Trevor Leventhall, age 25

Lost to gun violence on October 30, 2018 in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

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11411 candles have been lit for Trevor.

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You can add to Trevor's profile:

  • Nickname:
    97 Trev
    23 uncle trev, tractor trev,
    23 Ole Trev
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    165 amazing selfless
    166 Kind, generous, thoughtful, soft spot for animals
    162 Kind hearted, loving, rescuer of animals, sensitive and caring, missed and loved by many
    160 One of the best people I know
    161 not a day goes by that I dont think of you forever forget you. NEVER!!!
    156 Very much missed but never forgotten. You were a gentle soul.
  • Occupation:
    16 landscap er
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
  • Comments:
    78 Trev we miss you buddy rip trev res
    73 You'll be missed but never forgotten.
    70 days are hard but night are even harder. we love you baby hooe your at peace now
    74 I think about you every day buddy. I love you and miss you.
    71 I love you more than you will ever know and I pray you are now at peace
    72 trev you were my best friend. all our sleepovers,
    71 playing pacman and guitar hero, making nachos and koolaid
    69 taking the dogs for walks with your mom
    69 your family loving me and allowing me to be a part of it
    66 our late nights when raymond was in town
    66 the Halloween I stepped on a nail in your backyard
    68 I could go on, because theres so many memories...
    66 I wish you were here, but bbn I know in spirit you are
    70 please watch over us, especially your mom
    66 please help her to know you're at peace, so she can be
    65 A beautiful soul gone too soon. You will live forever in our hearts.
    66 You will always be Uncle Trev in our house, we love you and miss you so much!
    67 I love and miss you so very mch
    66 I will always love you. I will never forget you
    64 Happy Thanksgiving Trev, love you man, miss you so much
    64 Save me a seat at the table, we will have lunch again like we did many times before
    65 Wish I could hug you one more time and you punch me and laugh, miss your laugh bro
    65 always in my heart love you forever
    65 We love you very much Trev. You are in my thoughts every day
    66 Love you Trevor
    66 Miss you so very much Trev
    67 I love and miss you!
    67 You would take the shirt off of your back to look out for someone else. Gone but never forgotten.
    71 Wish I had more than 100 letters because you meant a lot to a lot of people. Miss you man.
    63 Wish I could have helped you with your struggles and make
    64 You understand how much you are loved
    65 My heThe pain in my heart continues to grow. Your family love's you so very much Trev.
    66 Love you Trev
    64 I love you Trevor
    64 Miss you so much. Love you Trevor
    64 I hope you could feel the love of your family this week
    65 I hope you could hear how much everyone loved
    63 I hope you could hear how much you meant to us
    63 Without you, life will never be the same.
    63 There will always be a piece of our heart that is missing
    63 And it will never be replaced until we see you again
    63 We love you and hope you are at peace this Christmas
    64 Merry Xmas, Trev. I love you. I wish I'd known that you were struggling. You won't be forgotten. ♥️
    63 I fight to hold back tears but it won't be Christmas
    62 Without you
    62 I know it sounds like a cliche but I love you more than words can say
    62 More than tears can convey, more than you will ever know
    63 I still can't accept it. I keep thinking you will come home and I can give you one more hug
    63 I wish I could hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you, how much we all love you
    62 How much we wish you were here so we could show you our love
    63 Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and wish I could wrap you
    64 In my arms like when you were little and make everything ok
    64 And the hole in my heart will never go away
    63 Happy new year, Trev. You are loved
    65 I miss you bro. I wish you were here. I can’t stop thinking about you.
    63 Sending lots of love to you.
    63 Happy New Year bro, really miss you man
    64 Wish I could see you every morning and yell your name as soon as you got out of your car
    62 And hold it out like an akward musical note just to see you smile
    63 I know you hated and loved it
    63 Good night ny sweet child. I love you
    62 You will always be loved more than you can possibly imagine.
    64 Man I miss you Trev. Really wish I could see you pulling in my driveway on your bike. Miss you bro
    63 I love you Trev. I miss you so much.
    64 Wish you were stopping by like you did most Friday nights, love you bro
    64 Your always on our mind and forever in our heart♥
    64 Miss hearing that motorcycle here
    63 Trev, miss you bro
    63 Every day I miss you more
    62 Still missing and loving you.
    63 And I hope there is some way that he can see or feel how much he is missed.
    63 There is nothing I would not trade to have him back
    63 😘❤️
    65 We donated your car to Make a Wish Foundation
    64 Considering you choice to be an organ doner, we thought it might be what you wanted
    64 Another testament to your character. Never gonna stop missing you
    62 Love you so very much
    63 Trev, seeing your smile on my fridge everyday makes me smile
    63 Brayden's taller we marked a spot 4 u Uncle Trev
    49 u were my everything I love you
    63 Sweet Dreams Uncle Trev, always on our minds and forever in our hearts
    63 Good night my sweet son. All my love.
    62 You will never be forgotten Trev. Miss spending everyday with you bro
    65 Wish I could hug you one more time. Love, mom
    62 Three months without you my son and I miss you more than ever
    64 Trev I miss you so much bro
    62 ❤️😘❤️😘XXXXOOOO
    63 Man I miss you bro
    62 Love you my son
    62 i am so lucky and happy i got to love you trevor.
    63 Man you taught me so much
    63 How to be a better person
    63 How to love someone or animal you barely know
    63 How to see the little moments that pass most by
    63 Thank you for being a great friend
    63 I’m forever grateful for you and your family
    63 I’m grateful to have spent so much time with you everyday
    63 You’ll never be forgotten my brother
    64 Bray is 23-1/2 inches now
    63 Love you and miss you
    63 you will always be mine, i will hold you in my heart until i hold you again in heaven
    63 As always, sending all my love. Good night my sweet son
    62 i miss you honey i love you.
    43 i love that i dream of you even though i cant kiss/hold you your face makes my heart smile.
    62 Another day has passed....another day of missing you. Love mom
    63 Man it would be great to see you
    65 Miss you Trev
    63 Your family loves you
    63 We love you so very much
    62 The world is worse without you
    62 Thanks Turbo
    62 You were a good friend
    63 Trev was an even better friend
    63 Man I miss seeing you on Saturday nights bro
    63 Your mother, father, and siblings miss you more than you know
    46 When I close my eyes, I'm somewhere with you Trev. In my heart I'm always somewhere with you.
    64 Trevor, your Aunt Donna misses you and loves you!
    63 My son, you are loved so very much by so many. Good night
    63 Trev really miss you bro
    63 Hope you had a good Sunday in heaven my dear friend
    64 i hope your at peace Trevor, i miss you so much.
    63 Hey Trev, I know this seems redundant but I love and miss you more than you could imagine my son
    66 Thanks again to all who continue to celebrate the remembrance of my child,
    64 Thank you Ma for giving him to everyone who cares so much for him. Love and miss Trev so much
    63 Glad I get to see him everyday smiling on my fridge everyday
    63 thank you dawn aka mom you always made me feel loved no matter what
    63 this weather makes me expect your bike in the driveway. i miss that sound.
    47 i love you Trevor i miss you so much it hurts. youare my everything
    63 Man you are so missed. Wish you here so we could experience this year together bro
    43 trevor you burned to bright for this world. i llsy my spul when i lost you
    63 Hope you had a good day in heaven Trev, miss and love you bro
    63 Trev, do you know how awesome it would be to hear your bike pull up
    64 That would make my decade. Miss you bro!
    63 Trev, hope you had a good Thursday in heaven
    64 Nothing is the same without you bro
    63 Man we miss you so much
    63 My precious child. I wish you peace. Much love
    63 Trev, my brother from another mother, Happy Sunday.
    64 Miss you so much bro
    63 Thanks to you Ozzy has a safe place to live and he is no longer fearful
    64 You saved him and he is grateful. And he is a constant reminder of your kindness
    63 You are so loved
    63 You are so important to so many people. We love you
    63 Trev I wish you peace my bro
    63 We all miss you, that smile, that charismatic charm you had
    63 Love you man, Happy Tuesday
    63 Sending hugs and love to my sweet child
    63 I can still see that nice smile you had bro.
    63 One day we will meet again, love you bro
    63 Always on our mind and forever in our heart
    61 To know him, is to love him
    62 To unconditionally love him is to truly know him. His heart was always in the right place.
    60 If you only realized how much you are loved
    63 Trev, It's been 4 months but it still hurts like it was yesterday. Love you so very much, Mom
    62 Bray turned 2 today, we miss you so much. We’ll always keep your memory alive
    63 miss you trev, you were a good man
    61 Trevor, I love you
    55 Corned beef is on
    61 Got a chair at the counter for you honey
    62 Love you son
    62 Trev, we miss you so much bro
    62 Love you man, words cannot even describe
    61 I got really sick otw and you handled it all yourself
    61 Then you drove back, first time and never even second guessed it
    63 Things will never be the same without you. We miss you and always will. I love you.
    62 You always and forever be right here with us,miss u Uncle Trev
    62 Trevor was a kind, thoughtful young man with a great heart.
    61 Trev, so many people love you
    61 If we ever won the lottery we would split it 50/50
    61 Take care of our families and live comfortably
    61 Well I won the lottery when we became friends
    61 Love you bro, I’ll say it until you know
    61 Till we meet again
    61 We all love you, so do I bro
    61 Happy Friday Trev, I miss you more than you know bro
    61 My sweet child, I miss you so very much.
    61 You’re missed so very much, by so many
    59 You are always in my heart. Love mom
    59 Your Bammy is heartbroken
    59 We all love you and miss you so very much
    59 Such a terrific child
    59 Ozzy has taken a definite liking to dad
    59 It's almost like you are talking through Ozzy
    60 I transplanted it and it is doing good so far
    59 Must be your love shining down on it🙏
    59 I love you my sweet child. Good night😘
    24 i miss you everyday, i love you so much, and i cant wait to b with u again.
    59 Sending my love to you my son
    59 My son, my son, I miss you so very much
    58 We all desparately want to hold you again. Lots of Love to you
    59 You h ave such dear friends that feel the same way
    58 You are loved more than you know
    60 Trev, we really missed you today
    61 Your Dad made your favorite, it was cooked just the way you liked it
    67 Love you bro
    60 You’ll never know how much we miss you
    61 One day I will tell you myself
    60 Happy Saint Patrick’s Day bro
    60 Trev miss you so much bro
    60 Your memory will forever burn bright in our hearts and minds
    60 No amount of candles can compare
    60 Regardless we will light them everyday😁
    59 It's almost 5 months and I still feel like it can't be real. I guess because I don't to believe it
    59 I love you my son
    60 I pray you are at peace
    60 almost 5 months, i miss you more than i can stand.
    60 Trev you’re missed more than you know
    59 If you were here right now, I would hug you
    59 Miss that along with many other great qualities about you
    58 forever
    59 You will always be my favorite uncle Trev, love Bray
    59 There's not a day that doesn't go by that we see your smile, love you
    58 Yes, he had such an adorable grin
    58 My heart aches so much. I keep trying to will it to not be true
    59 I would give anything to see you again. Good night my sweet son
    42 and got our PS4 fixed now its like you play the games with me.
    38 start my new job tomorrow baby
    59 Miss and love you Trev
    58 A new day, another chance to let you know how much I love you my son.
    58 Trev, I love every memory of you but at the same time it makes me cry
    58 I love you more than you can know my son
    58 You had so much to offer this world
    59 My child, my beloved, my loving son. I love you
    58 I cherish you, I love you, I will never stop missing you
    58 My loving son, Trevorski 😘
    59 We miss and love you now more than ever bro
    59 Trev you made me smile everyday, still do
    39 i love our convos i love the dreams i lobe still being with you
    43 goodnight honey always in my heart love you ❤️😘💞
    58 We had nice weather today and I know you would have gone riding
    59 Whenever I hear a motorcycle I still glance out my window hoping to see your face
    59 I know it makes no sense. It's just that I miss you so much. Love, mom
    59 5 months today my son and you are missed more than ever. I hope you are at peace
    62 Miss you bro
    60 Everyone loves you
    59 5 months bro, feels like 1 day
    59 Love you Trev, one day we will spend Sunday together again
    59 I miss you dropping by at night and rolling our eyes at dad's comedic attempts
    58 I miss all the hugs we shared when you were leaving for the night
    58 I miss hearing your voice. I miss you shuffling your feet. I miss your constant tinkering.
    58 I miss everything about you. I just miss you my son.
    40 i miss you trevor, i watched a video of you last night. the one where the package came
    39 we were so happy, your face lit up loke it always does
    39 my heart still looks for you, my mind still talks to you. i know you found peace
    52 but can you be the amazing man every1 loves and watch ober us down here. 😘😍
    58 Today was a hard day. Do you ever really get over losing a child? I love you Trev
    58 I don't think that I will - I love you too much. You are always on my mind. Love Mom
    56 My son, Seeing you again is number 1 on my list. Nothing would make me happier
    56 thank you to Dawn for being a mother to me when i dkdnt have one
    57 for always being there for me and trev, sitting in the vet with the cats.
    56 you always cared you always helped you were our rock.
    56 trevor is always with you in spirit dawn, and hes waiting with open arms.
    59 Love and miss you bro
    59 Friday nights I would hear your motorcycle pull up in neutral
    59 Not to wake Bray up
    59 That was your character, selfless
    59 Really really miss you
    59 More than you know
    59 Remember that time you drove us home from Durham?
    59 First time with a trailer, aced it
    59 Like everything you ever did
    59 You gave me something no one ever has
    59 Friendship without judgement
    59 You’re irreplaceable, we all miss you
    59 We love you Trevor....Dustin, Turbo, and Dad
    59 Miss your shy quiet smile.
    59 Trevor- Doris and I miss you..watched you grow up to be a fine young man.. In our thoughts..Jim L
    59 Trev, just got back from visiting Thomas. Miss you...Rain Man
    59 Will always miss and love you cousin! You’ll never know how much you’re missed
    59 Trevor, there are no goodbyes from... you will always be in my Heart❤️Michele
    59 Miss your wit and smart mouth you always loved giving me shit, lol
    59 as big a family as we are you are so missed..everyday 💜
    58 A piece of our family is missing, love you always and forever Uncle Trev
    58 The love for you and your family weighs so strong ❤️Wende
    53 these live videos of you and your laughter helps on days like this.. my heart hurts
    52 Trevor, why? You are so loved...B
    57 Trev, man we miss you so much bro
    57 Saturday night isn’t the same without you although I still feel your presence
    56 Trevor, I have known your dad forever. He always spoke highly of all his children. Love you, Alan
    57 Myself, Nickel and Bray love you
    56 We met you when your wee young. We love you you and your family, Bill and Becca
    57 Only the good die young. Your precious Son will never be forgotten. Always loved and missed.
    56 Not sure who wrote only the good die young
    55 Whomever put the new pics of you up is a Godsend
    59 Trev, your Dad, Mom, 2 brothers and sister love you...there are no words, just love
    56 We will forever cherish your memory and look forward to seeing you again
    58 Your actions surpassed that expectation and I’ll forever be grateful
    58 Everyday
    57 that time you cooked breakfast for everyone, just another thing you were great at
    57 Happy Sunday Trev, miss you bro
    54 Trevor, Michele is coming for dinner today
    49 Chicken wings are part of the menu
    57 not a day goes by I dont think of you my sweet nephew 💜
    56 Trevor, I will always remember your kind heart...Cindy
    57 Set a place for Trevor tonight. You won’t see him but he will be there.
    57 Talk about the good times and beautiful memories. He will hear you. ❤️Cyndi
    56 Thank you everyone for keeping Trevor alive
    56 Love, Tom and Trevor’s Dad
    57 Trev you will forever be here with us, miss you more than you could possibly know bro
    56 Wings were amazing, saved sone for you
    57 Really wish you were here. Miss you soooo much.
    56 Trev, I dreamt you were still alive and I was so happy, all I could was kiss and hold you
    57 I keep hoping it will get easier but it doesn't. I love you so much, Mom
    57 I've read that you only grieve because you loved and the more you loved the greater the grieving.
    57 After losing you, I have no doubt that is true
    58 I will never stop loving you my son.
    56 the pain doesnt end but hearing you.laugh today in that video, just melted ny heart
    57 Aunt Donna loves you and misses you, sweet boy!
    55 My child, I love you more than you can ever imagine
    55 Time may pass, but you’ll never be forgotten
    56 We’ll never forget you Trev
    56 We love and miss you bro
    52 I’ve realized you’re always with me...heart, mind, spirit
    56 Not a day goes by without you surrounding our thoughts
    56 Trev, nights are especially painful. The hole in my heart refuses to heal. ILY Mom
    56 Good morning Trevor. Another day with you in our thoughts and hearts.
    57 Your family has a love so deep for you that nobody could touch or even come close to
    57 Your family loves you dearly
    56 Today I heard the song "Photograph" by the beetles and it
    56 took on a whole different meaning. I had to turn it off. ILY, Mom
    56 Good morning my son. I wish you peace today
    39 i love you Trev 😘 I can't go anywhere in this town without seeing your face. I miss you so much.
    56 thanks for being a part of my life, and still continuing to be. it means so much. :)
    39 the Easter egg hunts and smash Burger that was our Easter I miss you
    55 What an incredible family you have. They all love you so much! It’s inspiring!
    55 Trev, we cannot wait to see you again and we will one day
    56 We will remember you until we see you again
    53 That day cannot come soon enough.
    55 Wish you be a part of are though, more than you know
    58 Really wish you could meet your niece, she’ll be perfect.
    56 Love you more than you’ll ever know
    56 Thank you Trev, love you bro
    56 Easter is almost here and I know how much you loved this holiday
    56 Even as an adult, you continued our Easter egg hunt tradition
    58 This Easter will be very difficult for me. I hope there are Easter egg hunts in heaven.
    56 As always, I love and miss you. Goodnight my son
    57 You’re always on our minds and in our hearts Trevor
    56 Thinking of you always, sweet Trevor!
    57 Happy Easter bro, miss you
    56 Happy Easter Trevor!
    57 Thinking of you today, and always
    57 Always thinking about you and your family
    57 Precious child. Gone too soon
    57 I’m really glad we had such great memories together bro
    56 I miss your beautiful smile, love, mom
    57 Your smile was contagious, it makes me smile thinking about you bro
    38 You will always be my most desired future
    57 Really miss you bro
    57 I still hear your voice but your heart was bigger
    56 No matter how much time passes I will miss you and never forget you
    57 Miss you dearly Trevor
    57 You are always in my heart. Love Bammy
    56 Happy Hump Day Trev! :)
    56 The 30th looms in my mind constantly and I dread that day every month
    56 It feels like an eternity and yet it also feels like it was yesterday
    56 A piece of my heart left me on Oct 30. I can only hope it is with you. Love, Mom
    56 I lost a piece of my heart on Oct. 30. I can only hope it is with you. Love, Mom
    56 I look at your picture every day. You are always in my heart. Love Bammy
    56 think of you everyday.our family is not complete wyou.💜
    56 love aunt diane
    57 Sending peaceful, healing thoughts for all of Trevor's loved ones
    57 Morning Trevor. You are always in my thoughts. Love you dearly Bammy
    56 beautiful-boy-by-john-lennon/ always think of you when I hear this you aunt Diane
    57 Thinking of you today and every day
    55 Trev, I finally made spaghetti sauce today for the first time since you’ve been gone.
    55 I know how much you liked it
    55 and I am so wishing you were here to share it with and send you home with leftovers.
    55 (I don’t even care if you don’t bring back the containers).
    55 Thanks to all for your kind remembrances of Trevor.
    56 The pain I feel is still very fresh and unimaginable,
    55 but it comforts me to know others love and care about him
    56 and are keeping his memory alive. I miss him terribly
    52 Trev, I love you so much, I don't know how to live without you.
    56 You are always in my prayers. Love and a hug!
    56 Remembering you in a very special way. You always had a kind word and great smile love Bammy
    56 Thinking about you with love Bammy
    56 think of you are the angel that will live in my 💜
    56 forever more
    55 It’s the dreaded 30th day of the month again. There’s been 6 of them now.
    55 6 months since I found out I would never see me child again.
    55 6 months of grieving for you and missing you.
    55 6 months of sending you my love and praying you are at peace.
    55 I love you dearly Trevor
    57 Good morning Trevor. Sending you all my love💕Bammy
    55 think of you every single day my sweet sweet nephew .my love to all
    56 a special thanks to Dawn who reached out. still so selfless I pray everyday for you to find peace.
    56 still on my mind trev💜
    56 6 long months. Not a single day goes by where you aren’t thought of or talked about.
    56 We all miss you and love you more than you can possible fathom
    56 Thinking of you always!
    56 Morning Trevor. You hold a special place in my heart. Xoxo Bammy
    55 I don't know what magic you worked on Ozzy, but he loves Dad!
    57 💜💜
    56 Man, you are missed so much
    56 Nickel and Bray miss you too
    56 We will always remember you Trev
    56 One day we will meet again and I will tell you how much everyone loves you
    54 I love you dearly my child, but you already know that. Miss you more than I can say.
    55 I love you
    55 I love your more
    55 My heart aches to see you again. Love Mom
    56 You are always on my mind. Love Bammy
    55 Those we love don’t go away...
    56 You are always in my mind. Love Bammy
    56 Thinking about you all day (as usual) Love, Mom
    56 You just don’t know how much we miss you
    56 At your house or mine
    56 Love and a hug Bammy
    54 Good night Trev. All my love, Mom
    55 Good night my beautiful grandson 😘
    57 Thinking of you always
    54 Hey Trev, The orchid is sprouting new roots! Love you
    55 miss you everyday love you even more my sweet nephew
    54 Morning Trevor thoughts of you enter my mind as soon as I wake up. Love you dearly Bammy
    54 We love you so dearly!
    53 i love you Trevor forever and always, you lit up my world.
    54 You’re always on our mind and in our hearts
    54 Good night Trevor. Love 💕 you Bammy
    53 The Pain of Losing a Child (Author Unknown)
    53 Missing you my son.
    55 The love everyone has for you is so great, I hope you can feel it ❤️
    54 Missing you today, like every day
    54 Love and miss you Dearly sweet grandson 💕
    53 Missing you so very much my son
    54 Sending all my love 😘Bammy
    54 whenever you see this purple heart it's me aunt Diane 💜
    54 Such a sweet soul. We all miss you Trevor.
    54 💜 yeah caught me thinking of you again 💜
    54 On my mind like always
    54 Everyone is so lucky to have known you. Trev, we love you and will never forget you! Miss you bro
    54 Your Mother loves you and so do we all.
    53 Mother's day was difficult without you.
    53 You were always so thoughtful and did something special for me on this day. Sending much love
    52 Even though I now only have 3 children to physically spend my days with,
    54 you are always there with us in spirit. Thanks to all my 4 children for Mother's Day memories
    54 💜 think of you all the time. forever loved eternally missed my sweet sweet nephew
    54 Love and hugs to my precious grandson xoxo
    53 You are missed by more people than you can possibly imagine. All my love, Mom
    54 Another day of missing you. You’re with us daily and you’re loved by so many.
    54 💜 miss you so much.hope you're in peace. love you forever 💜
    52 My son, the pain of missing you is unimaginable. I keep waiting for it to recede, but it doesn't.
    53 I love you and miss you so very much - Mom
    54 💜 always in my heart and thoughts love you my sweet sweet nephew 💜
    55 Love and miss you my precious child. Love and a hug Bammy xo
    54 💜 think of you every single day love you for always
    53 We planted a small garden this week-you would love it.We misss you
    54 Trev, we miss you more than you’ll ever know.
    54 Hope you know that I think about you Turbo
    54 Love you both. Praying for you daily ❤️
    54 My first memory of you is my favorite. We both were visiting Bammy’s and it snowed early.
    54 Me, you and my brother layered on random warm clothes Bammy had in the house and played outside.
    54 I’m grateful for all of our memories and will cherish them forever. I love you cousin Trevor.
    54 I remember that day very well. Have pictures of you all playing in the snow
    54 Snow was still falling. Hot choc n soup waiting when u all came in. Good memories. Love you Trevor
    54 💜 think of you all the time💜
    54 can only light one candle a day so here's a million 💜
    80 💜
    52 Thanks all for the memories, prayers and love. I hope he knows how much he is missed and loved
    53 Keanu Reeves answer to what happens after we die: “I know the ones who love us will miss us
    53 Morning Trevor. You are always on my mind. Love n a hug Bammy xoxo
    54 💜 you know who it is! love to all especially you dawnie
    54 My thoughts and prayers are with the Leventhall family
    52 Trevor, where is my filet steak ?
    52 It is approaching and not sure how I will react to you not showing up with my filet at 4:00
    53 Trevor, the ones that love you show up every day
    53 Mom and Dad love you more than all
    53 And all know who truly live Trevor
    55 Goodnight sweet Trevor
    54 Hope you know how much you are missed!
    47 Really wish I could talk you right now
    39 My Dad has a big day tomorrow...I know you would shed some light and realism on Monday
    54 Love you bro always...Turbo
    54 We will ride motorcycles together one always wanted me to get another one
    54 Bray is over 3ft y’all and 42 lbs. you said he was gonna be huge. First baby you said you ever held
    54 We miss you Uncle Trev
    54 It was you idea to mark his height on the door jam going to his room
    54 We’ll never forget that
    54 Wherever we go that door jam will be with us and so will you
    54 It’s the beginning of a new week n memories of u continue Love 💕 Bammy
    55 900 candles today today. c'mon people let 's hit that 1000 mark 💜
    54 Always thinking of you brother!!! ❤️❤️❤️
    54 Consistently on my mind 😇
    54 4 U 💜
    53 Turbo loves you Trevor
    53 We did mulch and pine straw today, no one ever did it better and faster then you
    53 If you only knew
    54 The ones that matter are here every day
    51 Candles for Dawnie and Trevor please
    53 My Trevor, I miss you so very much
    54 💜for both trev and Dawnie 💜
    53 Another day of missing you my son. I love you
    54 Morning Trevor. Always thinking about you love n a hug Bammy
    54 Robert Canada
    54 You will be missed my friend. Prayers to Tom Dawn and Dustin
    54 💜 another day missing you...oh wait. I miss you always 💜
    54 💜 love and hugs to all you Leventhall especially you dawn 💜
    53 I love you and miss you. I know I keep saying that but the pain in my heart won't go away.
    53 Thanks Di. Your love, hugs, and prayers are comforting and we'll take as much as we can get..
    54 Trev, thought about you all day long bro
    54 Bray got his first motorcycle...he loves it, I know you would love to see him ride it
    54 Love you bro, nobody compares to the good hearted person you were
    55 Just so you know, we talk about you everyday at work. I talk about you at home too
    53 Your smile is one of the first things I see every morning
    53 Your memory and that picture make me smile everyday
    53 We all miss you so much
    53 Love you bro, thanks for everything you taught me and ever did for me
    54 Love Turbo
    53 Morning Trevor. You are my first thought every day n always on my mind. Love n a hug Bammy
    53 💜 just me thinking about you.. ..again 💜
    52 If only candles could bring you back. Love you, Mom
    53 oh Dawn my heart goes out t
    53 with love 💜
    53 love you Dawnie 💜
    53 Always thinking about you!! Love ya Trevor! 🕯💙🕯❤️🕯
    53 the smile in the above pix sums up what a sweet young man you were. love you forever 💜
    52 Always in my heart. always on my mind.
    52 It's the 30th again. I dread this day every month. 7 gut wrenching months of
    52 hoping it somehow isn't really real. I still can't bring myself to accept it.
    52 I miss you and think about you every single day and pray you are at peace. Love Mom
    54 I also miss u Trevor. I do believe u are now safe in the arms of Jesus 💕Bammy
    53 Never not thinking about you!
    53 💜 miss you love you forever 💜
    52 I know this day every month is rough for you. I am always thinking of you and Love you!!!
    53 Uncle Dean Loves you Trevor and always thinking about you!! ❤️❤️❤️
    53 💜 just saying I love you 💜
    53 Miss you Trev, miss hearing your motorcycle pull up, Bray misses you too
    53 Your pic is on our fridge we talk to you every day 😊
    53 Love you and miss you, Turbo, Nicole and Brayden
    52 Morning Trevor. You are always on my mind n in my heart. Love n a hug Bammy
    53 💜 always on my mind... love and miss you my sweet sweet nephew
    53 💜 Dawnie sending special love and hugs to you especially
    52 Thanks Turbo and Nicole
    52 Dean, your the best
    53 Thank y’all for giving us of the best people I’ve ever known
    53 He was and still is a great son, brother and friend
    51 We are eternally grateful!
    53 Thank you Dawn, Tom and Dustin for letting us be a part of his and your life
    53 We’ll never forget him, I think about him all day everyday, miss him.
    53 Love Turbo, Nicole and Brayden always
    53 Love you Trevor!!!
    53 Missing your kind, innocent presence
    53 Thanks to all who continue to light candles for my son. I hope he can feel the love from everyone
    51 I can't put into words how much I miss you.
    52 I posted this once before but it was deleted so here goes again
    52 The pain of losing a child (author unnknown)
    52 To those who understand, no explanation is necessary
    52 To those who don't, no explanation is possible
    52 Love you and miss you so very much, Love, Mom
    53 I’m here for you every day Trevor!! Love Uncle Dean❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 Morning Trevor. Just want you to know that I’m thinking about you. All my love. Bammy💕
    53 Good Morning Brother ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 I light a candle everyday 4 U. at times its just too hard to look at your pix. miss that smile💜
    53 💜 love aunt Diane
    53 Miss you today more than you know bro
    53 Sending all my love. Bammy
    52 Miss you my baby boy
    53 Always on my mind ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 opened this in error so I'm leaving another comm.miss you love you 💜
    54 You became an uncle today. Wish you were here to see your niece
    52 A bittersweet time for me. I love you so very much
    53 💜 think of you always...miss you like crazy my sweet sweet nephew 💜
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯
    53 the most gentile sweet soul💜
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Love ya buddy!
    53 💜 think of you all the time love you even more
    58 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Trev, hope you’re doing well watching over us...hope you know how much we love you bro
    53 I miss you every single second of every single day.
    53 Wish you were out there with us and only 2 minutes away
    53 Your smile, laugh, and charismatic charm were contagious.
    54 Love you bro, always will
    52 Every day, every second, I think how much I love you and how much the world has missed without you
    54 Love n miss you my sweet grandson. Love n a hug Bammy
    54 My child, I love you and miss more than you can imagine
    53 💜💜 my sweet nephew I think of you everyday. you are such a great loss to our family live you
    54 💜 love you
    54 💜 there I go again thinking of you my sweet nephew love you aunt Diane 💜
    53 Love, love, love, love you. Miss, miss, miss, miss you
    54 think of you every single you aunt Diane 💜
    54 You’re always on everyone’s mind 😇
    54 💜 that smile so precious 💜
    53 If you only knew how much you are missed...
    53 And if love alone could bring you back, there would be thousands of you
    53 The pain of losing you never stops.
    53 If there is a reason for everything, I can't figure this one out
    53 My son, my precious son.
    54 The first thing I thought about this morning was you Trevor. Love u dearly. Bammy 💕
    54 💜 if you only knew how many people love you and miss you dearly love aunt Diane
    53 In my thoughts and heart always
    54 💜 not a minute goes by that I dont think of and miss you more than you'll ever know💜
    54 In different ways you are always apart of our days
    55 💜 the purple heart...yeah it's me aunt Diane. miss you terribly💜
    53 ❤️😥🙏 Many days I cannot find the right words. Just lots of love, tears, and prayers
    53 Miss you terribly. Good night my son. I love you
    54 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Miss ya , Love ya!!
    54 💜 my sweet nephew as big as our family is without you it's not complete love you forever 💜💜
    54 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Always in my heart brother!
    54 💜 my heart aches. not a day goes by that I dont think about you my sweet nephew 💜
    54 Thinking about you always
    55 You’re missed in so many ways!
    54 💜 heaven has a new angel love and miss you💜
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Love ya brother!!
    54 💜 night my sweet nephew. I know your resting with angels love and miss you always💜
    54 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Love, Love BROTHER!!
    54 💜 yeah its me again...aunt Diane miss you
    53 Nights are still incredibly hard. Love you so much son
    54 Morning Trevor. Love you dearly Bammy
    54 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Good morning brother!!
    53 Happy Sunday Trev!
    52 Eight months and I miss you more than ever. All my love, Mom
    52 My son. I love and miss you more than words can explain
    52 I learned how to crack an egg with one hand today you little snot nose
    52 I almost didn't out ketchup in it
    52 I miss your pancakes and scrambled eggs
    52 I found some of your old schoolwork today. It was amazing. Wish I had more if of your drawings
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️Much Love!
    52 Happy 4th Trev - another one of your favorite holidays
    52 You always loved to get "real" fireworks and everyone enjoyed the show
    52 As always, these memories are bittersweet for me. You always loved making others happy.
    52 Just one more of the things I miss about you. Love always, Mom
    52 Every day without is difficult but the fourth is especially hard
    52 I miss you terribly. Love always, mom
    53 Happy 4th Trevor. I know how much you loved this day love Bammy
    53 💜 dawnie my heart aches for you today. the purple heart is always me.
    53 it doesn't get easier dawnie I post here everyday miss him so much love you sis
    53 Happy 4th bro
    53 Haven’t posted on here for awhile, I’m sorry Trev
    53 One of your favorite Holidays besides Christmas, you’ll never be forgotten man
    53 Everyday in the truck your memory lives, we talk about you everyday
    53 Thinking about you this morning like every morning
    53 You would find a place to set off fireworks because you loved it
    53 Miss you so much man, Bray is getting so big, watch over him for us
    53 I know how much you loved him, we love you and miss you just as much
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Love ya!!
    53 💜 miss you
    53 💜 just me aunt Diane miss you
    53 Love ya Trevor!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 just me aunt Diane sending love💜
    52 Just sending lots of love. Never going to stop❤️💕😘
    53 ❤️🕯👍🏻💙🕯🕯❤️ Love ya!
    53 wish I could light more than one candle a day or I would light up your page all the time
    53 that was me above...aunt di💜
    52 Thanks Di. Between the 2 of us, he would have a million candles lit.
    52 Trev, Never seeing you again is so hard, I can't even imagaine the pain you were in
    52 But I love you so very much and miss you even more.
    53 Was putting down mulch today and thinking of you. Heard you were the mulch KING! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    51 Morning Trevor. I’m visiting with mom n dad. Miss u greatly. Love and a hug. 💕Bammy
    53 love to all you leventhals always think about trev. miss and love you 💜
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ Love...Love...Love U!
    53 Trev, really miss you bro
    53 I still have and carry with me most days what you gave to me for my bday last year
    53 I’m so grateful to have known you
    53 Thank you for being the great person you were
    53 Love you bro and we miss you more than you know
    53 We named it Uncle Trevs taken of course in case we ever leave here
    53 Thanks for always being there for my family and I
    53 You and your brother are my best friends, eternally grateful for that
    53 always in my 💜💜
    42 Sure isn’t, she is alive and with someone else at the moment
    53 Thank you for giving my family and I at least 5 years together
    53 Could not have asked for a better friend and brother from another mother
    52 You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known
    53 Hey Trev, Wish you could see how much Ozzy loves Dad
    53 He's a real sweet dog and I'm so glad we have him - one last gift from you
    52 Hi Trevor. I’m still visiting with mom n dad. Miss your visits. Love and a hug Bammy
    53 think of you heart is empty without you 💜
    53 ove you aunt Diane 💜
    52 Miss you. With love Bammy
    54 Thinking about you brother. ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Love you Trevor. Hope your days are better now
    52 Hey Trev. The orchid is doing great. New stems/roots and leaves. I like to think it's due to you.
    52 Love and miss you so much son
    53 Love ya brother. ❤️🕯👍🏻💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 always on my mind love you aunt Diane 💜
    52 Love 💕 and miss you. Bammy
    52 💜 always in my 💜 love aunt Diane
    52 Trev, the hole in my heart refuses to heal. In fact, it continues to grow larger
    51 It aches so bad and I miss you more than I can express. I love you my precious son
    51 Thanks to all who continue to let Trev know we remember, love, and miss him
    53 Always here for you Trevor! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 Morning Trevor. You are dearly missed. Love n a hug. Bammy
    54 Trev, miss you so much bro
    53 Nicole, Bray and I love and miss you so much
    53 I was telling Haley this weekend how great a person and friend you were
    53 She said she wish she would’ve gotten the opportunity to meet you
    53 You’re constantly on my mind, words can’t even describe how much you are missed
    54 Hugs brother. ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 Love and miss you brother. You moving to oneal rd was the best thing that ever happens to me
    54 I was blessed to spend the 16 years I got with you. I wouldn't trade it for anything
    53 Good Morning Trevor. ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Morning Trevor. You are always on my mind n in my heart love Bammy
    53 Good night my son. You are truly missed by many
    54 more missed than you will ever know love aunt Diane 💜
    53 Life without you is difficult my precious son
    53 I love you more than words can say
    53 ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️ wish I could light more that just 1 candle a day for you !!
    53 you are always on my mind love aunt Diane 💜
    53 Love ya brother!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 you are so missed and forever loved love aunt Diane 💜
    52 My precious son. How much you are loved and missed
    52 I dreamt about you last night. You hugged me goodbye and I held you tight
    52 for a very long time. Whenever I dream about you it always involves hugging you
    52 I guess because I so badly wanted to but wasn't able to do so
    53 We've had several things happen lately that we hope are signs from you to
    52 let us know you are at peace. I pray you are
    53 Just thinking about you Trevor! Miss ya brother. Love ya!!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Hugs to you too Dawnie!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 you will never know how much you are missed. I think of you every single day love you aunt Diane 💜
    53 miss you terribly my sweet sweet nephew 💜
    52 Love you son. Miss you more than you can imagine
    53 Love 💕 and miss you Trevor Bammy
    53 Talk about you often
    52 I love you. I love you. I love you
    52 My child. No words can express the pain I feel from your loss
    54 Love ya brother. ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Not a day passes you’re not thought about
    53 You impacted so many lives, especially my own
    53 Nickel, Bray and I miss your smile, your charm, your charismatic charm
    53 you would call me on that! Hope you’re looking down on us happy
    52 That smile was truly magnificent! My son, you are missed dearly.
    53 If only you knew how many people you impacted, how many people immensely feel your loss
    53 Much Love ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    52 My son, you are, and always have been, so precious to me. I hope you know that
    52 I love you so very much
    55 Always on my mind! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 you are always in my mind 💜
    45 three car accident Trev rear ended into some1 else.
    44 you protected me cuz I didn't have a seatbelt on.
    53 You are strongly on my mind this morning sending kisses n hugs Bammy 😘
    53 Will NEVER forget u brother. Look forward lighting a candle every day! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    52 Thinking about you
    53 night brother, love and miss you
    53 Just thinking about you! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 miss you all the time love you always my precious nephew 💜
    52 Wish you were here so I could give
    52 You a birthday gift
    53 Trevor deserves a Happy Birthday from those whom loved him
    53 Love you more than you know, so does your family
    53 Trev, I only knew you through your brother, you were my best friend also
    52 So much love for you Trev! I hope you can feel it.
    53 Love, Love, Love!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Morning Trev, Nicole, Bray and I love and miss you
    51 Trevor, my sweet son, today you would have turned 26.
    52 You were so young with so much yet to experience. My sadness is overwhelming.
    52 As always, I pray you are at peace and I love you and miss you more than you can imagine.
    53 Happy birthday in heaven my beautiful grandson. You are greatly missed. Love and a hug Bammy
    53 Happy Birthday Trev, love and miss you bro
    53 Happy birthday Trevor! We love you and think of you every day.
    53 happy birthday in heaven I know you're celebrating with the Angel's love aunt Diane 💜
    53 My heart is hurting for you my dear daughter.
    53 Happy Birthday Trev!! So many people miss you and Love you!!
    52 I'm making a crumb cake for you - just like you requested every single birthday.
    53 I’ll always remember your generously and thoughtfulness
    53 Even at Xmas where there was a no present pact
    53 you bought everyone gifts including posh English tea to make me feel at home
    53 Happy birthday Trevor, we miss you x
    53 happy birthday Trevor You were a great man, now your making heaven an even better place.
    53 Happy Birthday Uncle Trev, miss you and love you ,you will be forever in our hearts
    53 You be so excited to cause Bray's getting so tall! We mark it off just for you
    54 Good night my birthday son. I love you
    53 Dawnie 💜that's 4 U 💜trev 4 U love U all
    54 What’s up buddy. Love ya!! 🕯❤️❤️💙❤️❤️🕯
    53 On my mind, Trevor.
    53 My son, I miss you terribly. I wish I could hug you and tell you how much I love you.
    53 sending hugs fir you Dawnie love you trev💜
    53 Trev my MAN!! Love ya brother! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 you are always on my mind miss you💜
    53 miss you forever 💜
    53 Love ya! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    53 Trev, really miss you bro no than ever.
    53 Not possible to imagine a better friend and human being!
    53 Love you bro, not a day goes by you’re not thought about or talked about
    53 I have hope one day we’ll meet again and I’ll give you that hug where you’d almost punch me
    52 I love you dearly Trev. 😘❤️
    50 its been 2 days since I've been unable to lite a candle. anyone else? if so how do I get it back
    53 i would do amything to be able to talk to you for 5 m
    52 Thank you very much for asking
    52 I too would give anything to hug Trev again and tell him how much he means to me
    52 Sincere thanks to all who continue to remember Trevor
    52 I don't think he knew how much he was loved and how badly he would be missed
    52 My heart will forever be missing a piece
    53 My heart will forever be missing a piece also. Love and a hug. Bammy
    51 Who posted that they couldn't light a candle? This is Trev"s sister. Are you still having the issue?
    50 hi I'm Trevor's aunt Dawn's sister still cant any suggestions
    50 yes still can't light a candle any suggestions
    52 love ya trevor
    53 Trev you are missed today more than yesterday
    53 Words do not express how much you are truly loved
    53 We miss you bro
    53 Friends close to you, your whole family misses and loves you dearly
    53 Bray is getting so big you can barely hold him anymore
    53 I miss working together everyday and miss you being here.
    52 One day we’ll see each other again, cannot wait for that day sometimes
    52 Love you so very much my son
    53 miss you terribly 1💜
    53 Thinking of you!
    52 Trev, I love you dearly and miss you more than words can express
    52 Ten months without being able to see you, hug you. I miss you dearly
    53 Miss n love you. You are always in my heart. Love 💕 Bammy
    53 Love you my son
    53 not a day goes by I dont think of you especially that smile💜
    39 still having trouble lighting a candle can anybody help?
    52 My son, not a day goes by that I don't ache for you. Love you and miss you dearly.
    52 Thinking of you. ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    52 got it now I'm able to light a candle love you all💜
    53 Stay STRONG Dawnie!! Love ya !!
    52 just sending love trev💜
    52 Miss you very much my son
    53 Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. Love and a hug. Bammy
    52 buddy has his senior exam for the first time this month!
    52 also got 200 dollars donated to A.F.S.P. for the oct walk
    36 oh I started to get my GED I'm really close to finish.
    53 miss you always trev💜
    54 trev, I miss you bro, I always think of you but this time of year I think of you even more,
    53 it's even harder when every property we go on I know you walked the same path.
    53 I can feel you watching over me. I love you brother.
    52 Miss you, love you, wish I could hug you.
    53 The orchid you gave me is growing so well - I know its because of you. I love you so much
    53 💜 just love to you all
    53 I believe the orchid is growing so well because of you also. Love and a hug Bammy
    53 yay i can light a candle everyday now Dawnie1💜
    53 hey Trev keep buddy and bella safe while in away this weekend. I will always love you
    44 I still cry in so sad I have checked out now. I just wait for the day I see you again.
    52 Trev, my son, we went to the arboreatum today and all I could think of was you
    52 Trev, I love and miss you more than words can convey, Love Mom
    53 dawnie cant even imagin your pain. were all here for you love you 💜
    53 Love ya TREV!
    53 miss you so much...seeing that smile of yours💜
    52 Trev, I can't even begin to express how much I love and miss you.
    52 Every day without you gets harder and harder. Love you so much son!
    52 wish i could ligjt more than one candle a day id send a trillion everyday my precious nephew😁
    53 i meant a 💜 not that smile face
    52 i meant a 💜 not a smile face
    53 Hugs Trevor!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 Missing you brother!! ❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 miss you so much trev💜
    53 My heart still aches like it was yesterday. Love you so much my son.
    54 Bray, Nickel and I miss you Trev
    54 Love you bro, miss you more than you’ll ever know
    54 the family isnt complete without you miss you desperately 💜
    53 Sorry😢 love you
    54 Your mom loves you beyond all comprehension
    54 We sure do Trev, we all love you
    54 The void will never be filled, hopefully one day I will see you again my dear friend
    54 Love you man, Turbo
    54 miss you dearly my sweet sweet nephew💜
    54 time does not heal all. forever missed💜
    53 Yes, There will always be a hole in my heart that time will never heal.
    53 You are so loved and missed by many.
    52 You are very loved and missed by so many people.
    54 sending love to you dawnie love you trev 💜
    54 Love you brother, thank you for introducing me to turbo, we love sharing
    54 memories about you. miss you more than you know
    54 You and your brother are my brothers forever, no matter what
    54 When I think about you(which is everyday), I smile first because I love you
    54 I miss you...secondly I’m sad because we cannot share this life forever
    54 You were and are one of the people who had the most impact on my life
    54 Trev, words cannot describe how much you are missed by others and myself
    54 We miss you, love you...
    54 Your brothers birthday is October 2nd
    54 I know you are what he wishes he had more than anything for that day
    54 Yes it is I, Turbo and you may call me gay or whatever but I’ll love you and your family always
    54 One day we will meet again
    54 I believe that and love you bro, thanks for our memories and everything
    54 just missing you,💜
    53 Love you very much son
    54 just miss you my sweet nephew 💜
    54 You are always on my mind. Love n miss you Bammy 💕
    55 just me still missing you my sweet nephew💜
    53 words cannot express my love for you nor my sadness at your loss
    54 Much love..❤️🕯🕯💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 miss you trev, this time of year is painful,,
    53 miss you more than you know
    54 💜 just me missing you
    53 Love you son, miss you so very much
    55 💜just me missing you will always miss you hugs Dawn
    54 💜 just me missing you,will always miss you love aunt Diane
    54 💜 just me missing you
    53 Love you my sweet son
    54 Love you my sweet grandson. 💕
    54 just me still missing you my sweet sweet nephew 💜
    53 Time goes by, but my heart has yet to heal. I love you very much son
    54 time doesn't heal all. cant even imagine your here for you anytime💜
    53 Trev, my son, life without you is incredible painful. I miss and love you more than you can imagine
    54 Dawn cant even imagine your pain. im here for you love you💜
    54 Trev I love you everyday is a struggle, Dawn I'm sorry I can't imagine your pain
    54 I pray for you Dawn everyday that your pain gets better
    52 I didn't though Trevor, I got my GED and started college today.
    54 missing you.....still....always...💜
    53 Son, not a day goes by that I don't cry. I miss you terribly
    54 Trevor, miss you so much! 😘
    54 gone but NEVER forgotten my sweet nephew 💜
    54 Morning Trevor. You are forever in my heart. Love and a hug. Bat
    54 Bammy
    54 Always on my mind 💜 with love dawn hugs sis
    54 Love ya Trevor ❤️🕯🙏🏻💙🕯🙏🏻❤️
    54 Love you brother. we miss you terrible. I'm moving
    54 out my old place and in with Verna, I wish
    54 you would have gotten to meet her. you would love her
    54 watch over us and know you are always in our hearts and minds
    54 Trev we miss you now more than you’ll ever know
    54 90 percentile in height, enough to make us both jealous
    56 So grateful he was the first baby you held, wish you could hold your niece, she’s precious
    54 Love you bro, there are no words for how much you are missed
    54 Also your parents, they remind me of my own...couldn’t ask for better people.
    54 I see where you got your love for people, loyalty, and just being a good person
    54 Love you and your family more than you’ll ever know
    54 think of you all the time. never forgotten alwaus loved 💜
    56 Trev, the benefit concert I started for Suicide foundation is premiering next month. Miss you
    53 There is a hole in my heart thinking about you love and a hug Bammy 💕
    54 You are very much missed by all who knew you.
    54 Miss you terribly Trev, love Turbo, Nicole and Brayden
    54 it doesn't get easier our family has a huge void in it without you 💜
    54 was running late today but i never forget 💜
    53 I love you. I love you. I love you.
    54 💜 love you too💜
    54 who ever that is speaking so kindly of dawn
    54 i meant family support
    54 💜 just me still missing you...always wil my sweet nephew 💜
    57 just me still missing you 💜
    53 I love you son. I will never get over losing you.
    53 You are missed more than you can imagine
    54 💜 dawn my heart breaks for you. live you sis💜
    54 still missing you..akways will my sweet nephew 💜
    54 just me still thinking about you 💜
    53 So many people looked up to you and they really miss you
    53 They have not forgotten about you because you were a great friend and a nice person
    53 It lifts my spirits some knowing that but I still miss you as much today as I did Oct 30, 2018
    53 I miss you more everyday an I pray that you are at pracr
    53 I wish you could see Ozzy. He's now 56 lbs and not afraid of anything.
    53 He's sweet and gentle with us but strangers need to watch out
    53 And i hope you can sense how many of those hugs are meant for you
    53 Ozzy is trying to console me now while I cry about losing you
    53 There are no words to explain how much I miss you and love you
    54 missing you tons.
    54 just me again...please watch over our family especially your mom 💜
    53 Love you so much son. Sending hug and kissses your way.
    54 you have no idea how much you're loved and missed,the family isnt complete without you 💜
    54 Thinking about you and sending my love Bammy 💕
    54 love💜
    54 Loving you Trev!! ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻💙🕯🕯❤️
    54 dawnie the link to the somg above is for heart aches for you
    54 love you for always 💜
    53 The pain. It never softens or subsides. It's always there staring me in the face
    54 Trev loved all the holidays and watching theChristmas lights go up makes me sad
    54 We would often drive around together looking at the lights ever since he was little
    55 I miss Trev more than words can say
    54 Trev I miss you and love you so much
    55 I'm making peanut butter Rice Krispie treats for thanksgiving for you
    54 Such a great son. I love you immensely
    54 the holidays are hard Dawn. know that i love and support you at this time as always im a phone call
    54 awayove to all💜
    54 Honey, we will have a place at the table for you on Thanksgiving. I love you, Dad
    54 Thinking about you. You will be in on prayers as always especially today love and a hug Bammy
    54 im sure the holidays are especially hard for you Dawn. in my heart and prayers 💜
    53 he keeps getting confused and seems faint.
    50 we are at the emergency vet, I'm just trying to keep it together.
    54 we love you 😘 just really need you and my heart aches for him he misses you 💔
    54 💜 think of you always💜
    54 couldnt sleep so its the next day so at 1am im sending another herat💜
    54 i meant heart andight another csndle💜
    53 Sending lots of love and hugs to you my precious son
    54 just me missing you....always will💜
    53 Glad Buddy is ok
    54 💜 missing more every day i will make sure your passing can allow me to save others💜
    53 Just sending tons of love and hugs son.
    54 just me still missing you.. will always miss you my sweet nephew 💜
    54 some days i can't look at you pix some days i cant stop.that beautiful smile forever in my 💜
    54 think of you all the time 💜
    54 love 💜
    53 My precious son, you are missed so much.
    54 💜just me missing you as always 💜
    53 sending love
    54 akways on my mind 💜
    53 💜 missed more than you will ever know 💜
    53 I love you so very much son. The pain of your loss still weighs heavily upon me.
    54 the holidays are rough my love with you all dawn💜
    54 Merry Christmas Trev
    54 This was your favorite time of year, although you were always generous all year long
    53 It's Christmas son which makes me miss you even more, if that is possible
    54 I love so much son. We all do
    54 buddy has taken to sleeping with jacket, we miss and talk to you all the time
    54 Merry Christmas
    54 Nicole, Bray and I really miss you
    53 miss you trev, I proposed to Verna, you'd love her,
    54 continue to watch over us! Merry Christmas brother
    54 Merry Christmas my sweet grandson 💕
    54 more than ever miss you terribly 🎄💜
    54 Love you so much son
    54 My sweet son. I carry you in my heart at all times
    55 so much love💜
    55 Happy New Year Trev, miss you bro
    54 So loved, so missed. My precious son
    55 love,love, lov💜
    55 still can't light a candle but know you're in my 💜
    54 My son, I wish I could hug you. I love you
    55 Thinking about you. We all are 🤍
    54 always in my 💜 you are so missed by everybody
    55 the world is an empty without you. rest peacefully my sweet nephew 💜
    55 to the world you might be one person but to one person you are the world 💜
    55 in your case you are the world to our huge entire family. love and miss you my sweet nephew 💜
    54 How true. The world cannot replace you. You hold a special place in our hearts and always will
    53 Much love
    53 Hugs, comfort, peace and love to you
    54 time doesn't make me miss and love you any less💜
    53 The only thing that offers me any comfort is the hope that you are now at peace. Much love to you
    54 loved by so many,missed by everybody,always on my mind💜
    54 Miss ya brother!! Love ya!!
    54 Always thinking about you everyday Trev
    55 Miss you more than you know bro
    54 wish it was tomorrow already so I could light another candle it's me 💜
    54 be back tomorrow 💜
    53 So loved. So missed
    54 time does not heal all so missed💜
    54 Love you, Trev ❤️
    54 so missed...our family is empty without you. hope you're resting with the Angel's like you💜
    54 Think about you every day. Love and a hug Bammy
    54 some days I cannot look at your photos.... some days I cant look at all. so missed so lived💜
    54 I meant some days I cant stop looking at the beautiful smile love you akwats💜
    56 Trev, I still find it hard to believe you are gone. I miss you so very much. Love, Mom
    52 dawn I cant imagine your you sis💜
    54 💜 just me still missing you
    53 I carry you deep inside my 💜 every moment of every day
    53 wish it was tomorrow already so I could light another candle. night sweet angel in my 💜
    53 its tomorrow now 1am to be exact candle lit...💜
    52 I still glance out the window when I hear a motorcycle. Miss you so much.
    54 Not a day goes by we don’t think about you bro
    54 You should see how big Bray is now
    55 Your niece is beautiful too, she would love you
    54 not a minute goes by that I dont think of you 💜
    58 just this today 💜
    54 👩‍👦Much love my precious son
    54 so loved by all 💜 missed by everybody..... the love never goes
    54 How I wish I could hug you one more time. Love, Mom
    54 my 💜aches for you Dawnie,love you sis
    54 Loved more than you’ll ever know!
    54 And thought of more times than you can count
    54 💜 broken without you....the entire family 💜
    53 It's Valentine's Day Trev, but I love you everyday -mom
    53 miss you💜 today and everyday
    54 My son, I miss you more than you could imagine. I love you so much, Mom
    54 oh Trev thinking about you...I do that alot 💜
    53 My beautiful son - inside and out. I miss you.
    54 💜 just me showing love
    54 Wish you could see the snow Trev
    54 Know how much you loved when it did
    54 Nickel and I think about you everyday
    53 It was the perfect snow day Trev. I know you would have been outside all day.
    53 I can "see" the smile and excitement it would have brought you.
    53 Love you so much, Mom
    54 it never gets easier,especially for you Dawn moms alway do 💜
    54 Sending all my love and a hug. Bammy Xoxo
    54 you are always on my mind 💜
    56 just this 💜
    54 My son, my son, you are so missed
    54 oh Dawn my heart aches for you💜
    55 when I stay awake til midnight the 1st thing I think of is you 💜
    54 Stay STRONG Dawnie!!! Do it for Trevor. That’s what he would want. Love ya
    54 thinking of you is a daily fact every moment you're in my 💜
    54 Hugs, kisses and tons of love, Mom
    55 just this today 💜💜💜💜💜💜
    54 so missed 💜
    54 My son, I miss you so
    54 love you brother, and miss you terribly, I think about
    54 how if I didn't get held back we wouldn't
    55 have ever met, I thank the Lord for the times we had together
    53 every day when I lite a candle I wish there wasnt a limit cuz I'd lite millions a day 💜
    54 missed more than you will ever know 💜
    54 You are missed by many, especially by me. I love you my son
    55 please watch over us during this trying are our angel 💜
    54 Thinking of you, Trevor. Love, Erica
    54 💜 hearts ache like you just dont know. miss you 💜
    54 just this 💜today
    54 Trev my sweet sweet nephew please watch over us 💜
    55 Hey Trev, you popped into my dream the other night to say hello. It was good to see you bud ❤️
    53 It’s a scary time down here Trev. I hope you are able to watch over us
    54 💜 so loved sooooo missed💜
    53 My beautiful son. You are missed
    53 Love you more than words can say, Love Mom
    54 sending hugs sis 💜 love you..miss you trev!
    54 💜 just this for today 💜
    54 💜 my sweet nephew watch over us during this difficult time you are our angel 💜
    55 Always on my mind son.
    55 despite our huge family it's not complete without you 💜
    53 Trev, we had a good storm here today but ozzy hates the thunder
    53 He runs into a corner my bathroom and shivers
    53 I have to hold him tight to calm him down
    54 I think he spent quite a few nights in storms before he got lucky running in to you
    54 I hug him tight and tell him about you and it calms him down. We both miss you so very much
    54 missing never gets easier 💜
    54 today just this 💜💜
    54 It just didn’t feel like Easter without you hiding eggs. Love you son
    55 no holiday is complete without you 💜
    55 just me still missing you..always will. 💜
    53 Sending much love to you my son
    54 my sweet nephew....our angel 💜
    55 you know who 💜
    54 I know you're watching over all of us I just know it 💜
    54 just me missing you 💜
    54 Missing you never gets any easier. I love you, Mom
    55 we ALL miss you 💜
    54 Love you, Trev. Thinking of you
    55 always on my mind 💜
    53 Trevor, my son, you are deeply missed
    54 it's a crazy world now Trev watch over all of us my angel 💜
    53 My beautiful son, lives of many are sad without you
    53 I just want to hug you and tell you how much you mean to me, my wonderful son
    54 think of you all the time 💜love you,miss you 💜
    56 Miss you bud
    54 just me still missing you....always will!💜
    55 trev my sweet sweet nephew always in my mind 💜
    55 My son, my son, I miss you so much
    54 you're always on my mind miss you terribly my sweet sweet nephew 💜
    56 just this for today 💜
    55 our family is just not complete without you 💜
    55 it's a new world here trev. please keep our family safe our angel 💜
    55 I wake up every day still hoping it was just a bad dream
    55 my 💜 is 💔and miss you all the time my sweet nephew
    53 Everyday wish you were here but I know your lookin down, looking after us. I know your doing ok
    54 today just this 💜
    54 Love you bud ❤️
    54 Think of you every day. You are missed. All my love Bammy💕
    54 its a weird new normal its not pretty watch over us 💜
    53 Miss you terribly
    54 Love you Trev ❤️
    54 My sweet son, how I wish I could see your smile again. You are missed so much
    53 Always remembered. Always in our hearts
    55 my sweet nephew you have no idea how much you're missed but countless number of people 💜💔
    54 💜💔
    53 you have no idea of how many people live and miss you we ar 💔💜
    54 update: Buddy and Bella are healthy and happy
    54 buddy still. Lu's with your jacket every now and then
    53 we all miss you more than you know
    54 buddy has been to 18 national parks turns out he loves hiking.
    54 I finally did it Trevor we tried to get clean, I did it! I miss you
    54 Bella is terrified of water I found out but loves the parks and hiking too
    54 my sweet,sweet nephew my 💜is 💔
    54 Every time I hear the song by CCR, Long as I see the light I think of you bro
    53 Miss you everyday more than you know
    54 the pain and loss it 💔doesn't go away with time 💜
    54 just me still missing you 💔I will always miss you💜
    54 loved more than you know, missed more than imagined 💜
    53 Love you, Trev❤️
    55 my angle watch over all of us from above it's a crazy world right now love you eternally 💜
    55 Always missed. Always remembered.
    55 Missing you immensely
    55 Dawn fir some reason it wont give me the option to light a candle the last 2 days. any ideas why?💜
    55 Wish I could see another one of your firework displays. You so enjoyed putting on a show for us
    55 am unable to light a candle💔 but know I think of you daily 💜
    55 Miss you, Trevor ❤️
    55 Dawnie it was my wifi connections. yay I can light candles now 💜
    55 so happy I can light a candle again 💜
    55 yay another candle lit for you by sweet nephew 💜
    55 just this today💜
    55 you cannot imagine how much you are missed my sweet nephew 💜
    55 😘❤️🧡🧡💛💙💜🤍🤍💔
    55 I miss you terribly my son. It’s still extremely painful to accept life
    55 I miss you terribly my son. It’s still extremely to accept life without you, but I
    55 but I hope you are at peace. I love you so very much
    55 misses more than you will ever know 💜
    55 theres a void in our family without you. loves more then you'll ever know 💜😥
    54 I think of you everyday my sweet nephew 💜
    54 always in my 💜 but for you my heart 💔
    54 Thinking of you bud
    54 My child, you are so loved and so missed
    54 Here for you sis 💜
    54 I meant this 💜 not a smiley face typo
    60 ❤️❤️❤️
    54 You are remembered always
    54 a day does not go by that I dont think of you...always and forever 💜
    54 the world is a SCAREY place now. please watch over all the family our angel💜
    54 just me still missing you 💜💔
    55 My son, today you would have become 27 years old. I miss you so very much
    54 Happy birthday Trev 🎈
    54 H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y T R E V O R ! !
    54 Happy birthday sweetie, we love you!
    54 Happy birthday my precious nephew. I know the Angel's are celebrating your birthday with you.
    54 happy birthday in heaven 💜
    55 happy birthday man
    55 Happy bday Trev
    55 Love and miss you brother, happy birthday!
    58 always on my mind 💜
    55 Happy Birthday Trevor ❤️
    55 Love you brother, think about you all the time
    54 just me still missing you like you cannot imagine 💜
    54 Miss you trev
    56 Crazy to hear your voice again, we miss you so much!
    54 so much love 💜
    54 just this 💜💔today
    55 Wishing things were different, wishing you were here. You are loved
    55 think of you every single day with so much love 💔💜
    54 just 💔💜today
    54 Happy Birthday to your sweet Mom Trev.
    55 my sweet nephew words cannot convey how much you're missed forever missed 💜💔
    55 You are very loved and remembered everyday
    55 💔💜
    55 just 💜 today
    55 my 💔💜
    55 always on my mind 💜🙏
    55 Miss you Trev..
    56 You are the angel watching over us
    57 So loved, so missed
    58 my angel 💔💜
    56 you're the first thing I think of each morning 💔💜🙏
    56 My heart is forever broken
    57 just me still missing you 💔💜
    57 In my 💜forever
    57 time does not heal all 💜
    60 My son, you are never far from my thoughts and heart. I love you very much
    58 my 💜 is forever 💔 missing you
    58 Miss you Trevor..
    58 I met Ozzie and I held her close thinking of you my sweet nephew 🙏💜
    60 Two years too long without you. I miss you so much my son
    59 time does not heal all loved by many missed by even more 💜
    60 Miss you more than you know Trev
    59 Not a day goes by that you’re not thought about or memories are brought up throughout everyday
    60 you're the first thing I think of every morning 💜🙏
    61 My beautiful son. I miss you so much
    60 I miss you bud
    57 watch over us it's a crazy world you are my angel and 💜
    57 happy
    57 Thanksgiving in heaven my sweet nephew 💜
    56 Trevor, melting down. Please come home
    57 Trev my 💜 is 💔without you
    57 as large a family we are there's a void without you 💜
    58 you're the first thing I think of every morning 💜💕
    57 💜💕
    59 We miss you Trev, love you everyday bro
    58 just 💜today
    59 Merry Christmas Trev, miss you more than you know
    58 you're my Christmas angel 💜
    56 Sleep in evenly piece
    57 merry Christmas in heaven my sweet nephew I know you're singing with the Angel's 💜
    57 💕💜
    57 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😢😢😢😢😢😢
    57 just 💜today
    58 happy new year in heaven my sweet nephew 💜
    58 Thinking about you always.
    57 Sending lots of love
    58 The pain of losing you will never go away
    57 missed more than you could imagine 💜
    57 just 💔today💜
    58 we got a ton of snow,reminds me if that time you were here and loved it 💜
    59 you're the first thing I think of every morning, so much love 💜🙏
    57 Yes, he loved the snow. ❤️
    57 some days I can barely look at you pictures, some days I can't stop,that smile my sweet nephew 💜
    58 Thinking of you, Trev
    58 I would light up the whole world with candles for you if I could 💜
    59 on this valentine's day which is all about love I think of how much I love you 💜 and forever missed
    60 Love you bud
    60 Miss you more than words can say. 😘❤️
    61 you're the first thing I think of every morning 💜
    61 And the last thing I think of at night and countless times in between
    61 You consume our thoughts and hearts everyday Trev
    62 We think about you, talk about you and miss you more than you know
    61 Thank you for letting us be your friend and being an even better one in return
    61 Miss you terribly son
    61 Now we have even more reason to say your name daily ❤️
    61 today I have no words just 💔💜
    62 My heart is broken beyond repair
    64 there are no words 💔💜
    63 Sending love
    64 I hope you’re hunting for eggs today
    65 Happy Easter Trev, we miss you
    64 missed more than will ever know💜
    64 my sweet nephew I am 💔 and miss you more than words can Express 💜
    65 Loved and missed..
    65 I miss that sweet smile of yours so precious my darling nephew so much love 💜
    64 I start my every day having coffee with you,miss you like crazy 💜
    65 just 💜
    66 That beautiful smile. I miss it so
    65 yes the sweetest smile ever 💜💔
    67 You are Always in my heart
    67 forever loved and missed,never forgotten 💜
    67 just 💜 today I have no words
    70 Little Trev is so sweet and perfect. You would love him ❤️
    69 My precious son, you are missed more than words can express. I love you very much
    68 Thinking of you. I love you dearly. You are missed. Love and a hug Banmy
    68 there's a huge void in our family 💔without you my sweet nephew 💜
    71 you're the first thing I think of every morning miss you so very much 💜
    70 just miss you so much my sweet, sweet nephew 💜
    71 the 💜 will always remain the 💔 will never go away
    70 Thinking of you today buddy!
    71 you're the first thing I think of every morning with my coffee mu sweet nephew 💜
    71 so much love for you 💜
    71 my sweet nephew, missed more than you can ever imagine 💜
    72 Happy Birthday Trev, we miss you more than you know
    72 happy heavenly birthday I know the angels are singing to you love you 🎂💜
    74 Happy birthday dear grandson. You are loved n missed greatly 💗
    75 Happy Birthday Trevor, missing you everyday ! Love you Nephew
    77 you're the first thing I think every morning over my coffee 💜😓
    76 love you and miss you brother, wish you were here to see how big the boys are getting
    77 i know your watching over us! the boys know uncle trev they love sending you ballons
    76 my 💜 is 💔 with you not here my sweet nephew
    77 you are my angel 💜
    76 Love you bud 💛
    78 will never stop miss you my sweet nephew 💜
    77 all my love 💜
    79 just 💜 today🙏
    80 We miss and love you Uncle Trev
    84 ❤️
    85 Miss you. Thinking of you. You are loved by so many !
    84 three years today only makes me miss you more 💔💜
    86 my 💜💔
    85 Loved and missed everyday
    87 you're the first one I think of every morning over coffee forever missed💔💜
    87 my Trevor my 💜💔
    89 not a day goes by that I don't think about you forever in my 💜
    92 happy heavenly Thanksgiving, I know you're celebrating with the Angel's like you are 💜
    91 I love you Trev
    94 my sweet nephew, always in my 💜
    94 💛
    97 it snowed here this morning I recall how much you loved it that time you were here 💜
    96 happy heavenly Christmas my sweet nephew so loved, so missed 🌲💜
    100 happy heavenly new year another year without you doesnt get any easier my sweet nephew 🙏💜
    99 Love you Trev ❄️
    102 miss you trev, me and richie tell the kids all about you, you will never be forgetten
    102 Trev, I miss you more than words can ever say
    104 my sweet nephew always loved never forgotten 💜
    107 wish I could light a million candles each day 💜
    107 I love you and thank you for all the Father’s Day steaks
    109 my angel missed more than you'll ever know 💜
    112 My beautiful son, i still miss you very badly my beautiful childs. TBH i miss you more than ever.
    110 Miss you trev.
    110 it's a scarey world please watch over us especially Bammy my angel 💜my sweet nephew
    114 my 💜 still 💔 without you my sweet nephew
    117 💚💛💙
    119 Thought I saw you yesterday 🤍
    119 never stop missing you my sweet 3💜
    126 You are loved
    126 my 💜 is still 💔 without you
    123 Happy Birthday Trev, we miss you each and everyday
    125 happy heavenly birthday my dear nephew🎂💜
    116 😘❤️❤️ 💙💙🤎🤎🤍🤍💛💛💚
    117 ❤️ always
    116 always on my mind and in my 💜
    117 💛 everyday
    119 4 years today...4 years too long without you 💜
    124 Merry Christmas Trev, wishing you were here with us..
    119 Still broken-hearted. Still missing you terribly. I love you
    121 think of you often miss you always 💜
    108 I know you’re watching over us bro, thank you for taking good care of us
    106 always in my💜
    104 miss you forever, love you for always💜
    91 miss you everyday in every way💜
    88 this is the 2nd thing I do. each day,the 1st is wake up💜
    73 always on my mind the 💜
    68 just 💜 today💔
    69 think of you everyday 💜
    68 you are always in my 💜
    66 miss you every day in every way 💜
    60 🕯️💕
    59 30 years old today. I miss you more than ever
    60 happy heavenly birthday, always on my mind and on my 💜
    54 miss you like crazy,love you always 💜
    43 I miss you so very much.
    25 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
    15 Loved & remembered ❤️
    2 💛🐾

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