Tyler Howell, age 21

Lost to gun violence on October 21, 2018 in Milton, Florida.

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228 candles have been lit for Tyler.
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You can add to Tyler's profile:

  • Nickname:
    1 tyytyy
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    14 always happy.
    7 funny
    4 always had a contagious smile
    3 when someone was up set he would make sure before they leave that person they have a smile
  • Occupation:
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    6 kings middle
    5 milton high
  • Comments:
    3 cool kidd rest easy my friend
    3 he was was so awesome with my 4 year old he was definitely like family
    4 he and my son have been best friends since they were young will greatly be missed
    1 he was my cousin, him my sister and i were close. ill cherish memories forever love u tyy. -selena
    2 I hate this happen to you kiddo.Fly higher than eagles.justice will be served for you.
    2 i love you,ty
    1 R.I.P Cuzzo
    2 rip ty you didnt deserve this
    1 we love you Tyler,
    3 he was a great and funny kid every since he was a baby.. I most him so much I love you son
    2 you were funny af in middle school
    1 he was the bro back in th day. to Hell with the men who did this..
    2 He was a good dude. No one deserves this.
    3 Love you tyy❤️ you’re irreplaceable
    1 man i cant believe you are gone its crazy man we miss you dawg see you soon 😞
    1 we had a blast
    2 good bye slick
    1 you meant a lot to my son, Marshall and rhat means a lot to me. Bless you in your travels kid.
    1 i miss ty so much i remeber when we were hanging out at davids house love you ty
    1 miss you cuz
    1 i lovd you tyy
    1 miss you like crazy

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