Charles "Boom Boom" Jackson, age 37

Lost to gun violence on October 21, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois.

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1354 candles have been lit for Charles.
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You can add to Charles's profile:

  • Nickname:
    30 Boom Boom
    7 Gambino
  • Number of children:
  • Personality:
    23 Funny,Family orient he loved his kids
    23 loved his kids and was laid back and kept it 100
    25 He Really Loved My Tete
    22 1 of the realest person you could ever meet💯💯he never switched up on you💯
    11 Goofy, always laughing everyday all day😂❤️
  • Occupation:
    15 Loving father ♥️
    4 loving father loving son and loving brother
  • Workplace:
  • Schools attended:
    9 Orr high school
    9 Laura Ward Elementary
  • Comments:
    10 Loved his Family.
    15 This is a big loss we’re hurting from this an I don’t think we’ll ever be the same
    13 It’s not a day that goes bye that we don’t miss you💔
    12 Fly High BoomBoom🕊🕊🕊
    7 His kids miss him so much . 🙏🏽
    6 I love you daddy and I miss you sooo much 😔♥️🕊-Love mama♥️
    9 Life ain’t the same without😢💔
    10 This seems so unreal seeing your face on here😥😥🙏🏾🙏🏾
    8 Yo family miss you so much😢
    8 I will always Love you😥
    8 Mann this crazy!! I hate this so much😪
    8 You leaving changed our life’s forever💔💔
    6 Mann the hood ain’t the same without you my n****💯
    8 1 kool ass brother I hate this happen to you Big Homie
    6 Boi you messed up with this 1 kid🤕no bullshit🤧
    8 I light a🕯everyday for you😢🤞🏾
    6 We miss you sooo much😥
    5 Yo kids miss you so much💔💔
    6 I miss you my forever❤️❤️❤️❤️
    6 We Love you so much this hurt the heart😢man💔
    5 My Homie you 1 kool dude bro I hate this happen to you No Bullshit bro yo kids needed you💯💯
    5 It was only few real n****’s left out here an you was 1 rest easy my n**** 400🌟Legend🕊🕊
    5 Yo name gone forever carry weight BOOMBOOM🎲GAMBINO😇
    5 My boi BoomBoom I❤️❤️you kid
    5 Whole year😥an a lifetime to go💔We miss you so much man this shit hurt tha💔💔 kid No Bullshit
    5 I miss you so much💔it just don’t seem real at all man😢
    2 son your mom miss you so much my heart is so broken now you are in gods hands but you still in my ❤
    7 If love could have saved you, you would still be here💔😢😢we miss you so much‼️
    6 I love you so much daddy 😩
    5 My boi‼️My boi‼️this shit hurt so bad we miss you so much💔
    5 Today yo Birthday an your not here to celebrate😔it hurts💔Happy Heavenly Birthday My😇
    5 Shit ain’t the same without you my n****😪🤧
    5 Legends live forever my boi🕊🕊Tha streets will never forget you 400👑🗣BOOMBOOM GAMBINO 🤝
    5 My heart is forever broken💔💔💔💔
    5 Yo kids miss you so much😥They needed you here with them💔We miss you😥my Love💔
    4 It’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you😔my forever love💔
    3 They say the good die young thats the truth
    4 This pain just don’t get easy I miss you my forever Love💔
    4 I light a🕯for you everyday my❤️boy they will never forget you💯
    3 Me and your kids miss you 😢 love your kids mother nisha .
    3 We miss so much your name gone forever live on🕊As Long as I Live❤️
    4 Things ain’t the same without you big homie the streets miss you💯
    4 You broke my💔an took my soul with you we need you here😢
    4 The street miss you Big Homie💯Shit ain’t the same 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣⭐️
    4 Rest Easy Big Dog🕊400👑🤧
    4 I Love an Miss💔You So Much‼️
    4 This so unfair😢yo kids needed you more than anything in this world😢
    5 I Love you❤️Beyond Life My😇
    4 Man looking on here and seeing yo face seems so unreal😔
    4 Things just ain’t same since you been gone my boy I miss you so much😔🖤
    4 All we have is your memories😔they will live on threw your kids they miss you I miss you
    4 Everyday My Boy I Light🕯For You💞I Love You🤝
    4 Mann Bro Seeing you on here seems so unreal😢400👑
    4 Fly High My Boi🥺They Will Never Forget About 👑 BOOMBOOM🕊400
    4 Man my n**** you hurt the heart with this☝🏾No Bullshit Kid😓
    3 🕯🕯My Boi💔🕊🕊you broke me😢😢
    4 This hurt the💔seeing you on here my Boi😔the kids miss you so much😢
    4 🥀Yo Kidds Miss You So Much😢😢😥
    2 Happy 40th Birthday My😇I wish you was here😢
    3 We miss you so much😪Damm💔
    2 Smh you hurt our hearts with shit man😥🤧I Love you
    3 I miss you so much😢sorry I wasn’t there to save you😔
    3 I Love you BoomBoom🤞🏾💔
    3 Legends Live For Ever👑LLBOOMBOOMGAMBINO
    4 BoomBoom we miss you so much you ain’t suppose to be on there💔🥺
    2 Man Charles you fcked me up Fr😥behind this 1 life will never be the same with you not here🥵😪
    2 It’s not a hour in the day that you don’t cross my mind my Love‼️
    3 Dam Boom this shit crazy😥seeing you on here
    3 Long Live Gambino 😇🎲
    2 I miss you my forever love🤞🏾we do you Scarred me for life😪
    2 yo family down here missing you like crazy watch over us🙏🏾
    2 The streets miss you big dog🤝👑400 Forever
    2 Happy Father’s Day‼️Yo Kids Love an Miss you My Love❤️🥺
    2 When they took you from us😢apart of your family went with you🥺we miss you so dam much 💔
    2 😪Dam Man💔tonight 1 of them night😥🤧
    3 🥺I wish I was saying free you instead of seeing you on here😔
    3 This still unbelievable seeing you here bro😢
    2 You a good dude💯you left here way too soon‼️🙏🏾🙏🏾for your kids🙏🏾
    3 🤧just like that😪
    3 My heart will never heal from😢🤞🏾I miss you everyday💔forever broken
    3 37yrs wasn’t long enough for us🥺you was finished raising your kids they needed you the most😢
    3 🗣BoomBoom WTF Man😭😭😭3 years🔹🔺🔻
    3 Dam man you not supposed to be on here☪️
    3 My 💔My Forever Love I Miss You So Much🥺
    3 We miss you so much not a day or second goes by that I don’t think about you😔
    3 Man big dog every time I come on here I can’t believe it C🤬
    3 This literary broke me BoomBoom I never imagine this happening to my family smh🥺it’s not fair
    3 I Miss You So Much😓Your Kids Miss You So Much😢
    3 It’s Forever Gambino Keep Restin Big Dawg💯😇💪🏽
    4 The hood ain't the same without big dog💯
    4 My heart hurt so bad😔from missing you😥I wish we had more time🤞🏾your kids needed you here😥
    3 I Love an miss you so
    4 Big Dog you being missed down here bro shit ain’t the same my boy💯
    4 BoomBoom We Miss You So Much🥹You Broke Me With This 1😰
    4 Legend Live Forever You Took The Whole Hood With You❌🧢 BRO
    3 Bro you suppose to still be here😤 you 1 of the realist players to do it Big Dog
    5 I miss you sooo much Boomboom my heart was not ready for this😥
    4 Damm I miss you so so so much we need more time 4 years an life time to go😢😢💔
    5 Man the hood & streets miss you big dog🤧
    4 I miss you so bad🥹BoomBoom💔Life ain’t the same😩without you😔
    4 I pray heaven being good to you & my brother told you how much we miss you down here😰
    3 we hurting down here without🥹life ain't the
    3 Charles i miss you more than you can imagine😥
    3 This Forever shit my boy🤞🏾you it does🤧
    2 The streets miss you big‼️400👑
    2 You ain’t never suppose to be on here my boy🥹

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