooked county
    38 my tears still flow every day I feel like I'm drowning in pain injustice driving me crazy
    9 u r so loved
    35 she would listen 2 u
    5 i sit here every day
    25 time here passes so slo during that my luv 4 u continues 2 gro
    23 Sundays are so hard. Do they have a conscience. I miss u baby boy
    35 going insane ya hear me hurts so much I miss your touch what I'd do 4 1 more day
    35 No one knows how much I hurt. You were the world to us. Your smile lite up the room.
    19 unbelievable pain still
    26 Another painful Sunday. Will they ever stop. Such evil people. Destroyed so many lives
    40 my luv 4 u is never ending it hurts my soul 2 b w/out you my son! HUGS
    39 tears daily, only God knows why! Ill NVR understand. so lost w/out you Sendn kisses💋
    22 being selfish it's so senseless, I want/need Justice! You/I deserve more! I have2 live with this BS
    6 Pawpaw said yesterday that no one knows how bad he hurts. But we do we are all hurting
    11 I know that time doesn't exist where you are
    8 but time does here still and it's so slo but yet so fast, u didn't deserve this
    19 u will get justice b4 I die that's a promise i will keep luv ya
    27 come c her she really needs u
    23 everyday it gets harder knowing where you are and that they are still free, I luv u
    40 missing you so much, tears still daily I'm left here with an empty heart😢
    3 Sunday again
    32 I need your help, plz come c me! Ur name will be known! w/ feds Do It!
    7 I year. 6 weeks ago they took you away from us. You will have justice. Miss you
    4 missing u friend💙
    9 You do not deserve this.
    24 damn I miss you lil buddy, something has got to be done or
    15 you were always cheated and robbed of what you deserved and I won't let it happen here
    11 can't talk about you without crying. Doesn't get easier. I miss you Kaleb Boy
    27 it's your time only u can talk to her and if u don't quick she's gonna lose it
    18 u no more than any1 how real the struggle really is
    26 but not if you keep protecting the Devil herself open ur I's
    4 I love you
    22 u r so much better than her and everyone knows that, she's evil
    22 she can't do this w/out u. U have 2 come c her 4 her 2 do it
    28 if u don't help her and they get away with it she will go insane 4real HELP
    33 4:13 another Sunday without you. Everyone is harder than the last
    3 Too much hate.
    6 I’m at peace. I wAnt that for my friends and family
    19 Look at my picture my father was calling and I went. No more hate. Love each of you
    28 Need you, plz help give me strength talk 2 me I'm listening
    31 I'm here only for you, will get what I promised u. only wish I went with you! life sux
    2 Happy valentine day. Ur where only love exists. Ur missed!
    3 14 months today. Miss you more daily
    23 I don't know what to say anymore I love you and I miss you and I'll e u again
    33 life is so much harder without you here you were able to do what I can't help me please
    17 I don't know what I live for anymore, the one I love refuses to see it or believe
    40 u kept me strong he blames me and hates me how can I ever be happy nvr enuff
    35 missing you with every breath how do I go on I cant make them see the truth! u can
    6 Praise God, Miracles do happen. Miss you so much.
    3 Your spirit is at work. Keep haunting them
    18 Karma. What goes around comes around
    4 Another Sunday. Been a bad week. Miss you Kaleb boy
    15 Others may quite but I will alway be there for you. Love you and miss you. Sad days here
    14 You stirred the pot and know it is boiling over. More to come. Keep on walking
    10 well it's all about to be in the open and justice is near
    18 u finally did what we needed and you will be blessed for it and never betrayed
    9 I wish I could hear you one more time
    11 the light of your truth is finally showing the evil ways of darkness.
    11 only light can cast away darkness so shall they reap what has been sow!
    13 sown^ shinedown give em hell lilG so deserving of the wrath
    9 get n their heads and don't let them sleep a wink make them tell the truth
    34 keep us strong and we will give you what you always wanted but we can't do it w/out u
    31 love you miss you and thank you for what you are doing. we won't stop or give up..
    20 you'll never be forgotten, we think of you daily
    7 we miss you
    26 Been a hard week a lot of evil people out there and you're definitely in a better place living u
    11 we will not give up and we won't allow them to make u out to be a monster u deserve so much more
    20 Keep doing what ur doing and talk to them let them know u won't rest till the truth is told
    21 life is just so much different w/out u here but you know that
    28 Very hard day today. I can only cry
    23 You were the most amazing person. No good reason for your death
    16 Had a rough night. No one knows how much I miss you.
    19 I cant rest until justice is served so I will just keep walking and visiting
    3 Kale boy granny and paw paw miss you so much. What I would give for a hug. Hurting so
    5 Your spirit is getting stronger every day
    35 Help me Stay Strong Help me hold on I need you more than I ever have before Love You BabyBoy!
    36 Not suppose to be this way! I need a hug, to see that smile, hear you laugh. So hard
    14 They took your future. It’s not close to being over. Keep on walking
    42 Every beat of my heart. I miss you more
    8 pull us down the backstretch, pimp em in the turn push the truth out in the open!
    37 love you so very much son💚 missing you with every breath I take seeking JUSTICE til my last
    5 You came by today. Needed it so much. I cried
    39 some days so very hard~always something missing...YOU I Love You So Much, Momma💚
    15 15 hard months. Each day harder than before. No remorse from your killers
    10 I love you kaleb. That never ends
    38 still so unbelievable, my heart aches so much! please give me some answers. WHY? Missing you
    24 Go rest high on that Mountain. God wanted YOU. HE set you free. Miss you my boy!
    2 it's a girl kaleb. protect over her for your brother.
    5 missing you friend
    22 Its hard, I hide and cry up all night missing you and trying to decide what to do? luv u
    2 a buddy of yours is back
    4 he's keeping eyes on old boy, won't be much longer
    34 No words can describe this journey. Miss You Son💚Help Me Hold On
    2 Good Friday. You are missed. So many memories.
    6 Happy Easter Kaleb. I luv u
    8 Easter in heaven! I’m selfish want you here love you
    9 🐣Happy Easter Son!🐰 memories of laughter
    25 i miss you, Kaleb. you were such an amazing young man!
    7 Happy Easter Lil buddy, I miss being at a race playing Easter bunny 🐰🐇👪😢
    11 Being in Orlando me leaving the motel b4 daylight looking 4 CVS 2 buy a Easter basket
    17 Couldn't leave it in the truck or room, U wld find it if we got it b4! I ❤ U son thank 4 memories
    7 Trey got a dozier to pull me out on a tractor I sunk the other day, wish u were there 😢😢
    12 Thnx 4 swooping down and saying Happy Easter 2day it's what I needed!
    10 U know how 2 get our attention, good or bad 👹👼🦜 We miss you
    10 U r n such a better place and I can't wait to see u again soon. I love u
    22 I’m having a hard time today. I miss you so very much
    5 Goodmorning my baby boy. Granny and pawpaw miss you so much. You will never be out of our hearts
    7 can't wait to leave this life
    19 So many bad things here it is torture.
    26 I promise you the fight has just begun. Kaleb Giles you will have justice served
    29 another day w/o you, always on my mind! Justice coming then so am I!! Miss you💔
    19 You will always be my baby boy. Keep showing up justice is close
    4 Goodmorning Baby boy.
    7 I feel your spirit. Things are happening. Miss you. never easier
    25 it ain't suppose to be this way damn it! love you always 💚 make it happen today⚖️
    17 So much evil. Families destroyed. U know what I mean. Love u
    25 This will never make sense. They have not the capacity to feel this kind of pain
    2 They would have to feel Love
    7 I’m so sorry Kaleb. They hate too much to do good. It is beautiful
    22 I can't take his anger. She has destroyed us! miss you so much can't cope
    4 Good morning I love you. Sending a big hug!!
    14 everybody saying fliwers were beautiful in your memory. you would be proud
    10 how could I not have hate nside of me after all this? Wld you not?
    11 had any remorse been shown and rap songs not written or bragging of beating a murder charge
    9 on Facebook live while being arrested for drugs and not getting on the page made
    17 To seek justice for the execution of my unarmed son, oh almost forgot and
    10 if you wouldn't have tried to shoot my unarmed wife two times and not ran and hid
    17 I may would try to not have that hate but you have given me no reason not to hate you both
    22 I'm a father who had his best friend and son taken away way before it was his time. I luv you Kaleb
    7 I will hate until I have nobody to hate and do so with pride
    16 as long as I see what I have been seeing for the past 17 months so get used to it
    3 Going be a brighter day today. Love you
    4 You have been here all week. Thank you
    9 I watch you taking care of family. It is amazing
    19 we see u watching us, the view amazing last night. calm him w/o u I need him w/ me
    6 u no he has no patience
    21 give them unrelenting mental turmoil 4 the suffering they caused
    9 Memories. Your smile. Your spirit
    4 Your aggravation. Our talks. Your daily hugs
    25 I shed tears every day. You are so missed
    14 They did not have the right to take your life
    17 You will have justice and it will not be enough for what they did
    19 I miss you so much today
    3 I feel your spirit. You are near. Love you
    20 Always so humble
    19 this world so full of evil you r n a much better place just missing you bad
    31 Kaleb that beautiful smile is missed so is your good heart!! live you son
    22 My god! How much I want to hug you
    6 You were seen again. Still walking
    17 No peace for you until justice is served
    37 every morn I open my eyes sadness fills with tears cause ur not here missing you so much son
    23 thanks for keeping a eye on us! I love you son, miss you much
    30 u turned a black man white by sneaking up on him like that lol I luv u
    25 you not here with us breaks my heart daily💔💔💔💔
    25 your life mattered 2
    20 Happy Birthday Daddy! Im keeping a watch over you. Love You,
    6 Today is PawPaws birthday and he is missing you so much. He is lost without you.
    33 Don't think we're letting this go cause it's not happening, luv u son!
    36 what is wrong with these ppl? I get so frustrated it's so wrong!!They should be in jail
    16 Shes up to her old tricks like she did we you. He needs watch out.
    24 I guess they want to see more killing and if they wait long enough it will happen!!! NO DOUBT
    33 the first thing people say about u was how big of a heart u had, we're thankful 4 that, luv u
    7 Ur mom ran across your nano u won from the NBL during your bmx days
    31 we really cherish those memories with you son, I'm sorry I was such a hard ass
    32 Happy birthday mama. I love you. I’m ok
    5 You did good keep eye on him
    19 If you have no future neither do they. Watch their steps
    36 TY, U never cease to amaze me w/ur signs! fly high n the beautiful sky
    22 18 mths w/o your sweet smile. It gets harder everyday. Love
    22 Stay in his head. May he always see your smiling face. He had no right to kill you
    30 there is never a time to kill
    18 18 mo of waiting it ain't suppose 2 b this way, wtf as u would say. it needs 2 be done
    35 our bond never broken ur still my strength when I have none help me hold on to c this thru, tired
    26 cant do this! no love no support no family no loyalty. u left me all alone💔
    32 he blames me, always will we'll never be us again, you held us 2gether
    20 need you today kiddo😥
    4 It’s working. Mess with his head
    18 No peace for them until your family gets justice for you
    29 if I c 2morrow it's only bc of u. ur my reason 2 still b here
    40 Mama I’m with you. Stay strong you are my voice. I see and know all that is happening
    38 love you son! u r my strength, miss I like crazy kiddo
    25 I miss you too. I’m always looking down u can see me at times
    2 Just look up
    6 Karma? Still not over
    10 hes getting a taste of karma ready for justice to bite him in the ass!
    33 tears come then comes a feather💚 TY son, miss you terribly
    7 I told you. Just look up. I’m always there
    4 Happy 4th my baby boy. Miss you.
    11 Sunday 4:13. We will never forget
    20 I no u r happy he's finally in jail but u still have no justice and that's what we want!
    5 I told u that u wouldn't frighten me so don't b a stranger, I luv u
    30 Think you would be proud of me idk maybe I should've? I'd still be missing you just in jail
    32 should've slapped that smile off her ugly face! How does she live with herself? I hurt so bad
    31 You did right mama. I was watching. I am proud of what you did. She’s not worth it
    12 so I think, wwkg do? haunt her son get in her head
    11 1 in, put in the other until we get indicts give them NO more freedom
    5 I had a visit today. You always know when you are needed most
    32 think of you, I smile, cry, even laugh. God why did this have to happen?🖤
    27 w/out you the world is so much colder. Your smile alone could warm a heart🧡
    19 thinking of you always! ur forever my baby boy💚💚💚
    15 come visit, we're getting it all together just as you wanted! we live 4 U💚
    11 19 yr old 19 months one down one to go Justice is sweet
    6 Friend told pawpaw that she will always remember you for your smile what a great memory
    9 She said when y’all were in school together you always came down hall smiling.
    6 Making everyone feel better and smile
    18 living a nightmare every day 19mo no peace no justice WHY!?
    7 can't say I didn't try, 1 can't do it alone
    23 I'll never stop loving, missing or fighting for you. My priority is your justice!
    23 I need you near! keep me strong til they are put away! protect me
    12 It's sad what people say about u knowing u aren't here 2 defend urself but we are
    17 we always have and always will fight for u, u didn't deserve any of this
    25 nobody deserves to be shot 5x in the chest not even animals they had 2 b sure u cldnt tell the truth
    12 she still walks free and she is the reason
    16 588 days since they took your life, no remorse Evil, she will get whats coming 2 her!
    8 bet that shit! Hate doesn't begin to describe how we feel
    7 Hate destroys as your family know
    29 "SHE"destroyed everything! evil as they get crazy on top of that. who does what she does?
    3 Mean hate evil. One is worse than two
    13 I love you Kaleb boy. We miss you so very much.
    5 You came last night. What were you trying tell me
    26 my mom is my voice and I will be heard and you will hear the truth and the only truth about that day
    9 granny relax I need u 2 or I won't have Daddy and he ain't afraid to stand up for me to anyone
    27 i will forever fight 4you💚4truth💚4justice❤love you 4 always💯
    7 Worse everyday baby not easier
    22 still so surreal wake me soon this pain is taking its toll on me! just dont get it
    9 never wouldve thought this
    24 never accept this. This whole situation is just plain WRONG! Y U?
    19 Life is meaningless. never be the same. so many tears
    5 Pure horror here
    5 Soon baby soon I will see you again
    2 A memory of you that has been on my mind for several days
    2 Tornado headed toward store. People stopping going inside
    2 For safety all except you my free spirit
    1 You were running back and forth outside chasing the wind with you arms held high
    10 And the biggest smile and what a laugh. You were so happy and that is how I imagine
    6 You went to heaven. With a big smile and just a shouting. You are free my Kaleb boy
    4 She was there. Think she remembers how happy you were
    4 Are you ready to fly again
    21 Help me understand help me cope i need u 2 come c me need u 2 help me!
    19 time doesn't matter I just can't grasp that you're gone~HURTS
    29 crucifix song says "I'd rather die a man than live like a bitch"
    18 u libed and died with integrity, stand up head held high with dignity
    11 20 long hard months of existence no one knows he’ll we go thru everyday. You are loved
    5 4 Redbirds at one time and I fed all of you. Your friends are always welcome
    5 Here it is 20 most.
    22 I can tell you this even if it takes 20yrs we won't stop fighting or give up. I luv u son
    28 miss u so, u have 2 keep me strong, gonna be so hard 2 do I need u son!
    5 need support, love
    10 People sharing your story. Maybe will make it happen sooner
    5 Good morning my baby boy. You are here with your friends again. More daily. Love you
    3 Granny loves you baby.
    25 Give your mom a hug She needs it today.
    10 Goodmorning my baby boy. We need help here. Make her know this.
    14 I miss you. Going be a hard weekend.
    16 Happy birthday. Forever 19 but you would be 21. We love you
    20 Happy Birthday son, no words can express my feelings today. love you infinity
    13 Your balloons went straight to you. Flyin high just like you did
    4 Dylan now a father. You would be happy. She is so pretty
    13 we are here 4 u, plz watch over us we will see justice served! U deserve it!
    13 life seems to just get harder
    14 I Love You Kaleb, never forget that! 💚Always
    4 Heard you were around last week. Who you visit next
    7 don't know what to say, feel we have all let u down
    17 Society as a whole has let u down. No Justice, No Peace!!
    7 The lil Snitch is doing his thing and got the pills and Molly taken off
    8 He's already out and plead out to lesser charges. they paid to get her out of it to
    6 who's he won for? she has him pw, they think they're untouchable...
    8 cant wait til they get a big reality ✅ everything has its day!
    1 Good morning my baby boy.
    14 Son you have been on my heart heavy this week, I miss you so much
    11 u have a lot of people on your side 1's we dont no u still make a hell of a impression
    14 nobody can ever take that away from you or your memory and we're blessed to have a son like you
    12 I put on a smile trying to hide my pain will we ever see justice?
    10 Fly High tonight as we remember U! U live on N our 💟 4ever/Love U!
    6 National Day of Rembrance is everday for me. You are so missed. Love you still
    6 What a day that will be and it’s coming soon
    16 Another sunday~Hurts so bad It was always family day, Missing U Always
    1 Hey squirt. Granny needs a hug
    4 Bad night. I cried I had nightmares
    10 Something has got to happen soon
    8 Its a nightmare I only escape when I sleep
    21 Missing a huge part of me, not sure I even know who I am anymore confused, lost
    21 Its not worth it I have no more to give, she destroyed it all! He will never see He don't care
    22 Miss You Son💔 No one realizes how much. Miss that smile
    6 Wish you would have been with me today. Right down your ally
    3 I will do what you want me to do but I need to know that's it? Sign
    2 I need to know if it's really you or if it's just n my head b4 I can do it?
    6 patience Daddy have faith justice will be served
    3 remeber the bible verse I wrote in Grannys Bible. Patience.
    19 I miss you so much and watching you become a man only for a Bitch 2 take your life
    9 I taught you to be tuff and stand up for yourself and what you believe in and you always did that
    1 I know it seems like now if u have a issue u get a gun
    3 But all u've done is created a million more problems
    2 face those problems sooner or later and with 1 less man on ur side u need most
    8 so was it worth it, are you satisfied, did it make a bitch feel like a man?
    24 he will never b the man u had already become, u were never weak always strong and u left us as a MAN
    16 There is no happiness anymore, why kaleb? why Lord why? help me make this make sence/it never will
    22 I Love You🐸 im blessed to have many happy memories but I miss U so much💔
    16 what's it gonna take to make them ALL see the truth? Torture here w/o U
    17 no one listens my voice don't count. sorry but I tried
    1 Knock knock. Who’s there. Justice4kaleb
    2 Good morning baby boy. Your out early today. First thing I saw. Miss you tons
    5 You’re out in full force today. Ready for justice?
    8 another Sunday coming upon 2 yrs its not getn any easier 💔
    20 so much emptiness in my heart no peace no happiness in just numb
    20 she took ur life and destroyed our family. life sentence 4us should b4them2
    7 I know you are happy and finally peace in your life u are always loved and missed
    16 a kaleb moment wtf how r they free?
    17 betrayed by 1 u loved. u will b vindicated by 2 that love u
    14 depth of pain unreal, they live
    21 thank you 4 the feather by flowers~perfect timing⏳ i needed that💚
    16 help me b strong help me make it thru the night u were so right
    11 I miss you so much Kaleb daddy loves you
    6 Won’t be able to light candle anymore but ur still remembered
    4 We well never forget and always love u
    10 this waits pure torture so confused so angry not good, something got to give!
    3 I'm back. knock knock who's there. justice4kaleb
    11 my soul pure aches to see you again missing u so deep within neverends
    13 miss you bud! no words can describe what this did to our family.
    2 coming soon knock knock who's there justice4kaleb
    5 It's your time to shine this week coming up luvya boy I miss you so much
    7 this is what we've been waiting on for forever seems like now u will have the ball , dont drop it
    8 we luv you and are just waiting like we have for going on 2 years it's coming soon
    2 happy thanksiving youwere at my window first thing made my day hugs
    2 whos that knocking early in morning justice4kaleb thats who
    5 time to c how gangsta bitch boy really is OG's n that house that call u fam
    10 a reasom for everything other than what he did to u now its time to pay the piper
    6 D dorm The Thunderdorm ain't nuttin but a G thang Gooodniiiiite
    1 gonna b needin some asprin
    7 love u dude and damn I miss u it's all cmn 2gether tho justice soon
    10 mybabyboy im hollow, broken
    11 unbelievable what 1 evil BI can do. destroyed us ! left without u💔
    6 we love and miss you every day 😘
    10 this pain pure unrelenting torture no punishment could match what she did!
    3 u told me b4 we went, I'll never understand but u will get justice
    10 Ü had it so hard and always had to prove yourself and even then you were cheated.
    4 Well here we are 2yrs. after you've been gone and nothing has changed still having to prove urself
    11 They will eventually c the consequences, evil can't hide
    8 Time for everyone to know the truth! Truth Fairness= Justice4Kaleb
    6 They will hear The Truth, The WHOLE Truth
    8 How do they sleep? How do they breathe? They will get the breath knocked outta them, just watch
    9 I miss U makin us smile SO hard coping w/life w/out U. WHY U!?
    1 merry christmas kaleb boy you are missed
    8 Happy New Year! Loving you always Missing you something terrible😞, joining you soon
    14 life has shattered my hopes amd my dreams, its meaningless
    10 need u now more than ever be my Rock guide me not quitting just solo
    11 I hate who I am w/out you, why didn't you listen 2 us!? 💔
    5 she will reap what evil seeds she sowed! bet 💯
    13 never a time to kill a wonderful soul viciously taken from us so very wrong so sad💔
    13 755 days/I still cry. still I wonder who you'd be todar. you had so much to give
    6 Sunday again😥 a broken heart where the pain never ends💔 missing you
    8 you're missed every day. we love you and miss you
    6 some days it just seems like its too much, oh how I miss you!💔
    9 Another rainy day w|out you times are hard just unreal words cant begin to describe the frustration
    6 frogs are jumping we remembered you with cap light and gig we laughed
    4 you had no cares just how many frogs you could get we miss you and you laughter
    6 what goes around comes around karma watch your back shes evil
    8 I sometimes wonder how life goes on the pain is neverending
    10 Damn i need u its crazy here w/out u. U have 2 show everyone THE TRUTH
    3 very simple we miss you so much kaleb boy
    4 never forgotten always in my heart
    3 Happy Easter Kaleb Boy. No Easter Basket to fill I miss U so much
    3 red birds and hummingbirds all around i knew you would come by love YOU
    1 Happy Easter Son, missing you so very much you're forever my baby boy 💚
    12 no words can express my grief, never imagined life without you it hurts my soul
    1 PawPaw wants to see you and talk to you agian.Missing you
    7 Go Rest High on That Mountain YOUR work here is done BUT ours isn't
    5 Justice is coming and hope soon You are not forgotten
    7 our bond nvr broken. sending u love💚til i c u again (soon) no peace here
    5 Sins of the brother two for one How much more can HE take
    5 They found out what not being able to say goodbye I love you mean What is next for his sin
    4 Your spirit brother in Syria hlep protect him be with him
    9 she destroyed everything. no words. im broken. Ala corrupt. need help!
    5 The pain and tears NEVER go away
    6 all i want 4 my bday is you, sad day, they killed me 2
    7 u were something I was so proud of and now I have nothing especially not myself
    3 help me out here please only u can do it it's getting worse every day
    4 Happy Father's Day Daddy, I'm proud of you
    7 BUSTED KARMA they are together again where they need be wrong reason
    5 happy forth son, miss our bottle rocket fights 🎉
    3 did you see the fireworks pawpaw remembered how much you loved them
    1 morgan
    2 talked to your spirit brother yesterday stay with him His smile so much like yours Miss you
    2 Granny so tired I miss you
    10 help me hold on he just don't understand, nobody does how could they i need you
    5 Forever 19 fly high my free spirit Kaleb-boy YOU are loved
    6 Boy I miss u so much, I'm gonna need ur help with this one. I luv u
    8 I failed you so many times but I promise you she will NEVER be free
    3 Visit your sister
    2 Your spirit brother is back and coming to see us today Love and miss you so much
    3 Im so hurt and mad right now I dont know what to do
    5 You are getting a surprise today Fly High my boy Miss you
    10 lost alone angry idk what 2 do. life is changimg yet again i cant do this alone!
    10 i miss u im lost now idk what im going 2 do hope youre enjoyimg the beach! bubba
    4 we love and miss you Kaleb.
    8 3 years today always loving and missing you and your silly smile
    3 were you telling us there is death but there is also life for us to go on living
    6 we sent you lots of love last night We miss you so much
    8 life is in shambles I need you by my side life isn't fair. trust no one you were right!
    13 you completed our lives now we're just a shell of time now gone, emptiness pain hate time 2 move on
    2 Christmas Eve in heaven More of your friends and relatives there now
    3 than here to celebrate with wish we were with you Miss you
    1 Merry Christmas Missing you only gets worse Sending bigs hugs to you
    6 last day of a long hard year im stressed, tired, hurt and wishing could see you
    8 I let you down Forgive me YOU deserved better than what you got
    5 You are finally free GO on an adventure travel the world!
    12 You left me I'm so broken can't handle this life waiting on that moment! 💚U
    13 1126 days since. not a day goes by that I don't think of you! Hurts so bad, miss you terribly
    8 life has shattered my hopes
    4 Paw Paw said you paid him a visit He is ready
    11 this world makes no sense at all I will never understand people. evil
    10 you made life so much better, the smiles are gone, I hear no laughter a big hole in my reality w/ 9
    12 Lord help me, so hard w/o u she destroyed our fam! U held us 2gather now were broken
    12 Shattered. U held us gave hope joy love. Now it's just pain
    13 I miss my baby boy!!! I just want life to rewind back 2 when u were here to make us smile😊
    6 no words could ever describe this pain
    9 1211 days now life is so gloomy I dread another day here lost confused no joy no smile no Kaleb😒
    11 I love you son! miss you so damn much! my soul pure aches I'm forever broken
    8 my love 4 u grows everyday so does the emptiness in my soul! 💔 miss u so much
    12 harder every day it doesn't get any easier it will never make sense! how do any of them sleep?
    6 What a Glorious day to be in Heaven We miss you Happy Easter
    8 sending you an Easter basket! wishing I could see that smile! Life here sucks w/o u!
    6 it is unbelievable how much pain 1 person can cause 2 so many others
    13 Reach down and encircle her with love She needs it
    5 got you on my mind heavy today buddy! you're missed down here!
    9 Happy Mothers Day Mama Sending big hug I love you
    4 I failed u I promised u justice Just not fair
    5 I saw an Angel in the clouds It was you I cried Miss you
    13 I've lost it all. nothing left for me missing you so can't wait to see you again
    14 they have literally destroyed my life. I just exist now. everything changed everyone changed
    14 u were 2 good for her, an angel she's pure evil she will face her maker one day! pitiful POS
    14 I'm so alone I've lost everyone I need you I miss you I love you more! I can't ...
    5 Happy Fathers Day Daddy and Paw Paw Miss yall sending hugs
    11 Miss you so much son wish you were here to help
    4 what do the fireworks look like Dylan sent you a lantern we all miss you
    12 love never ends my love 4 you still grows! miss u son💔
    10 this earth full of evil you're still protecting me TY you'll always B my hero!,💚
    8 Happy Birthday Forever 19 Granny is still working on your Justice Miss & Love You
    8 Happy Birthday son! ("23") it was one of the happiest of my life! Miss you so much!💔
    9 Today I will celebrate your life with memories of all the happy times we shared! HBday!
    10 thinking of your beautiful smile! oh how I miss that smile & your goofy laugh. love you💚
    9 what I would give to feel your hug and see that smile. YOU are so missed
    9 so lonely so sad I need to see ur smile hear ur laugh I miss you! 💚
    8 miss my boy so much! I need you do bad right now. 😞💔
    7 I shed a tear for you daily Lord I miss him Please JUSTICE
    7 One more time would not be enough JUSTICE whether mine or the Lords would make it easier
    6 I know you are proud of Dylan Protect him Stay with your soul brother
    8 Thanksgiving feast in heaven You ae so missed this day No celebrating here no family left
    9 missing you terribly! life will never be the same., gone way to soon
    9 life just isn't suppose to be this way son!! love you more!!
    9 4 years today We miss you so much I need a hug and smile Come see me
    9 u know my love grows miss you so much. 4 yrs. it sux! I know be strong
    9 miss you need you here! our bond never broken my love 4 u unending. 4ever mybabyboy💯
    9 another christmas without you this one worse Love you Miss You
    6 Last day very rough year Worlds messed up Karma needs show up 2023
    9 went by track 2day could c u flyn high 1 footer over step up💚
    8 u had so much talent u made us so proud! always a winner💯 we miss you so much💔
    6 missing you w/every breathe. you were the light in this dark world. walking blindly now
    5 always on my mind missing you my son it just getting harder every day w/o u
    3 do they have the daily nightmares that we do I pray so
    3 thinking of u always! watch & protect me💚 I'll 4ever love u son💞 miss u more💔
    3 Happy easter Nothing but sadness here You are missed
    4 I love you and miss you would love see that silly smile again
    3 Always in my thoughts What memories of that sweet smile miss you terribly
    2 staying strong!!
    2 U only 1 can even get her 2 lisn & wht she's lisn 2 is lyin 2 her
    3 Hrbl dcsns, very cstly pnfl & Hrmfl plz hlp luv u
    4 Its got the best of her & aint mch good left in her
    1 happy fathers day daddy! 🔨💚
    1 I would do anything to have you back here
    3 They have no idea what all they destroyed & dnt care
    3 Not a whole lot more 2 lose & a lot sure would b gained 4 many
    2 Why why why why why 222 right now my angel
    3 definitely made me a better person when you said it was the devil so right u were
    2 Attractive & appealing his secret & how he sneaks n & takes it all away
    2 Playing with ur heart ur hed and life 4 18-26 yrs b4 he's noticed
    1 Wont leave till he has it all then disappears leaving u with many tears
    4 Gonna miss this place 4 sure 3 more days they skip step 1 & go str8 2 the end they got r #
    6 I just dnt get it or how ppl justify things they do. It was supsd 2 b 4ever
    5 I sure could use u helping me pak & move I'm all alone now lost y'all both nothing left
    1 done gone crazy since you were taken away. some things can me er be understood. love ya son!
    1 The fireworks for 4th nothing compared to what is going happen now did you get ballon
    5 I dont get it do right get done wrong u kno The truth sad holidays w/out u2
    4 We sure used 2 all have a blast with fireworks except your brother little baby lol
    7 I just wish I knew what I could have done so it wouldnt b this way it hurts
    2 Fireworks r definitely otw talked to a attorney wrkd out a deal she needs call me asap
    6 Times running out a lil communication could save a lot of pain she needs 2 c me
    7 Once it is it is no going back only forward will b very costly for one
    10 1 way or another (the devil) as u called it has taken everything I ever luvd
    8 Now gonna have to find a new home for my lil sidekick, Nothin but losses since we lost u.
    8 Hatred ,Greed & Evil r taking over the world u r so much better off
    9 Talked to ya brother today It's his birthday said he missed you
    2 Love you buddy long hard week No help a lot left behind not my fault, irreplaceable & unacceptable
    9 At least u can c reality & know true from false that's what matters
    8 Life's not even close 2 being fair for a Giles anyway rip lil buddy
    7 So lost so confused not doing good at all nobody cares
    7 They took my life that Sunday afternoon also My whole world!!
    4 Day after day it gets harder & harder I'll nvr undrstd ne of it! So many losses!
    4 Play your song all the time, you were GOOD really Good at whatever u wanted 2 do Talented
    7 Guess it's just u & me now she threw all of it away or left it4 what who
    7 Just stating facts and pulling knives out of my back always under attack
    4 I got 3 stacks but I can't slip & relax trying to collect all this tax from big ole sacks
    10 I'm just stating facts
    4 counting trophies and plaques from Bmx days you took it 2 the max , Facts
    1 Another day Another Dollar wish u were hear asking for a dollar
    2 It's either or & I don't like the or so I'm gonna be gone for bout 9 mos pray 4 me
    10 Brighter Days r coming I got 2 work on me so I can work on ur justice
    9 Lol its amazing what u can find if u look & pay attention
    10 Ppl may hide the truth from other ppl but God knows the Truth u cant hide from him
    8 U can run blame other ppl but grief and guilt will follow wherever u go, u cant escape it
    10 $$ cant buy everybody it can make u 4get where u come from though
    6 In the blink of a eye it call all b taken away & u realize u no better than n e 1 else a lot 2 learn
    11 I forgive u both
    7 Something I never wanted to do but I've been left no choice, hard headedness gets u nowhere
    9 Bet I have shocked u the last cpl mos. Gonna keep going Goin All The Way
    9 7 days a weeks 50-60 hours + side job = BLESSED vacation cmg soon
    9 Miss you much could sure use your help with this dog y'all would get along great just alike
    7 One more thing I love that I'm gonna have to say goodbye to and on your birthday , my luck
    5 Here we go again, if u don't like it don't read it! Go elsewhere
    5 Nobody needs to play monitor on here. If u haven't been thru this u have no right
    7 Because I have and this tore my whole world apart and if I want to say anything I have the right
    8 People need to see and know what this did to my family NO FILTERS
    5 When Ive had enough u won't b able 2 delete it and the world will see it & know it all
    6 I've backed my line up for the last 5yrs it aint moving anymore .
    8 Yes it's fast got it to 160 and let off lol I'm gonna mod it out 4sho
    8 Gonna take a lil time but it's fast enough the way it is I'll take u 1 day
    9 I love you & always will in heaven hell or on earth ALWAYS
    5 I'll take u 4 a ride next week when clutches come in HOLD ON fastfast
    1 I'll be seeing you soon nothing left here for me
    1 Nothing can replace y'all
    1 Nothing
    4 Tomorrow is your day
    2 Told ya it was fast & loud! At leat u get 2 ride on ur bday better hold on
    3 Another Birthday You are missed and loved
    2 Told. It was fast, u gotta help me watch out 4 these damn deer , love ya
    2 Its gonna b a min b4 I csn light a candle 4 u but u know why
    3 A crazy world full of evil ppl nobody cares anymore
    3 Ppl u thought u cld trust are who u have 2 watch the closest
    2 They are the wickedest & seem out 2 hurt u the most
    2 She could have stopped it but didn't due 2 being mad at me a way 2 get even
    2 I kno now why your head was messed up so bad why u were so confused makes sense
    3 love u more miss your physical presence but ur more alive than ever! BLESSED💚
    3 words can't describe.... Thank you!
    3 thank you, my superman always! somethings just aren't humanly understandable
    3 can't wait to sit with you & talk again wish I'd listened more closely
    5 5 years today 2024 a year of changes keep visitimg pawpaw miss and love you
    5 Merry Xmas! Celebrate with Jesus🌲 I love you❣️ Thank you for all the smiles😊
    5 Keep her in right direction Justice in 2024 already working
    4 finally got ur mem. tattoo💚 hope I'm making u proud⛪
    2 coming up on ur 25th bday. who would u B? The man God intended you to be!!
    2 still love you more🤗 and missing you and that smile, laugh daily! thnx for ur guidance 💚
    3 happy birthday my sweet kaleb. miss you so very much. so many things remind me daily of you
    1 we miss you here on earth! Looking forward to that day when I get 2 C ur smile again!
    1 I know your at peace. thanks for your guiding light, we'll be 2gether soon! 💚UMore

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