Tajheondre M. Price, age 27

Lost to gun violence on October 23, 2018 in Portland, Oregon.

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  • Nickname:
    52 Sonshyne
    51 Tykoon Feddi
    49 Da Hajh Gawd
    47 Skrooge McBuck
  • Number of children:
    48 Harlem Jailyn Messiah
  • Personality:
    47 A family man that loved everyone. Funny, always smiling and cracking jokes.
    46 Always protective of his mother and siblings
    45 his friends wee very important to then. he loved his grandparents cousins and nephews and niece
    46 he loves his kids
    46 He's so outgoing and funny. One of the best fathers I know, hands down!
    45 Just an all around family man. His boys were his world๐Ÿ’œ
    45 the best father figure i could ask for and the most loving big brother anyone could ask for!
    46 He "is" a proud and loving father, son and brother. A respectful young man.
    47 I miss yiu Baby. Mama gone make tgem pay.
    45 strong, beautiful, hansome
    45 Son, Brother, Nephew, Uncle, Cousin, Grsndson
    45 Friend
    46 A KIND SOUL
    46 A proud Son and Brother, A genuine person
    45 Funny and a Guy who isn't scared to have fun!
    45 a wonderful and protective grandson
    25 Fun loving, lighthearted, kind
    26 Protective , Loving , Loyal
    4 Miss you most Son ๐Ÿ˜˜
    2 light of his neices lifes
  • Occupation:
    44 construction worker
    42 Parent
    23 Friend
  • Workplace:
    45 Burns, Oregon
  • Schools attended:
    45 Parkrose High School
  • Comments:
    44 Sweet,loving,kind family man who put his famiky above all else.
    45 A Great guy he is missed every day
    45 Forever In My Heart
    43 A perfect father, role model, and friend. Jailyns bestfriend and world.
    43 l ove you always
    43 life is not the same, with you not here, why, though, why?????
    43 Taj, may he rest in paradise. Gone too soon.
    44 Such a innocent man in all of this. Tajh you're missed every minute! โค๏ธ
    45 I'm heartbroken. My son should be celebrating with us, not being mourned.
    43 I'm tormented by what I imagine his final moments/thoughts to be.
    43 Ya mama miss you. Life will never be the same without you.
    43 Thinkn of all the ways your death coulda been avoided as if it nakes a difference...๐Ÿ˜ญ
    43 i miss you so much but hopefully we will meet again
    43 you are missed so much.
    43 Love you Sonshyne. Hard living without you.
    44 love you buddy ๐Ÿ’›
    43 We hurt so bad Son, miss you so so much.
    43 Your son cried when hearing your voice today, said he shoulda been with you.
    43 we LOVE and MISS YOU, TAJH
    43 Mama miss you Baby! ๐Ÿ’‹
    43 we miss you baby! We r going to rally for your justice. wish I could talk to you I miss your hugs.
    44 Cant keep you off my mind! 1000000000
    43 i miss U walking down the road with ur loud Musiq
    43 I miss you just popping up on us
    43 I miss seeing Ur face
    43 I miss our convo's
    43 on the way to drop U at ur ma's house
    42 I miss being able to let U Know I Love You
    42 aunty Kellz LOVES U
    42 No holiday will ever be the same. Miss you Sonshyne ๐Ÿ˜˜
    42 i miss u and thats the bottom line...
    42 miss you nephew, we need you
    42 Love you forever and always
    43 I want my grandson back. I miss him so.
    42 we miss you so much! i love you
    43 I wish I were with you Sonshyne.
    42 'My Boys To Men' 4ever... miss you
    42 Love U Sonshyne...Non-stop. ๐Ÿ’‹
    43 i miss you bro this shit so unfair
    42 wont stop fighting for justice to be served <3
    43 Mama gone make sure they pay...
    43 Justice will be served
    42 We will put those opps to sleep for you.
    42 the regret i feel for not being consistant in your life. I love you.
    43 LOYAL, Goofy, Best dad, Loving son.
    42 i miss tagging you in funny memes and videos i miss your laugh i miss everything about my cuddy
    42 Missing you like crazy
    42 just want to talk to you
    43 I just want to vent and hug and cry on ur sholder
    42 I Love You Honey! I'm sorry that happened to You! I miss You and Love You!
    44 I continue to pray for Your Family and all of those who Loves You!
    44 Speak to me Son...love you.
    42 I'm so sorry I didnt say that I love you more. RIP sweetheart
    42 sorry for your loss
    42 Please take care of Monroe. โค๏ธ
    43 Love
    43 We're making progress Babe. Love you!
    42 MiSsInG YOU <3
    43 I miss you ๐Ÿ–ค
    43 Mama got your babies together in the bed, wish you could have this moment. ๐Ÿ’”
    42 We sure do miss you kid.
    42 damn why did you have to go? we love you Tajh
    42 I miss Ya Tajh!
    43 I miss you๐Ÿ’˜
    42 Happy valentines day ๐Ÿ˜˜
    42 Great Grandma will be joining you soon, love you StarBoy.
    43 I miss you every single day.
    42 Living w/o you was never part of life's plan. We miss you endlessly Son, love you eternally.
    42 Love you my Sonshyne Starboy.
    42 <3 you
    42 love and miss you so much cousin and im sorry we beefed over dumb ish lifes to short..
    42 we love and miss you
    42 God Tajh I love and miss you so much.
    42 I love and miss you more than words can express.
    44 man this shits still crazy to me..I love and miss you Tajh
    42 I'd give/do ANYTHING to hace you back. ๐Ÿ’”
    42 โœŠ๐Ÿพ
    42 I love you Tajh and always will๐Ÿฅบ
    42 Mama love you Sonshyne.You gone be with me forever.
    42 miss you so much. great grandma is with you now. give her a hug for me
    44 its not the same without you i truly despise whoever did this to you and hope they suffer
    42 I miss you, plain and simple.
    42 <3 U
    42 i think of you every day...still cant believe you are gone. i love you
    42 love you
    43 cuddy we not gon stop til justice is served โค๏ธ
    42 miss you
    42 I'ma make sure they pay Baby...
    42 just can't believe your gone
    42 i love and miss you bro
    42 This will NEVER be OK!! ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ˜”
    42 we need justice.
    42 Its nice weather, lets BBQ tonight! <3 U
    42 bbq brats and burgers
    42 <3 U Tajh
    42 we miss you big guy, you left us behind things I will be grateful for forever.
    42 every time someone play 2k i think about you
    43 our birthdays were a week apart...today wont be the same without you bro i love and miss you๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜˜
    43 always
    42 slurpee and crown apple 4 your birthday this year.. I miss you friend
    42 we goin up for ya bday
    42 happy bday cousin neffers love u
    42 happy birthday ๐ŸŽ‚
    42 happy birthday bro this shit so fucked up i miss you
    42 happy birthday messiah and i love and miss you so much
    42 happy mother's day you was one of the best... forever missing you we love you bro happy mother's day
    44 So sick inside. I really need you Son.
    42 Love you Tajh. Visit ya mama soon. ๐Ÿ’‹
    42 Your son's hurt. They both struggle with coping
    42 The pain of losing you rips me apart. There is no remedy.
    42 missing you bro frfr i wish things were different๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    42 Havin a drink for you
    42 Happy Fathers day!! I lobe you daddy, Messiah
    42 happy father's day...we love and miss you
    42 Happy Fatherโ€™s Day
    42 ๐Ÿ’‹
    41 i miss your goofy self lol was never a dull moment...think about you daily
    41 We watched you rise and shine thruout the heavens. I heard you calling out to us. Love you Sonshyne.
    41 I love you Tajh. Miss you sooo much!
    41 I miss you every single day!
    43 Mama had a rough day missing you, live you Son.
    41 Loving you always
    41 sorry your life was taken...so young๐Ÿฅบ
    41 miss you everyday..love you so much
    41 Nothing i wouldn't give to see that beautiful smile
    42 Mama loves you Ta Jheondre' Mykell๐Ÿ’‹
    42 I still keep waiting for you to come through the door...godv...I love you
    42 We miss you so gd bad Son! Justice is coming.
    42 we love u Taji
    40 I miss and love you so much, <3
    38 a huge piece of my heart went with you. gramps and I miss you so much
    38 i miss and love u so much cousin it dont make no sense
    35 miss you everyday๐Ÿ’ฏwe love you
    36 Love you Son.
    28 Can't believe a year has passed and your killers run free.
    28 I promise you we will see them pay.
    21 Losing you has been most painful. Miss you terribly Sonshyne. Love you F
    14 We love you dearly
    10 I miss you every single day. I still cant believe this.
    12 Messiah
    10 My heart breaks daily Son, we needed you in our lives.
    10 miss you so much smh i find myself talking to your picture
    10 look up see that cheesy grin and tell you to shut up cause i know you laughing at me
    11 love you bro
    10 Happy 29th birthday dad love messiah
    7 Really REALLY miss you Baby! Bought you a Nut Crusher yesterday.๐Ÿ’‹
    8 They're close to finding WHO did this to you! We're gonna GET 'EM! I Love you baby.
    8 Always think'n boutcha, nun can ease the pain of lose'n ya. Luv U Sonshyne.
    5 Nephew, missing you sooo much, LOVE U 4EVER
    5 The disrespect won't go unpunished. OM
    7 Not one day goes by that I dont forget to tell you how much I love and miss you. Im so sorry baby.
    4 love u nephew, miss u soooo, I'll be there one day, till then! ๐Ÿ’œ
    4 I miss you EVERY single day sweetheart.
    4 You getting old Sonshyne... ๐Ÿ’‹
    5 Happy Birthday Nephew, Miss and Love you way more than you probably knew! XO
    3 Love you TahjEondre. forever and ever
    4 Time goes on, life isn't the same w/o you.
    2 Loving you Sonshyne. Wishing you were here with us.
    1 Happy Belated 31st Birthday SonShyne, love/miss you always!
    1 i miss you uncle
    2 Hard to believe it's been 5 years since losing you. Miss you so much. ๐Ÿ’”
    1 Rest Sonshyne ๐Ÿ˜˜
    1 I love and miss your goofy self โ€ฆso much bro
    1 This will never make sense I hope you know how loved & truly missing you are
    1 We miss u every day & wish u were here with us โฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹

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